Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(31)

Allie lifts her head and growls a fraction of a second before a soft knock on the door gets my attention. The door is open, and I see Jamie, my nighttime nurse, there.

"Hey, I just wanted to check on you and see if you needed anything."

I look down at Allie, "Do you need to go potty girl?" Allie perks right up.

"I'm going to take her out, and then turn in for the night," I say.

"I’ll be right here in the hallway if you need me."

Allie doesn't seem to have any interest in playing around, as she heads right to the courtyard, does her business, and then drags me right back to our room.

"Goodnight, Easton. Just call if you need anything," Jamie says with a smile.

I nod, and then close the door behind me.

"Time for bed," I say to Allie, and she seems to like this because she jumps up on the bed and lies down in the middle. Paisley wasn't kidding that Allie loves to sleep and cuddle.

I laugh to myself, check to make sure she has water, and then finally get ready for bed. Standing at the bed looking at her, I'm glad for the first time, since I got here, that the bed is a queen size.

"You can't lie in the middle of the bed we have to share," I say to her and pat the side.

She seems to understand and moves over to let me get in. No sooner than my head hits the pillow does my phone beep. It's on the nightstand next to me, so I reach over and find a text from Paisley.

Paisley: I really think we need to talk to my brother.

I guess things did move to the next level today. I've been thinking about Leeland too, and Paisley might be right. He's going to find out eventually, and at least doing it now, there might be a chance to save that relationship.

Me: Okay, tell him I'm here. Though, I'd like to speak to him face-to-face, before we tell him about our relationship. I should really be the one to tell him.

Paisley: I don't know. I was just going to tell him over dinner tomorrow.

That's right Paisley has family dinner tomorrow night. She has been debating on going, because she really doesn't want to be around Leeland's girlfriend. Though, this would be a good time to talk to him, I really want to do it in person.

Me: Please, let me be the one to tell him. I want to fix what is between us, and it will make things easier all the way around if I do.

I don't get a reply back right away. Ten minutes later and still nothing. I'm about to text her back, when one comes in.

Paisley: Okay. I’ll tell him you’re at Oakside and have him visit.

Me: Thank you, sunshine. Goodnight.

Later that night, I think back to the last time I saw Leeland. It was a few days after graduation, and we were at the beach, sitting in the sand. I had told him a few weeks before I had enlisted.

He tried to talk me out of it, but I didn't have the options for school that he did, and he understood that and still tried to find another way. I had to reassure him many times that this was the right decision for me.

I wanted to get out of town, and I wanted to travel, go to college, and be able to send money back to help my mom. It was time I helped take care of her.

We sat on the beach and talked about boot camp and school. He promised me he'd be at my boot camp graduation, and he was, but couldn't stay after, because he had to get back to school, so we didn't get to talk.

We exchanged emails and letters for a bit, but when communication got hard on my first deployment, it tapered off, then my mom moved, and he transferred schools, and we just lost contact with each other.

Part of me wonders how different things would be now, if we hadn't lost contact. Would Paisley and I still have gotten this chance? My guess is no. Leeland probably wouldn't even want her at Oakside, knowing I was here.

Things happen for a reason is what my mom always said, and for the first time, I'm finally starting to believe it.

Chapter 21

Chapter 21


I have been avoiding any family dinners, when my brother has been bringing Barbie. Which unfortunately, is all of them. Mom and Dad know what I'm doing, because suddenly instead of having Sunday family dinners, I'm over on Friday or Monday.

Regrettably tonight, I’m in the same room, and I have to bite the bullet and talk to my brother about Easton.

Of course, knowing I'd be joining them, Mom decided to make a roast and have a slightly later than normal dinner and didn't tell any of us, until we were already here. I know she planned this. Everyone knows she planned this, but we don't call her out on it.

"The food smells really good, Mrs. Sutton," Barbie says, and Molly starts growling.

"Why can’t I give a compliment without the mutt getting mad?" Barbie says.

"Well, the last person she growled and snarled at was the kitchen boy, who attacked me and was wanted for rape and murder. So, I won't ever doubt her again." I say, glaring at my brother, who at least looks away, knowing he won't win this one.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, so I pull out my phone.

Me: I can't take it. No one is talking, and when Barbie does, Molly growls. It's like I'm not wanted here anymore.

Easton: You’ve been avoiding them, and they probably got used to you not being around. They don't know what to say.

Kaci Rose's Books