Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(59)
“Are you fucking for real? Get this freak off me!” the shooter begged. “I have rights.”
Roth took advantage of the situation and flexed his claws, still sunk into his prey’s flesh, just enough to cause immense pain. The human under him screamed. Once he stopped, Roth repeated his question. “Who hired you, human?”
“Are you really going to let this freak hurt me?” The male under him was almost sobbing.
“Who?” Roth roared. He twisted his fingers, his claws doing further damage.
“Carson Bickler!” the prey shouted. “Stop!”
Movement drew Roth’s attention as Trowly stepped closer and crouched in front of them. “How did this Bickler contact you? Do you know him in person?” The investigator pulled out a data device. “Is he also on Defcon Red?”
“He’s from Earth. My brother works for him, and he’s the one who reached out to me,” the prey blurted. “It was a lot of money for us to split and I needed it. I was just supposed to poison the bitch, but she fucking lived.”
More rage boiled through Roth. “Don’t insult my mate! Her name is Vera.”
“Okay, okay! Then I was told to try again but I heard she was protected. I told my brother it was too risky—now he’s going to die if I don’t take her out! That’s what the last message threatened. It came directly from his boss. I had no choice but to go after her again. I only have one brother, man, and we’re close.”
“Give me the name of where your brother works.” Trowly was tapping on his data device.
The prey grew quiet.
Roth leaned lower over him, holding his fearful gaze. “Talk, or you lose the arm. I can shred it off.”
“You can’t let him do this to me! I have rights,” the prey whined again, still sobbing a little. “I’m going to bleed to death. My brother’s life is in danger. His boss will kill him for not getting the job done!”
“I don’t care,” Trowly replied, voice devoid of emotion. “You and your brother agreed to take money to kill an innocent woman. Answer my question. Give me the name of where your brother works.”
The prey pressed his lips tightly together, refusing to speak.
Roth dug his claws in deeper still.
The prey screamed. “Gemini!”
“Mr. Roth?”
Roth lifted his head enough to stare at Trowly. The male met his gaze.
“Please release this piece of shit and allow my officers to arrest him. Preferably with his arm still intact so I don’t have to wait for him to undergo surgery before I finish questioning him.” He stood. “I’m also getting updates. The Veslor who was shot is alive and has been taken to Med Bay by one of your team. Clark Yenna informed security that Miss Wade has safely arrived at your cabin, and he’s staying there until you get home. I’m certain that she’s worried about you. I can take it from here, and I promise I’ll find everyone responsible for everything that’s happened to Miss Wade. They will be prosecuted.”
Roth lowered his head closer to the prey under him, permitting the hate to show in his eyes. “I will kill you if my male dies,” he swore. Then he yanked out his claws from the soft flesh. The shooter screamed in agony, rolling to his back and grabbing his bleeding upper arm as Roth got to his feet.
Two security officers rushed forward to grab the male. Roth retreated a few more feet.
Trowly approached him. “Thank you, Mr. Roth. I’ll let you and Clark know everything I learn about the man who hired that piece of shit.”
Roth grumbled and turned, heading back toward the lift. Half a dozen humans were in sight as he rounded the corridor. Most shrank against the walls to avoid coming into physical contact with him, but one male held out a pile of Roth’s discarded clothing. He must have collected them after Roth had shifted.
He paused and took the pile that included his boots and weapons. He put it in front of his exposed groin. “My thanks,” he said to the brave human.
“Your shirt seemed ripped up the most but the pants will probably work if you want to put them back on. That was really something to see.” The human smiled. “I wish I could switch from normal me into something ferocious.”
Roth wasn’t certain what to say to the human, so he just gave a slight head nod and stalked toward the lift. Laser fire marred the walls next to it. One blast had even scarred the metal doors. They parted, the lift empty. Roth stepped inside, ignoring the sensation of being stared at. He turned to face the doors.
The humans still watched him.
He sighed, knowing they were likely shocked at having seen him completely bare. He dropped the pile of clothes to the floor, hit the button for his level, and quickly put on his pants. As the human had said, the shirt was too damaged to wear. He collected the rest back into his arms just as the lift doors opened. He just wanted to get to his mate.
Guilt ate at Vera. A stranger on Defcon Red had attempted to kill her for a second time. Thankfully, Roth hadn’t been hurt, but one of their grouping had.
They currently stood inside a private laboratory next to Med Bay. Maith lay on his stomach on a med bed with a woman doctor attempting to use a hyper-syringe device on him. The grouping’s medic snarled a warning at her, making her retreat a few feet.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” the woman yelled. “I’m trying to help you. That won’t happen if you keep refusing to let me near you. Stop snarling at me, you grumpy bastard.”