Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(37)
Clark met her gaze. “Who would hold a grudge against New Worlds? Why would someone attempt to kill an entire survey team?”
Vera thought about it. “Maybe the other companies who bid on Biter but lost to mine. We were only a couple months into our work, but initial results were great. New Worlds stands to make a fortune on that planet. Crystal found a few plants that had medicinal purposes. I overheard her and Dr. Jeth speaking at dinner one night, both excited about rapid healing. I just can’t tell you from what. We’re not supposed to share that kind of information with each other, so I didn’t catch all of it or ask questions.”
“Why the secrets from other team members?”
She looked at the Veslor who’d spoken. Maith, the medic. “To avoid drawing pirates and thieves to the planet. What if a survey team found something extremely valuable and word leaked before the company gained full rights to the planet? The initial survey team is on their own without protection. Once rights are established, the company starts phase two. That’s collecting and harvesting resources we’ve discovered. At that time, it doesn’t matter if what we found becomes common knowledge. A steady stream of company freighters would always be in that planet’s orbit while they’re being loaded with cargo from the surface. The captains have the right and responsibility to defend the planet from other ships not associated with our company, who might attempt landing there to steal resources.”
“Has that ever happened? Leaks that had other companies sending someone to steal valuable finds?” Clark asked.
“I’m sure it has, but not with New Worlds. We’re not able to send or receive private messages from our families or friends while on a job. Before you ask, it’s to avoid a leak from happening or someone on the survey team from receiving threats.” She paused. “You know, someone wanting information by making death threats against a family member back on Earth.”
“Do you think another company would murder a survey team in retaliation for losing a bid?” Clark leaned closer, studying Vera.
“If they wanted that planet bad enough. They could also hope that New Worlds wasn’t able to complete the survey in time, if they had to replace an entire team before their twelve-month contract to study the planet is up. The chances of that are slim though. I’m certain New Worlds already has another freighter on the way by now to replace my team.”
Vera noticed all of them appeared confused.
“When you win a bid, you have exactly one year to establish a claim,” she explained. “That only happens after the survey is complete. After we finish our survey, it can take a month or two for all that information to process through the red tape of bureaucracy on Earth’s end. If the company fails to secure the claim, the planet in question goes up for bid again. New Worlds would be excluded from bidding a second time on that planet since we failed to accomplish the task the first time around.”
Roth snarled.
She turned to him.
It was Clark who spoke, though. “Right now, Biter, as you call it, is off limits to everyone but our investigation teams. New Worlds isn’t allowed to interfere since the fleet got involved by answering your distress hail. We’ve taken jurisdiction—and no one is permitted down there until we figure out who is responsible.”
Roth stood. “Vera needs rest. You have the information you need for now. Come, Vera.”
She got to her feet, and Roth led her by the hand to one of the closed doors. It opened after he waved his free hand at the sensor, and she stepped into a bedroom with him, the door sealing behind them.
Chapter Ten
Roth released Vera’s hand and faced her. She stared up into his golden eyes. “Thank you for everything. I’m in your debt once again.”
“You owe me nothing. Were you hurt?” His gaze lowered down her body.
“I’m fine. I might have a bruise from where I was stunned. I think someone caught me before I hit the floor. Nothing else hurts.”
“Show me.”
She hesitated, but then did as he demanded. He’d already seen her naked, so modesty seemed silly at this point. She reached for the waist of her shirt and pulled it up to expose her back, turning around. “Can you see anything?”
His fingertips lightly brushed the sensitive area of her back along her spine, and a low growl rumbled from him. “There is a red mark. It will bruise.”
His touch felt gentle, and she missed it the second Roth pulled his hand away. She straightened and released her shirt, turning back around to peer at his handsome alien face. Every time she was near him, she felt her attraction growing. His golden eyes met hers for a few tense seconds before he broke eye contact and motioned to the room around him.
“This is my sleeping area. My apologies that a bathroom isn’t included inside it. When they expanded our family cabin, we gave both mated couples the private ones. The shared bathroom is next door. I will sleep on the couch right outside. You’ll be safe.”
She frowned, staring at the large bed. “I don’t want to take your room from you. We could share.”
His gaze instantly locked with hers again. Surprise flashed across his features, then was gone just as quickly.
She tried again. “After all, we’ve slept together before. You wouldn’t be comfortable on a couch.”