Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(33)

"I think this first time I should go and talk to him alone. We have stuff to work out," Leeland says.

"I’ll let him know you’ll be there tomorrow. Surprises aren't a good thing. You’ll see what I mean."

"How long have you known he's been there?"

"A little while. He wanted to get better before he reached out. Let him explain, before you judge him on it, okay?" I plead.


I continue eating and tune out Barbie's harsh whispers of why she can’t go, and he knows Easton, and why he shouldn't listen to me.

"Enough." My brother says so loudly the room goes silent. "I'm going alone, and that’s final. Depending on how the meeting goes, I’ll decide if and when I introduce you. I trust Paisley's decisions. She works with these guys, so let’s drop the subject." Leeland’s voice is commanding and reminds me of Dad's ‘do as I say or else’ voice.

At first, I'm almost in shock. This is a side of my brother I haven't seen, since I was in school, and he was defending me from some creep, trying to ask me out.

I bite back a smile and look over at my dad, who gives me a wink and tries to hold back a smile as well. Mom's face is blank, but I swear there’s a twinkle in her eye.

The rest of dinner is pretty tense between Barbie and my brother. My parents and I try to act like nothing is wrong, and that it didn't happen, but the tension settles over us. As soon as dinner is over, I use Molly as an excuse and bail.

On my way home, I call Easton.

"Hey, how did it go?"

"Well, after I texted you, we sat down to eat, and telling Lee about you went okay. He's going to come to visit tomorrow by the way. But then, the bimbo girlfriend tried to push her way into the visit. I put my foot down, and she threw a first-rate temper tantrum that led to my brother snapping at her, and the second half of dinner was very tense. I just left. I'm going to be at Lexi's tomorrow if you need me. I don't want to be in the way, but if the girlfriend shows up or anything goes wrong, I’ll only be a minute away."

"I'd have you here with me if I could, but this is something we need to do ourselves."

"I know. Will you call me and let me know how it goes?"

"Of course. In fact, you can come over, and we can watch some TV after. Let Allie and Molly play some."

"I'd like that."

We talk a bit more on the way home, but I can't shake the feeling that tomorrow isn't going to go as well as we all hope it will.

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


I’m honestly nervous about this meeting with Leeland, and I have no idea how it will go. I spoke with Noah about it this morning, and he said Lexi was out working on the vegetable garden and suggested I go help her, instead of sitting here thinking about it.

So, that's how I found myself, kneeling in the dirt, planting some tomato plants with Allie by my side, watching my back. I like working with Lexi. She doesn't talk much, and just lets me zone out and work, and for that, I'm grateful.

It's getting close to lunchtime, when Allie starts barking, letting me know someone is walking up behind me. I glance over my shoulder and find Leeland. An older version than I remember, but it's definitely him.

I stand and brush the dirt off my hands and pet Allie, thanking her for letting me know he was here. Then, I turn to face him, and we both stare each other down. Neither of us quite knowing what to say.

"Maybe, we should do this inside. It's almost lunchtime." I say.

"Sounds good.”

"I’ll have them send an extra plate to your room," Lexi says, as she stands up and holds a hand out to Leeland. "Hi, I'm Lexi. My husband and I run the place."

Leeland nods. "I met Noah, and he told me where to find Easton."

"Club sandwich and chips okay for lunch?" Lexi asks him.

"Perfect," he says.

I start walking back inside with Allie at my side. Leeland’s walking behind us, and I stop.

"Don't walk behind me, please," I say, trying to be polite. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong.

"Sorry." He moves over to my side.

As we walk through Oakside, he takes it all in.

"I can't believe this is my first time here. Paisley has been trying to get me to come, since it opened, but I just haven’t made it."

I don't add that if he had, I'd have been here. I know it would have affected any relationship Paisley and I have, so I'm glad things worked out the way they did.

No sooner do I sit down from washing up, Kaitlyn brings in our food.

"Little birdy told me you had company, so I thought I'd bring your lunch early," she says. "You need anything just call."

I nod, and she closes the door behind her. Allie lies down at my feet, as we start eating.

"How long you been here?" Leeland asks.

"Since they opened.”

"Paisley told me you were here, but not why."

"She only knows the short version. I was held as a prisoner of war for a year.”

He sets his sandwich down and just looks at me.

"Why didn't she tell me? I'd have been here sooner."

Kaci Rose's Books