Saving Easton (Oakside Military Heroes Book 2)(38)

I head to my room and check my phone to see a text from Easton. Not ready to deal with him just yet, I lay back down in bed, and both Molly and Atticus climb in with me, one on either side. Besides, he's probably just wondering, when I’ll be in since I should have been there by now. Heaven forbid I don't show up to help him get better.

Stupid me for putting my heart on the line, and thinking it was something.

Chapter 25

Last night on the phone with Paisley, was one of the hottest nights of my life. Just that photo in the bathtub was enough for me to get rock hard no matter how many times I took care of myself.

I've been counting down the minutes, until she’s here. Only Paisley was supposed to be here by now. She’s always here by lunch, but she didn't come today. I texted her and got nothing back.

Her brother was here yesterday, and I know I was supposed to talk to him about us, and I didn't. Did Leeland talk to her? If so, is she upset?

I try to distract myself by saying she’s just running late, so I watch some TV. Only I don't see the people on the TV, I see Paisley. Allie must sense my unrest and agitation because she comes and lays on my lap.

I take a deep breath and pet her. No need to upset her over this.

Finally, my phone goes off, and I almost drop it, when I realize it's Paisley finally answering me back.

Paisley: Was with my brother. Why didn't you tell him about us?

Because I'm an idiot, apparently. Because I'm scared, and then I saw the text about Barbie attacking her, and I wasn't sure I could keep my temper together.

Me: Because it was nice to have him back, and I didn't want to ruin it.

And because after I snapped at him for what his girlfriend did to Paisley, it just didn't seem like the right time.

She doesn’t answer, so after fifteen minutes, I text again. I’m worried I said the wrong thing yet again.

Me: Paisley?

Paisley: Well, at least I know where I stand.


That's not what this is about at all. My gut was right. She isn't coming today, because she's mad at me. Before I can think twice, I call her, and thankfully, she picks up.

"What do you want?"

"It's not like that at all," I say.

"It sure feels like that. My parents put me on the back burner to deal with Leeland's issues when he was in college, and it was, 'Thank God we don't have to worry about Paisley, because she's such a good girl'. Then, Leeland puts me on the back burner, so he can get his dick wet by some girl that treats me like shit. Now, I get put on the back burner yet again, so you can build up a relationship with someone you haven't seen in six years, like what we built in the last few months means nothing. That's exactly what it's like."

"Paisley..." I whisper, because I know at this moment, there’s nothing I can say to make this right, and nothing I say will fix this.

"I have to go. I'm going to go hang out with Lexi. I’ll be in tomorrow after lunch, but I have an appointment with Jake first." She says, hanging up.

I sit there stunned, but then I smile. A full on smile. She's mad at me. Everyone has been tiptoeing around me for months afraid to upset me, and as much as I hate her being mad at me, it feels damn good. It feels normal.

Fuck, it's nice to feel human again. To start to feel like my old self. Paisley gave me such a gift, and as much as I hate that she’s mad at me right now, I know we’ll pull through this.

I have lunch with Leeland next week, and I can tell him then and let the cards fall where they may because if it comes to Leeland or Paisley, I choose Paisley.

I’ll always choose her. I have to show her though, because I know words mean nothing. My momma taught me that.

Actions speak louder than words.

Chapter 26

I'm having breakfast with Lexi today at her house, before I go to see Easton. I want to talk to her about Easton's lunch with my brother, and everything going on lately. Lexi and I became fast friends when I started coming to Oakside, and since she knows the whole story, I figure she'd be the best person to talk to.

So, after having breakfast and telling her everything, Lexi just looks at me.

"I get why you’re upset, but I think maybe give Easton a bit of slack. It was the first time he saw your brother. I would just be direct with him, tell him how you feel, ask for a set time frame, and then hold him to it. If he then doesn't tell your brother, then say something."

"That makes sense, but I still can't help how I feel.”

"That's the hardest part. Balancing how we feel with how we know we should behave. Just remember it's okay to feel how you're feeling. What matters is how you act on it." She gets up and sits down next to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Does it get any easier?" I ask, fearing I already know the answer.

"No, the problems just change.”

"That's what I'm afraid of. Well, I should go. I have a new dog to go look at, and then some training with Jake. He's taking Atticus full-time today. Then, I promised Easton I'd be over after lunch."

"So, your training with Atticus is almost done, then?"

Kaci Rose's Books