Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(33)
The females glanced at each other, before looking at him again. “They are stripping her down to do a search for the poison she used, and then she’ll be put in a cell until more evidence is logged.”
The humans were stripping her bare? “No,” he snarled. “Drak, contact Clark and your mate. Tell them to get here. I am going to find Vera.”
Maith tried to get in his way. “You can’t harm them. Wait until we have humans who can talk sense into these ones.”
“They stunned her and are removing her clothing!” Roth shoved the male, moving fast and rushing around the counter.
“Do not fire on him,” Gnaw snarled at the female officers. “You are outnumbered. He will not attack unless you force him to. He is protective of the female.”
Roth wasn’t hit in the back with a stun blast, so they must have heeded Gnaw’s warning. He entered a wide hallway and listened. Security offices weren’t large. He’d toured one with Clark on level two once. He moved past a few small offices…and then he heard Vera yelling.
“I didn’t do it! Just stay back. I demand an attorney. I have rights!”
The hallway turned to the left, and he hurried his pace. He spotted one male and one female cornering Vera inside a room with the door open.
The male waved a shock stick in his hand. “You can either comply, or we’ll knock you out again to conduct the search. Where on your person have you concealed the poison?”
“Vera!” Roth roared her name.
The two security humans spun. He ignored them when they ordered him to halt.
The male tried to stab him in the chest with the shock stick. Roth dodged it and grabbed the male’s weapon, ripping it out of his hold. He tossed it out of the man’s reach.
The security female fumbled for her sidearm.
“Do not,” Roth warned. “I don’t wish to hurt you, and human females are fragile. I need to speak to Vera. I won’t take her. But you won’t touch her again. Do you understand?”
Both humans backed up, but they didn’t pull their sidearms from their holsters. Roth went to Vera, where she had crouched into the corner.
She threw herself at him and hugged his waist, burying her face against his workout shirt. “I’m so glad to see you! I’m innocent! I think someone tried to poison me. I don’t—” Her voice broke. “I hate beer!”
He reached down and got a grip on her waist, lifting her a few inches off the floor, and then slowly turned until his back wasn’t to the two security humans anymore, or the door. Vera didn’t protest.
He gently placed her back on her feet. “Who tried to poison you?”
She lifted her head to peer up at him. He saw fear in her eyes. “I don’t know! Maybe I’m wrong—but someone did leave a poisoned beer at my table while I was distracted.”
Roth glared at the two security humans. “This is Vera Wade. She has no reason to poison a male. There is no way she would even have access to something like that. She was just released from Med Bay last evening. Clothing and personal supplies had to be issued to her. She came with nothing from the surface of the planet we stopped at to answer a distress hail. We went through decontamination together, and the only outfit she wore was taken as evidence.
“She was a victim of sabotage. Many humans died in her facility, if you aren’t aware. She was the only survivor. It is possible that she is in danger.”
Both humans glanced at each other. The female finally looked at Roth. “Let me see what I can find out. Just stay here.” She fled.
“I’m either being set up or someone tried to kill me.” Vera sounded frightened.
He peered down at her upturned face. “I know.”
“Really? You believe me?”
“Yes.” He gently stroked her back.
She nodded and ducked her head, pressing her cheek to his chest. “You’re sweaty, but I don’t even care. Thank you for coming.”
“I will always come when you need me,” he said, glaring at the security male.
Chapter Nine
Vera felt much calmer with Roth and the three other Veslors present. They’d been led from a security room, where they’d first taken her, to one that looked like a small conference space.
She tried not to gawk at Roth’s friends.
All Veslors appeared to be big and intimidating. None of the three had spoken, but they’d remained close, almost like her own personal bodyguards. She appreciated that. Roth had seated her at the long table before taking the seat next to her. He’d also offered her his hand, which she’d gladly clasped.
The door opened and two human men walked in. One sported jeans and a long-sleeve shirt, the other wearing a security uniform with decorations on the front part of his shoulder area.
Roth spoke first. “Clark, I’m glad you are here.”
The older man in jeans took a seat on the other side of Roth. “This is Investigator Trowly. He and I just went over all the surveillance footage taken inside the bar. Miss Wade has been cleared.”
The uniformed man also took a seat across the table and neatly folded his hands on the surface. His gaze fixed on her. “Miss Wade, you have my regrets for your detainment.”
“They were going to remove her clothing,” Roth growled.