Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(50)
Drak snorted. “We believed he would be attracted to Darla’s sister. That hasn’t happened.”
“We should attempt to get her to agree to move into our cabin. That would put them together more often.”
“We have tried. Becky is determined to remain unmated.”
Roth acknowledged that to be true. “We could expose him to more human females. One of the doctors complimented me on my muscles. I smelled arousal from her.”
“Which one?”
“Cynthia Kane.”
“I will speak to Jessa. She knows all the medical humans. Perhaps we could ask if Med Bay needs assistance from our medic.”
“See to it.”
“Done. Would you like Abby to assist your female now? She went to our room to check her messages from Earth.”
“Please. Make certain Abby buys my Vera everything that she will need.”
“I’m on it.” Drak gave his shoulders one more squeeze. “I am so happy that you have found a mate.”
“I am as well. I want to have cubs.”
“I’m certain that you shall.” Drak released him. “I’ll get Abby.”
Roth watched the male walk away, then he entered the bathroom. He never suspected being sent on a rescue mission would gain him a mate. He felt blessed. All the resentment he’d ever felt at their king for sending them to work with the humans dissipated completely. It had turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to his grouping.
He stripped off his pants and turned on the shower, stepping inside. His only worries now concerned finding Maith a mate…and discovering who had attempted to harm Vera.
Anger came with that thought. Whoever it was, the human male would pay.
Chapter Fourteen
Vera hesitated. “I think you’ve bought me way too much.”
Abby sat at the dining room table with her, ordering everything from shoes to undergarments. “Trust me. You can never have enough clothing when mated to a Veslor. Especially bras and panties.”
Vera frowned in confusion.
Abby winked. “Drak tends to tear them off me if they’re too sexy and he’s been gone from me for more than six hours.” She lowered her voice. “Veslors have a high sex drive.”
That information didn’t alarm Vera. Not after testing a mating with Roth. “Really? That’s promising.”
“It sure is.” Abby clicked on two more lace black bras, adding them to the virtual cart. “I just wish they had better selections. We’ll do some shopping from Earth next week. That’s when I send my latest wish list to my best friend, Megan. She took over some of my duties at D Corp that I can’t handle from here. I had her hire an assistant just to do my shopping. Megan sends me monthly shipments.”
“That must be nice. Is that the food, too?”
“Yes. Speaking of a flight coming this way from Earth…you have an apartment there, correct?”
Abby turned in her seat to stare at Vera. “Roth will throw a fit if you plan to fly back there without him to get your stuff. He won’t be able to go with you anytime soon, since their king’s assigned them to Defcon Red. But I’d like to help with that. I can have Megan’s assistant pack up your stuff and ship it here.”
“But I live in San Francisco.”
“That’s not a problem. I assume you can contact management to give Addison clearance to gain entry.”
“Yes. I’d just need her full name. You’d do that?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you so much, Abby.”
“It’s no problem. Commander Bills assigned us a large storage unit onboard for my food shipments. Part of it isn’t refrigerated. I can have Addison pack everything and have it all flown here. My parents gifted me with a space yacht, and that’s what we use every month. It keeps the crew working, otherwise they’d have to find jobs elsewhere and the yacht would just sit parked on Earth, not being used.”
“You’re so kind. I’ll just make a list of important stuff that I want. The furniture I own isn’t anything worth shipping.”
“Really? It’s no big deal.”
Vera sighed. “Really. And it kind of is. I bought most of it secondhand anyway, since I wasn’t home much. There was no need to waste money on new furniture that I hardly used. I’d like it if your Addison could donate my furniture and just pack my personal belongings.”
Vera reached out and took Abby’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before releasing it. “Thank you. It will also mean I can avoid my biological father if he’s hanging around my apartment, hoping to ask me for money. I never want to see him again. He’s a jerk.”
“Would he honestly harass you?”
“Every chance he gets,” Vera admitted.
“I’ll send a warning about him to Megan. We don’t want your whereabouts shared, if you’re not close to him. Her assistant will take a few guards with her to pack up your place, just in case he does show up.”
“That would be great.”
“We’re family now. Or we will be after tonight. Think of me like a sister. I hope you always wanted one.” Abby laughed.