Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(44)

Vera was a little confusion. Did he have a second cock that was pressed against her clit? He was buried inside her pussy, stretched her with what felt like a really big dig. And human balls were soft; whatever she felt on her clit wasn’t.

Roth began to grind his hips against her ass, fucking her slowly. Whatever touched her clit stayed there, playing havoc on her senses. Roth picked up the pace, taking her faster. Vera could do nothing but made sounds—lots of them—as another climax built.

She came even harder the second time. Her mind absolutely blown.

Over the white haze of ecstasy that swamped her brain, she heard Roth snarl, and there was no missing when he came too. She could feel him shooting wet heat inside her. Roth pressed against her more firmly where she was pinned. His body trembled. Then they both panted as if they’d run a marathon.

Vera’s entire body felt boneless.

She grinned. They definitely had chemistry. Explosively so.

Chapter Twelve

Vera woke with a start, confused at first. Utter darkness surrounded her but a large, warm body was curled up along her back. She gently stroked the heavy arm secured around her waist and smiled.

That velvet skin she caressed with her fingertips belonged to Roth. He’d slept with her. They both were lying on sheets with a blanket covering their bodies.

Her memories returned quickly. She must have passed out after they’d had sex. Her smile turned into a huge grin. Sex with Roth had been life-altering. That was something she’d never thought she’d experience with any man.

Male. She remembered that Roth liked that term better, and if she wanted to keep him, she figured that was something she’d have to start saying. He’s a hell of a male.

The grin wouldn’t leave her lips.

“Are you well?”

His raspy voice had her turning her head, though she couldn’t see a thing. “I’m great. Sorry I passed out.”

“You are still recovering from your ordeal. We should have waited.”

That killed her glow, and she wondered if he regretted what they’d done together. “I’ve slept badly without you. That’s why I was tired.”

He snuggled her tighter against his hot bod. “I’m here. Go back to sleep. The rest of my grouping and their mates won’t get up for at least three more hours.”

Vera really wanted to ask him if he was considering taking her for a mate. She just didn’t have the nerve to do that yet. What if he said no? She’d be devastated. It was a no-brainer that she’d stay with Roth if she could. Not only was he sweet and protective, but he’d also had gotten her off twice.

Total keeper. My mama didn’t raise a fool. She grinned again at that thought.

Roth nuzzled her hair with mouth. “You’re not going back to sleep.”

“I’m thinking. Sorry.” She used her fingernails to lightly rake against his skin. She grinned again when she felt his body respond. The cock pressed against her ass began to harden and get bigger. “Does this room have voice command for the lights?”

“Yes. Do you want them on?”

“Yes, but low. Not too bright.”

“Lights, fifteen percent power,” he stated a little louder.

The lights above them began to glow subtly. It left the room dim but she could see his outline when she turned her head to peer back at him. Vera wiggled a little to get onto her back before facing him. She splayed her hands on his chest.

“I love touching you.” Her eyesight adjusted enough to make out more of his features. Roth’s golden eyes were open. “Can I explore you?”

Roth answered by shoving the covers lower down their bodies, exposing his chest as he lay on his side.

Vera inched closer and circled one of those dark disks on his chest with her fingertip, tracing his nipple. She felt his cock stiffen even more between them, until it pressed against her hip. She trailed her other hand down his belly to the stiff protrusion, exploring with her fingers. He felt as thick as he had inside her. His cock was shaped like a human penis, but just like everything else about Veslors, he was bigger. The head of his cock was slightly flared.

Roth made a soft rumbling noise as she continued to intimately explore him. He had veins on his shaft. Or maybe they were ridges. She wasn’t certain but she liked how they felt, even if she couldn’t circle the girth of him with her hand. It amazed her that they’d fit together.

She leaned in to replace the fingertip of her other hand with her mouth. She licked and gently suckled his nipple. Roth’s cock stiffened even more, jolting a little. Those rumbling noises coming from him grew louder, vibrating his entire chest.

He suddenly rolled away, lying on his back. It tore his cock away from her hand and his nipple from her mouth. “You need more sleep.”

That didn’t dissuade Vera. She sat up, getting on her knees. Roth silently watched her as she grabbed the cover and shoved it lower, exposing his cock. She knew her mouth parted slightly at the sight of a very aroused Roth. He was big, thick, and clear fluid leaked from the tip of his alien cock, shining in the dim light. It definitely resembled a human penis in shape.

“I need to touch you.”

A low growl came from him next, but he didn’t try to stop her as she reached for his cock again as she scooted down the bed, closer to his hips. She gently gripped him with both hands. That’s what it took to completely encircle his cock. The clear fluid he leaked was warm and felt almost like lubricant. It made her hands glide easily over the thick shaft.

Laurann Dohner's Books