Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(29)

"So, we are no longer in friend mode?"

"I'm here as your friend, Easton. You’re making amazing progress, but you have to talk. If you don't want to talk to him, talk to me, or talk to Paisley. Talk to someone, Easton. You can't lock it away. It will eat at you, and trust me, that's not how you want to start anything with Paisley."

"I know, but I don't want this to touch her. It's too dark," I say.

"Do you see a future with her?"

"Of course, I do," I say without hesitation.

"Then you have to tell her. I'm not saying every gory detail, but she needs to know what happened. It's not that you’re dragging her down to the dark. It's about her pulling you up to the light."

Neither of us says anything, as he looks over at me, and then stands up.

"Okay, then," he heads towards the door, before he pauses. "Have you thought any more about taking on Allie?”

"A little bit.”

"For what it's worth, I think you should do it." He says, before he leaves.

The sad part is I know Noah is right. I also know I can't have a relationship like Paisley deserves, until I move past this, and until I open up to not only my therapist, but Noah and Paisley, too. But I also need to make things right with Leeland. Though, once he finds out about Paisley and me, I think it will damage our friendship beyond repair; not that we have a good one now.

I know Paisley is worth it; there’s no question in my mind.

The problem is, am I worth it for her to stick around?

Chapter 19

Chapter 19


Wrangling two dogs, who love to visit Oakside, isn't easy, but it's worth it for Easton. I stop in to see Lexi, who groans when we get to the door.

"How are you not more hungover?"

"Well, I knew I had a busy day today, so I stopped drinking at least four drinks, before you last night.”

"New girl’s night rule. Everyone has to drink as much as me." She says, as Noah walks in.

He goes over and rubs her shoulder.

"Fuck, that feels almost better than sex," she says, looking up at Noah, and they exchange a heated look.

"And that's my cue to leave. Make sure you lock the door." I say, taking Molly and Allie upstairs.

We get to Easton's room and find him on the couch, as both dogs run over to him and jump one on each side, begging for attention. A small smile crosses his face, as he pets them, looking up at me.

"I think I'm kind of jealous you have two ladies stealing all your attention." I joke.

"Come here." He holds out his hand.

I take it, and he pulls me down onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

"Much better." He whispers in my hair, as he gives the top of my head a kiss.

"I was going to suggest going out to the garden again, but it's supposed to rain soon, so maybe, we take a lazy day inside?" I suggest.

"That sounds perfect, but I need to talk to you about something first."

His tone is serious, and though I try to sit up to look into his face, he holds me tighter.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Noah came in, and he heard back from the cop, handling the case with the kitchen boy."


"Well, they ran the guy’s fingerprints, and he had used a fake name. He's wanted for rape and murder in Atlanta."

I let that sink in. This could have been a lot worse than what it was. Molly knew, though. She knew something was wrong, and she tried to tell us.

"Come here, Molly," I say, and she half climbs into my lap, as I start rubbing her neck and back. "You’re such a good girl. You knew something was up with him and tried to tell us. I’m so proud of you, and I’ll never doubt you again."

Easton reaches over and pets her, too.

"I know it's a pain to bring two dogs, but I don't want you alone again. Promise me, you’ll always have Molly with you," he says.

"I promise, though even before this, I can count on one hand the amount of time I've been without her. She may not be my service dog, but she’s a service dog that gets special treatment to be anywhere I am."

"Good. Now, what movie do you want to watch?"

We flip through what’s on TV and end on How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. We watched this together not too long before he left, and I know he won't admit it, but I'm pretty sure he loves the movie, as much as I do.

He lets me sit beside him and wraps an arm around me, cuddling me to his side. Taking a blanket off the back of the couch, he pulls it over us.

"You remembered," I say in awe.

No matter how hot it is, I love watching movies cuddled under a blanket. Easton and my brother used to poke fun at me for it.

"Of course, I did. Even the smallest memories of you are ingrained in my head. They pulled me through my darkest moments, and they still do."

A memory flashes through my mind of what Brook said last night.

‘Be careful that he isn't using you as a crutch to get better.’

I like to think I’m helping him, and that I'm not a crutch. I know I'm not.

As we watch TV, Easton lightly runs his hand up and down my arm. It's so soothing I end up drifting off without meaning, too. When I wake up both Easton and Molly are gone, but Allie is lying with her head on my legs.

Kaci Rose's Books