Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(38)

“You were drugged and confused at the time.” His gruff voice softened. “You’re well now.”

“I am. But I’d still feel better with you in the same room.” Guilt had her blushing. She knew she was safe with the Veslors. She trusted Roth. Someone would have to be insane or suicidal to break into their cabin to go after her. She just missed sleeping with him, it was comforting when he held her.

Roth was the one who might not trust her.

“It would not be appropriate. There are empty rooms in our cabin. I choose to sleep on the couch to be near enough to guard you. If we shared a room, the others might not approve.”

Vera was disappointed. “Oh. I don’t know much about Veslors. Is it taboo in your culture to share a bed with a woman?”

“No…but now you’re a healthy female.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

Roth didn’t speak for long seconds. “It would imply we are testing a mating.”

That piqued her interest. “What does testing a mating mean? Is it like having sex to see if we’re compatible?”


“I see.” She tried not to let the implications hurt her feelings. “I’m not someone you would want to test with. I’m not your type. Got it.”

His eyes narrowed and he shook his head slightly. “I didn’t say that.”

“Are you attracted to me at all?” she asked bluntly.

His gaze slowly lowered down her body before he stared into her eyes again. “Yes, Vera. But this is not the time.”


“You have been through many traumatic events and only recently recovered from being drugged. It would be selfish of me to tempt you into testing a mating under those circumstances. I’ve chosen to be your protector. It is my duty to keep you safe.”

Vera felt even more drawn to Roth. The big alien hottie was the sweetest man she’d ever known. “I don’t need to be kept safe from you. I also know what I’m doing. I mean, I do have a lot of mental stuff to deal with, after what happened on Biter, but the one thing not confused about is you. If you’re willing, I’d like you to tell me all about this testing thing for Veslors.”

He made a low growling sound and took a step back. “I need a shower. Please rest. You appear tired, Vera. We’ll speak of this later, and you are safe here in the meantime.” Then he strode out of the room, leaving her alone.

“Damn,” she sighed. That hadn’t gone the way she’d wanted. At least now she knew he thought she was somewhat appealing.

She walked to the bed and sat on the end just as the door suddenly opened, and Roth returned.

Vera stood, hoping he’d changed his mind.

He walked over to a storage drawer and opened it. “I need clean clothing.”

“Right. Of course. Because you’re taking a shower.”

He withdrew a few folded items and then closed the drawer, facing her. “I was doing training when I heard that security had taken you in.”

“You’re a fighter. I remember.”

“Yes.” His golden gaze seemed to study her. “Are you well, Vera?”

“I’m fine.”

He gave a nod, and then stalked out of his bedroom once again.

She retook her seat on the bed and then fell back, staring up at the ceiling. “He thinks I’m all mentally messed up and this is a bad time to test a mating. Whatever the hell that is, exactly.” She sighed loudly and closed her eyes.

New Worlds would send a shuttle in two days to collect her from Defcon Red. Its people would probably interrogate her harder than the fleet had. “Looking for a scapegoat,” she muttered. “It won’t be me. Forget that nonsense.”

Vera didn’t want to take a nap, but she was hungry. She opened her eyes and stood from the bed. Considering the family cabin had two kitchens, she assumed that meant they had food. She stepped toward the door and it auto-opened. She walked into the living area, but came to a stop just as another woman entered the room.

“Hi.” Vera gave a little wave.

The redheaded human woman smiled as she approached. “You must be Vera Wade. I’m Abby Thomas. Drak is my mate.” She held out her hand.

Awestruck, it took Vera a moment to respond and shake her hand. “The Abby Thomas? From D Corp?”

Amusement flashed in the woman’s green eyes as they released hands. “Yes. How do you know me?”

“I’m a drone operator. We use D Corp tech. I can’t wait until the new Stinger H-24 comes out. I’ve requested that my company buy one.”

Abby grinned. “That’s not the division I handle, but I’m glad to hear that you like our drones. What’s so exciting about that model? I’m afraid I’m behind a bit on our latest product information since leaving Earth to live on Defcon Red. I’m more into operating systems we install on vessels and stations.”

“You don’t really want to hear me geek out about the options it comes with. Let’s just say all drone operators are excited. The H-24 flies longer distances, has better optical features, and they’ve added some cool sensors that will save us time when surveying.”

“I’ll let my father know you’re happy about that. It’s one of the side projects he runs for our company.”

Laurann Dohner's Books