Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(55)
The room brightened. Vera sat up, studying Roth’s face. He appeared angry when he stood at the end of the bed.
“What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Your people are here early. Clark just contacted Drak. They have checked in with security and are demanding access to you immediately.”
It took her a second to figure out what he meant. “The New Worlds representatives are onboard?”
“Oh crap! I had planned on contacting my company to terminate my employment right after we mated. I probably should have done that yesterday afternoon, but to tell you the truth, I forgot about them. We were doing sexy celebrating. I guess I’ll be quitting in person.” She winced a little. “They’re going to be furious that they made the trip for nothing, since I’m not going back with them. But then again, I’m sure they probably want to interrogate me in person anyway.”
A growl came from Roth. “They will not be interrogating you.”
“Maybe that’s the wrong word for me to use, but they are going to want a full report on everything that happened down on Biter. Not only did we lose forty-two people, but they’re going to have to pay out a fortune in death benefits. Plus, all the money and time they’ve lost on this project.”
“None of that is your fault.”
“I know that, but I’m the only survivor for them to question. On top of everything else, they could lose the rights to Biter if they don’t get another survey team down there soon to meet the one-year deadline. I can’t even imagine how much money is at stake for the company.”
“The humans are demanding that we meet them on deck two in Investigator Trowly’s office right away. Drak is ordering Gnaw and Maith to return to our cabin. They will be here within minutes. I’m not taking you out of our cabin without our grouping to escort you. You’re in danger still. Drak invited your people to our cabin, but they refused.”
Vera climbed out of bed. “Shit.” She dashed to the few clothing items she had in Roth’s room, starting to dress fast.
“We should shower first. The humans can wait. They arrived earlier than they stated they would.”
She stood after putting on her shoes and peered into his eyes. “This is upper-management bullshit tactics. Trust me. It’s best if I present myself to them as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they’ll screw me over. I’m sure they’re looking to save money anywhere they can.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I’ve never been subjected to a surprise inspection on a work site, but I’ve heard about it happening to other survey teams. They were given no warning until a shuttle landed and suddenly, company representatives were there. Anyone who refused to instantly comply by answering questions or showing their work were docked pay. They probably lied about when they were going to arrive just to catch me off guard.”
Roth snarled and spun away, going to his dresser. She felt relief as he quickly got dressed too. They exited their bedroom and took turns using the bathroom.
By the time Vera had brushed her hair and teeth, and splashed water on her face, the rest of the Veslors had assembled in the living room. They’d also brought weapons. She tried not to stare at the pair of laser blasters Roth strapped to his thighs.
He held out his hand to her, and Vera immediately took it. Roth made her feel safe. She also loved the sweet gesture of holding her hand.
“Are you ready?” He studied her features, concern showing in his eyes.
“Yes.” She wasn’t about to admit to feeling nervous. He could probably already tell.
Darla came out of one of the bedrooms with the cubs. All of them wore matching pajamas. “What’s going on?”
Gnaw went to his mate and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Vera’s people are here. We are escorting her to speak to them.”
“They aren’t really my people. It’s two representatives from the company I work for,” Vera corrected.
Darla grimaced. “That doesn’t sound like fun.”
No, it won’t be. Vera sucked in a deep breath and blew it out. “We should go.”
Drak and Gnaw took the lead. Roth kept hold of her hand, and Maith trailed behind. They passed a few crew members on the way to the lift. No one shared it with them as they went to deck two. When the doors opened, Clark stood there in full military uniform. Vera noticed he also wore weapons.
“Our appreciation to you for being here,” Roth told the older human.
“You’re my boys. I’ll always look out for you. Congratulations on your mating, Roth.” Clark’s gaze fixed on Vera. “I informed Commander Bills of the news. He’s given his permission for you to stay onboard. He also sends his congratulations on your mating.”
Vera swallowed hard. “I hadn’t even thought about that. I’m afraid I’m not too familiar with protocols for the fleet.”
“It’s been taken care of. You’ve officially been listed as part of the Veslor grouping.” Clark turned, moving down the corridor. “We’re meeting in conference room two instead of George’s office. It’s larger,” he called out over his shoulder.
Two officers stood from behind a long counter when they entered security. One of them cleared his throat. “This way, sirs.” The man had them follow him deeper into the offices.