Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(49)


Roth inched closer, and Vera sat on her butt. He moved next to her and took a seat, too. She stroked his wide chest, running her fingers along his side. He made a snort noise and jerked away a little.

Vera laughed. “Sorry. Did I tickle you?”

Roth began to shift back.

She pulled her hands away from him, not sure if it was safe to keep touching him during the process. The noises his body made had her hiding a grimace. By the time he sat in front of her, back to his normal self, a fine sheen of sweat shone on his body.

She reached out to press her hand to his muscled chest. “That’s a workout, huh?”

“It is when I slow the transformation down, and do it again within a short time period.” He gazed at her. “You weren’t terrified of me?”

“No, I wasn’t. It’s still you.”

A slow smile spread across his lips and reached his golden eyes. “I didn’t terrify you…”

“No, you didn’t. I already told you—”

Roth suddenly reached for her, picking her up and placing her on his lap. He hugged her close. “Thank you.”

She snuggled into him, ignoring the fact that he was a little sweaty. It didn’t matter. “For what? I told you that I accept all of you.”

“That wasn’t the most difficult part.”

She remembered what Abby had told her. “You have to do that while we’re having sex, to mate us.”

“Yes. You hopefully won’t notice when we bond.”

Vera wasn’t certain how that would ever happen, but all that mattered to her was keeping Roth for the rest of her life. “Should we do that now?” Part of her hoped he said yes. The faster it happened, the less likely her nerves would build up. She’d always been the type to always just face her fears. Putting it off would give her more time to overthink it.

“Later this evening.”

She turned her head, peering up at him. “Why not now?”

“I just transformed twice. I need a shower and more food before I mate you.”

“Okay.” She could understand that. “I want to do it today, though. Or tonight. I really do want to be your mate.”

He grinned. “I want that badly, Vera.”

“Okay. Then we have a plan!”

“There are other things we must do today, as well.”


Roth adjusted her on his lap and sat more comfortably on the floor. “You don’t have any things. Females need more clothing and supplies. I’ve asked Abby to help you with that. The ship has many stores.”

“I don’t have access to my financial accounts on Earth right now. I’ve already asked the woman the fleet assigned to help me, when I was discharged from medical. She said it could be done but it would take about a week. I didn’t bother to ask her to start the process, since I figured I wouldn’t be on Defcon Red for that long. I need to contact her again and ask her to start that process.”

“You never need to worry about that, Vera.” Roth gave her a little squeeze. “Our grouping will provide all you need.”

“I’ll pay you back.”

He snorted. “What is ours is yours. You’re my mate.”

She nodded, deciding she’d just have her funds from Earth transferred to whatever account Roth’s grouping had, if that’s how they worked their financials. Her trust in Roth was absolute. He’d never screw her over by stealing her money. Abby Thomas trusted the Veslors, and she was mega-rich. None of them were going to be impressed by her contribution. It almost made her laugh.

“What are your thoughts?”

Vera smiled at Roth. “I’m excited to mate you later.”

“I am as well.” He gave her another hug. “Get up now. I will shower.”

“I don’t mind your sweat.”

He chuckled. “You are probably the only female who doesn’t. My sense of smell is much better than yours. Up, Vera.”

She reluctantly climbed off his lap with his assistance. Roth got to his feet and snagged his pants from the floor. “I will be back soon.” He put them on and left the bedroom.

Vera smiled and threw herself on the bed. Roth and her would have a future together. After everything horrible she’d survived…something wonderful would come from it. “I’m going to be like a phoenix rising from the ashes,” she whispered.

Roth walked out of his sleeping room to find Drak standing guard. He smiled at the male as the doors closed behind him.

Drak smiled back and gripped his shoulders. “Your female did not run.”

“No. Vera is extremely brave.”

“You are blessed.”

“I am.”

Drak inhaled, smelling him. “When do you plan to mate her?”

“Later this day.”

“I will be here.”

“Vera won’t be frightened during our mating. I know this now. I am certain.”

“I will still be here. It should be Maith, but…”

Sadness filled Roth. “His heart hurts.”

“He should have been the first of us to mate. Not the last. It comes as a shock to us all. Especially to him.”

“We need to find him a female.”

Laurann Dohner's Books