Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(39)
Vera glanced around. They were alone. “Can I ask you something?”
“I’m sure I can get my father to send one of the new drones for you.”
Excitement filled her, but Vera shook her head. “Not that. I mean, it would be super cool, but they cost a fortune. That’s something my company needs to purchase. What I wanted to ask you is…” She lowered her voice. “What can you tell me about testing a mating?”
Surprise widened Abby’s eyes for a fraction of a second, but then she stepped closer. “What do you want to know, exactly?”
Vera felt nervous to confess something intimate with a stranger, but she only had a couple days before she would leave the ship. That meant Roth would no longer be in her life. “I like him.” She ignored her embarrassment. “Roth.”
“I guessed that’s who you meant.”
“He seems to think I’m pretty messed up in my head after all I’ve been through. I kind of am, but I’m still not dumb. Life can be hard, so when you find something or someone great, you grab ahold of them. The timing sucks, because once I leave, I won’t ever see Roth again. I really hate that idea. He’s the best guy I’ve ever met. He’s so sweet—”
“Roth? Sweet?” Abby interrupted, her eyebrows arching.
“Yes, Roth. Why are you giving me that shocked look?”
“He’s a good guy, definitely…but a bit distant. That’s all.”
“Well…not to me. So how do I get him to test a mating with me and um…” She swallowed. “What exactly does that include? I’m assuming his man bits aren’t going to be a problem since you’re mated to a Veslor. Right?”
Abby glanced around to ensure they were still alone, but she still kept her voice low when she spoke again. “They are very compatible with us. Just big all over. Some parts are a little different, but in the best ways. You seem like a forthright kind of woman, Vera, so I’ll be the same.”
Vera was relieved that Abby seemed so down-to-earth for someone from a mega-rich family. “I’d really appreciate that.”
“Veslors are an aggressive type of alien. Their women’s version of foreplay and flirting is what we might consider domestic violence. They like to attack the males.”
Vera’s mouth dropped open. That wasn’t what she’d expected to hear.
“The women size them up, attack, and the men fight back. If he’s able to win and pin her, that’s when the seduction part happens. Don’t ask me how that works, going from fighting to fucking, but they are Veslors.”
Vera recovered from her shock. “I have to start a fist fight with Roth? I’d stand zero chance of winning.”
“I wouldn’t punch him. Drak certainly didn’t make me do that when we tested a mating. You and I aren’t Veslors. My best advice is to kind of circle Roth…invading his personal space, touching him. Without clothes would be best. Just be verbally aggressive by telling him what you want. Be clear to avoid any confusion. Remember that we’re from two different planets and cultures.”
“How is that testing a mating?” Vera was confused. “Do potential female mates have to prove that they are dominating types?”
“It’s actually something about the men showing a woman that they’re good fighters, able to defend them and any children they may potentially have if they mate. Then they have sex to see if the guy is any good at it. Once the woman decides if she accepts him as her mate, well…she lets him know.”
“So it’s always the women who decide?” Sign me up, Vera thought. She wanted to keep Roth.
“It’s a little more complicated than that. The women kind of flirt from a distance, from what I’ve heard. If the men flirt back, that’s when the woman will approach to start a fight. She wouldn’t do that if he ignored her and wasn’t interested.”
Roth never ignored Vera. That was promising.
“I haven’t gotten to the really difficult part yet. Both Veslors shift into their battle forms and go at it if the woman wants to accept him as a mate. I’m talking about sex. It bonds them. It’s something in the male’s sperm while he’s in battle form. They never have sex in battle form unless it’s with a mate. Not only does it mark them as mated, but they have, like, super sperm in battle form, and it’ll most likely knock a woman up.”
Vera managed to keep her mouth from hanging open that time. Barely.
“We don’t shift. Obviously.” Abby waved at her flat stomach. “I’m not technically mated to Drak as Veslors normally are because I don’t want to risk having a baby just yet. There’s a really high risk of getting pregnant when you mate to a Veslor. And Drak has been patient with me. We’re still mates in every other sense, though. He’d kill anyone who said otherwise. So would I. He’s mine.” Abby paused. “To fully bond to a Veslor, they have to shift—and you can’t. Think about that. When we decide to have a baby, Drak will shift into his battle form while we’re having sex to complete our mating. It’s the only time they’re fertile. Unlike us.”
That was even more shocking to Vera.
And Abby wasn’t done yet. “It also means whenever you want to have another baby, they need to shift again during sex. But Drak told me they only shift at the end of sex, so it’s not like you’re making out with them in their battle form to get in the mood.”