Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(51)

Vera blinked back tears.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. Just still a little emotional. I didn’t have any real family left.”

“Now you have a big one.” Abby winked. “Okay. Up next, we should probably buy you pajamas.”

“I don’t plan to wear any with Roth. I like sleeping naked with him.”

“Fair enough, but I’m buying you comfortable loungewear. You’ll need that. I can’t tell you how many nights Darla and the cubs and I have piled into the living room to sleep together, while our men are on assignment.”

“Are they gone often?”

“No.” Abby shook her head. “Sometimes they’re sent on missions with the tactical teams, though, and we worry while they’re gone. Darla and I can’t sleep if our mates aren’t here, until they return safely.”


Abby went back to her device, still shopping. Vera’s gaze kept going to Roth and Drak. Both men were sitting on one of the couches about twenty feet away. They spoke softly enough that she couldn’t hear their conversation. Whatever the topic, both seemed tense to her.

Vera lowered her voice. “What do you think that they’re talking about?”

Abby raised her head and whispered back. “Probably plotting on how to find the person who tried to poison you. They aren’t going to let that go. No one attempts to kill a mate and gets away with it. I almost feel sorry for the bastard. Almost. He’s so screwed, and he totally deserves whatever’s coming his way.”

“That investigator guy, Trowly, is already on the case.”

“Security tried to pin it on you at first. Drak’s confidence in them is shot to shit. I’m sure Roth feels the same. Hell, even Uncle Howard was pissed when he found out how lazy they were, arresting you right off the bat without a thorough investigation.”

“Uncle Howard?”

“Commander Bills. He and my parents go way back. He’s not actually a blood relation, but he’s still family.”

“Wow.” Vera was stunned. “He is in charge of Defcon Red, right?”

“The one and the same. Not only is he like family, but he loves the Veslors.”

“What about the Clark guy? Is he family too?”

“He’s a close friend and completely trusted by our grouping. Uncle Howard personally chose him to run the tactical teams after some bullshit went down with the first human asshole in charge of our guys. That’s a story I’ll share with you later, when we’re alone. It upsets the males when it’s mentioned.”

“I look forward to hearing it.”

Roth and Drak stood, walking toward the kitchen. Abby tapped her screen and shut it down.

“We’re hungry,” Drak announced.

“I will prepare our second meals.” Roth headed toward one of the food storage drawers.

“What can I do to help?” Vera rose to her feet.

“Sit,” ordered Roth.

“Yeah, shopping totally wore us out. It’s tough to look at pictures of stuff, before buying it.” Abby rolled her eyes and pulled Vera back down to her seat.

Drak got drinks, passing them out. “I hear your sarcasm, mate. Enjoy being waited on by males.”

“Is everyone else joining us?” Vera hadn’t seen the rest of the grouping since she’d gotten up that morning.

“Maith and Gnaw are working with the tactical teams. Darla and the cubs are with them.”

“Doing what?” Vera asked.

Roth came up to her chair and leaned down, planting a kiss on her head. He grinned at her. “The cubs are highly active at this age now. They enjoy playing in the training room with some of the humans.”

“Don’t ask,” Abby whispered.

Vera couldn’t help it. She frowned at Roth. “How do the cubs play with humans? Should I be concerned over how gleeful you looked when you said that?”

Roth laughed, walking away to grab their now warmed food and carrying a few plates back to the table. “The cubs like to chase some of the tactical team members. It gives them plenty of exercise, since our cabin isn’t large enough for them to run far. We’ve made a game of it recently.”

“I told you not to ask.” Abby cracked a smile though, appearing amused. “They have those poor bastards suit up in armor and try to outrun the cubs in a race to a finish line they set up. What do you give the team members who volunteer? A ten-second head start?”

“Fifteen,” Drak chuckled. “It improves the humans’ speed, carrying the weight of their armor while running to reach the finish line—if the cubs don’t leap and land on their backs to take them down before they reach it. Armor also protects the humans from getting hurt if the cubs accidently use their claws.”

“That’s…” Vera wasn’t certain what to say.

“Why I told you not to ask. The cubs do love it. And most of the tactical team members sign up for that shit. Darla always goes with the twins to make sure they don’t get hurt.” Abby shrugged.

Roth sat next to Vera. “We wouldn’t put the cubs at risk if there was a chance of them being harmed. Only humans we trust are permitted to play this game.”

Drak set down two plates for him and Abby, taking a seat next to her. “They are Veslor cubs. Not humans. Your young are frail. Cubs are not, and they need the challenge of learning to run fast and take down prey by leaping on moving targets.”

Laurann Dohner's Books