Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(32)

Me: I really wish someone would step up and say something about her. This is getting ridiculous.

Easton: If you do, then you’ll be seen as the bad guy.

"Honey, no phone. It's family time," Mom says softly.

"Yes, because I'm missing the riveting silent conversation that's going on here." I roll my eyes. "I'm taking Molly for a walk."

I don't give anyone the chance to say anything before I'm up and out of the door.

Me: I just had to use the excuse of taking Molly for a walk to get out of there. Maybe, we don't say anything.

Easton: I think it's time we talked about this. If anyone should be nervous, it’s me.

Me: Fine, but if Mom doesn't serve dinner soon, I'm going to say something and bow out, before they even serve the food.

Easton: I’ll be waiting with dinner if that happens.

Me: I'm going to hold you to that.

As I head back towards the house, my dad is sitting on the front porch, waiting for me.

"Come join me, sweet pea." He says, patting the bench next to him.

I sit down and wait for whatever it is he has to say.

"What’s going on?"

"Molly was trying to warn me about that kitchen boy for weeks, and I ignored her. After I was attacked, I promised I wouldn't ignore her again. She doesn't like Barbie, and if she doesn't, then it's for good reason. I'm family, and I'm treated like the unwelcome guest in there, because of her." I say, as my eyes water.

Dad wraps his arm around my shoulders. "I’ll talk to your mother. I'm sorry you feel like that. Is that why you’ve been coming to dinner on different days?"

I just nod my head.

"Then, why are you here today?"

"Easton wants me to tell Leeland he's at Oakside. He wants him to visit, so they can talk."

"About you.”

"That's the plan."

"Okay, well let's get in there and get this over with," Dad says, and I follow him inside.

"There you are. Where did you go, Dad?" Leeland asks.

"I went to check on your sister to make sure she was okay. Something you should be more concerned with." My dad says coldly, and Leeland's eyes jump to me. I turn and leave the room and head into the kitchen.

I find Barbie helping mom.

"What can I do to help?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing we got this. Go sit down," Mom says and waves me off.

I stand there a minute in shock. I always help Mom with dinner, and now, I've been replaced.

Sitting down in the living room, I cross my arms over my chest and stare out of the window. Molly climbs up in my lap and rests her head on the armrest of the chair. I have to be overreacting, right? I haven't been replaced, and they just developed their own routines without me here each week, by my own choice.

It doesn't help, and I still feel replaced. But my dad standing up for me gives me hope. I haven't heard that cold tone from him, since I lived here.

A touch on my arm makes me jump.

"You okay?" Dad asks.

I realize I've been staring out of the window and zoned everything else out. I guess I get how Easton does it now.

"Yeah, just thinking.”

"Dinner is ready," Dad says softly. We head to the table and take our seats.

Barbie and Leeland start talking and I zone out again and slip Molly some food. About halfway through my food, my dad nudges my foot under the table. I look up and he smiles.

"What's new at Oakside?" My dad asks.

I know he's giving me an opening. I give him a small smile of thanks and turn towards Leeland.

"Actually, you’ll never guess who I ran into at Oakside.”

Leeland doesn't even look at me, but my mom keeps the conversation going.

"Who?" Mom asks.

"Easton," I say, and Leeland drops his fork.

"Why is he there?" Leeland asks finally looking at me.

"He's a patient.”

"What happened? Is he okay? How long has he been there? I can go see him. What can I do to help him?" He rapid fires questions at me.

"Calm down. He's doing much better. Though, he's been there awhile, he asked me not to say anything, until he was ready. He'd like to see you. I can't tell you much other than physically he's okay. His story is for him to tell you. He actually has Allie. He just took her full-time, and they’re getting along great together."

"I can get down there tomorrow," Leeland says.

"Oh, I'm excited to meet him. I've been wanting to check out this Oakside and find a way to help out," Barbie says.

More like find a way to attach yourself to a free military ride. I think, and then mentally curse myself. I need to stop putting her down so much.

"Actually, that's not a good idea. Easton doesn't do well with strangers. He only started letting a few people in his space. It should be you and only you, Leeland."

"But we are a team." Barbie whines.

"But Easton doesn't know you. He doesn't want to talk to you." I snap.

"I think this is something Lee needs to do on his own." My dad says in a stern tone.

I give him a small thank you smile.

Kaci Rose's Books