Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(58)
Chapter Sixteen
Roth wanted to go after whoever was shooting at them, but he couldn’t risk exposing his mate. His body was the only thing between Vera and the laser fire. Gnaw had entered the lift already and pressed tight to the other wall across from them. The doors started to close.
“Protect my mate!” he roared at both males inside the lift. Then he shoved away from Vera and dove back into the corridor with Maith and Drak. He instantly began to shift into his battle form, feeling his clothing tear as he hit the floor.
As he rolled to his back, moving to avoid being hit by laser fire, he heard the lift doors seal.
He took in the situation as he finished the roll and landed on all four of his legs.
Maith was sprawled on his stomach, unmoving. Rage flooded Roth’s system at the sight. Drak was shifting form.
A human male stood farther down the corridor where it curved out of sight, holding a blaster.
Their gazes locked—the human’s expression one of fear.
The male spun away, running.
Roth lunged forward and pursued. His clothing fell from his body, part of his pants stuck to one leg. It didn’t matter or slow him down.
That human had attempted to kill his mate and had shot Maith.
Humans screamed and shouted out as he turned the corner in the corridor. The shooter kept running, plowing into a few innocent crew members reacting to the sudden attack. Roth had to jump over one female who had been shoved to the ground.
The shooter turned, raw terror displayed on his features. He tried to twist his body to fire at Roth, and it slowed his pace just enough for Roth to leap at the male. The shooter fired but his aim wasn’t accurate. It missed hitting Roth completely.
He didn’t have the same problem hitting his target.
With one swipe, Roth’s claws hooked into the male’s upper arm and raked across his chest.
They both hit the corridor floor hard. Roth could almost hear some of the human’s bones breaking under him, and he inhaled the scent of fresh blood. The male had dropped his weapon upon impact, and Roth dug his claws into the human’s upper arm while using his other paw to swipe at the blaster, sending it flying out of reach.
The human under him recovered enough to suck in loud gasps of air. “Don’t kill me!” he screamed.
Roth sensed Drak near him. He snapped his head toward him and roared. Drak gave a slight nod, turned on all fours, and rushed back to Maith.
Roth gave the human under him his full attention again. Rage still boiled his blood. It was tempting to rip the human apart. Kill him, as the male had tried to kill his mate.
“Don’t hurt me,” the human pleaded again.
Roth opened his mouth, showing off his fangs as he snarled. The scent of piss reached his nose. The human had lost his bladder functions. It caused Roth to adjust his back paws and lift just a little weight off the male. He didn’t want his waste touching him.
Pounded footsteps could be heard even over the alarms, and Roth glanced up. Four security officers rushed toward them.
Roth glared at the shooter and let his claws dig into his prey’s arm a little deeper. The shooter screamed in agony and the blood scent grew.
The temptation to kill the human also grew stronger. Roth resisted. He needed answers. It took vast amounts of control to find his inner calm but he forced his body and mind into submission. His skin tingled and his bones began to transform. In seconds, he could speak to the human…but he kept his claws out.
“Who paid you to hurt Vera?” His voice came out rough but he knew the human understood him.
The shooter sniffled, his eyes full of tears. Roth figured it was from the pain. A male capable of hurting a female had no sense of remorse. Not in his opinion.
“Who paid you to hurt Vera? Tell me or I’ll return to my battle form!”
“Help me!” The human under him twisted his head enough to stare at the four security officers, who had stopped near them, their weapons drawn. “Shoot this fucking freak!”
A flash of nervousness hit Roth. It was possible the humans might stun him. They weren’t members of the tactical teams who had grown to trust the Veslors. He knew his males made a lot of the crew nervous.
Trowly suddenly shoved his way through the four security officers, spotted Roth and the human pinned under him, and yelled, “Lower your weapons now! Mr. Roth, what’s going on? Why are you naked on top of a bleeding man? And someone shut off that fucking weapons alarm!”
In seconds, the alarm stopped blaring. Roth didn’t miss the annoying sound that hurt his ears. He glared down at his prey. “He attempted to shoot my mate. He succeeded in shooting one of my males.”
“I demand legal counsel!” the male under Roth shouted.
Roth snarled. “I demand you tell me who hired you to kill my mate. I swear I will return to my battle form and use my claws to shred every inch of you until you give me that answer.”
“Help me, goddamn it!” the shooter practically screeched.
Roth waited, expecting Trowly to order him to release his prey.
Seconds passed before Trowly spoke. “I’m not in charge of the Veslors. Their handler, Clark Yenna, isn’t here. I strongly suggest you do as Mr. Roth here says before he makes good on his threat. He seems to have quite the temper. And I’d like to hear your answer, myself. I’ve had my fill today of liars who refuse to tell me the truth before they hide behind legal counsel. Who hired you to go after Miss Wade?”