Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(63)

“Stop being a grumpy ass,” Jessa said mildly. “Can’t you see they’re having a moment? And it’s not idiocy. It’s politeness.”

“You shouldn’t even be here,” Maith snarled.

“Well, I am.” Jessa lifted her hand and flipped him off. “That’s something else that’s rude. Just so you know.”

Maith glowered at the doctor, revealing his fangs.

Vera fought back a laugh. She found those two amusing. “No fighting at the table. As Roth’s mate, I’m going to make that a rule.” She glanced at her mate. “Can I do that?”

“Yes.” Roth chuckled, before he shot a narrowed gaze at Maith. “Behave.” Then he craned his head to stare at Jessa. “And don’t antagonize him.”

Maith grumbled but didn’t argue.

Roth turned to Vera. “Any regrets?”

“Just that it took me almost dying to find you. Everything I survived was worth it. Now you’re my everything.”

Laurann Dohner's Books