Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(42)
“You do not understand.”
“I do.” She inhaled deeply. “Abby was kind enough to explain a few things. I know you can protect me, so we don’t need to fight to prove that. You already saved my life—and are still doing it at this moment, by keeping me in your cabin after someone tried to kill me again. I also am not afraid that you can change appearances. You won’t scare me if you shift. Bring it on. I accept that about you. Sometimes you have four legs instead of two.”
He closed the drawer behind him with a sigh. “I would frighten you.”
“Wrong. I feel zero fear where you’re concerned, because I know in my heart and in my head that you would never hurt me. I’m one thousand percent convinced of that because you’ve already shown me what an amazing man you are.”
“I’m a male. Not a human man.”
“I know that. Believe me.” She slowly appreciated the sight of his body once again. “All male. You’re incredibly attractive to me.”
Roth growled. “Vera.”
“We have two days before the New Worlds representatives arrive. I’d like to get to know you better. As in, see if we actually have physical chemistry.”
He appeared confused by that phrase.
“See if we’re good in bed together, as well as out of it. We can either do that, or argue. Which one sounds better to you?”
He reached up and ran a hand through his damp black hair, raising his chin to stare at the ceiling, as if searching for patience.
“Is it really such a difficult choice?”
He snapped his chin down, dropped his hand to his side, and growled low. “I refuse to take advantage of you when you’re recovering.”
“The doctors cleared me, Roth. I’m totally healthy. I just need to gain some weight back. Time will do that. I’m cleared for sex.” She wasn’t about to mention she was assuming that part, since the doctors hadn’t given her any physical restrictions.
That seemed to get him thinking.
“And I’m mentally healthy where it concerns you. I’m certain I want to see if there’s something between us before it’s too late. Do you ever visit Earth?”
“I’ll probably be stuck there for the next few months. Who knows where my next job will send me? I know it will be on a planet without sentient life. I highly doubt we’ll ever see each other again once I leave. It’s now or never, Roth. Please don’t make me live with the regret of what could have been. I know damn well that I’ll feel that way if I don’t convince you to give us a try.”
With a look she couldn’t interpret, he suddenly invaded her personal space and gently wrapped his big hands around her waist. “Are you certain this is what you want?”
“You? Yes.” She placed her hands on his broad chest. “Do Veslors like to kiss? Can we do that? Only this time, don’t pull away from me.”
“We call it tangling tongues.”
“So sexy… Tangle with me.” She licked her lips.
A deep growling noise made his chest vibrate under her palms. “I’ll be gentle.”
“I have no doubt.”
He suddenly lifted her and turned, carrying her to the bed. “I do want you, Vera.”
“I’m totally on board with that. One thousand percent.”
He lowered her to the large mattress and came down on top of her, careful not to crush her under his heavy body.
He instantly froze.
Vera wiggled out from under him and began to strip. “Clothes will just get in the way. Let’s get naked.”
Roth slid off the bed and grabbed the waist of his shirt, pulling it over his head. She loved the sight of all his muscles. He had the best body ever. She tried not to stare too hard at him but it was difficult.
“Are you certain about this, Vera?”
She paused, peering into his golden eyes. “Absolutely certain. I’ve never been surer of anything.”
He reached for the waist of his pants.
Vera lowered her gaze, heart pounding. She was finally about to see what he’d kept hidden under there. Don’t freak if it looks weird, she silently ordered herself. He was an alien. No matter what Roth revealed, she was willing and ready to have sex with him.
Roth hesitated. “We could just spend more time together. We don’t need to do this.”
She lifted her gaze. “Do you not want me? Please be honest.” It would crush her inside if he backed out or told her he wasn’t really attracted to her after all…but she’d deal.
“I want you, but I don’t wish to frighten you. We’re bigger.”
“I can see that.” She waved a hand at his large body. “I’m not afraid of you. I’ve seen Drak, and I’ve met Abby. He’s much bigger than her, too. They physically work. So will we.”
Roth released the waist of his pants, his hands going to his sides. “Humans don’t like to rush anything. It’s one of the things I’ve learned. You are very different.”
Ouch. She actually flinched.
“What did I say wrong?” Roth took a step closer to her, his expression one of concern.
“I’ve never really been…normal. I just hate having it pointed out.” She inhaled deeply before removing the last of her clothes and straightening.