Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(40)

“What do they look like shifted?”

“Well…you didn’t run or faint from hearing the most terrifying part about mating to a Veslor. So you must be serious about Roth. Think big alien panther kind of cats with leathery skin. Terrifying to see, but they’re the same person inside.” Abby reached up and tapped her temple. “Same brain. Just different body.”

Vera wanted to sit down badly. Her knees felt shaky, but she locked them and didn’t move. “Okay. Understood.”

“Veslors mate for life. You should know that, too. There is no divorce if you commit to one. No days of separations, either. Mates live together. It’s why I’m still on Defcon Red instead of returning to Earth. They would hate being on our planet. Veslors live in groupings. You’ve met the other Veslors, right?”

Vera nodded.

“They’re like brothers. Only much tighter. You accept one, you live with them all of them for life. It’s a tight-knit family forever. I not only got a mate, but three big brothers and a sister-in law when Gnaw mated to Darla. Her sister is considered family, too, but she refuses to live with us so far. The two cubs Darla and Gnaw had are basically my niece and nephew.”

Vera nodded again, taking in the information, her head spinning. It was a lot to digest.

“So basically, being in a grouping means you’ve inherited a small village of people that lives and travels with you for life. Separate bedrooms but shared living spaces. Their dream is to retire on one of the Veslor planets eventually. I’ve seen vids of the one they’ve chosen. It’s beautiful. Woodsy area with rivers and streams, like on Earth, only without any pollution or overcrowding.

“Take on Roth, Vera, and that will be your future one day, too, when they stop working. They’ve been discussing moving there within the next few years, ever since Gnaw and Darla had their babies. Growing up on a fleet ship isn’t ideal for children. They put cubs first. And yes, that’s what they call their babies.”

“That actually sounds nice. My biological piece-of-shit father abandoned my mother right after she had me. Not that he was a keeper. He isn’t. My mom died not too long ago. I have no family left on Earth.” Vera took a deep breath. “Do you have any regrets over being with Drak?”

Abby smiled wide. “Not a damn one.”

Vera appreciated her candor. “Thank you.”

Abby’s smile turned sly. “It’s also the best sex you’re ever going to have. Let Roth take you doggy style and I promise, you’re going to love one of their differences. They have this protective―”

A soft whoosh noise sounded. “Why are you out of my room?”

Vera jumped at the growled words from behind her, and spun around. Roth had just stepped out of the bathroom. The door behind him closed as he strode farther into the living room area. His black hair was wet but he wore a T-shirt and loose matching black pants that reminded her of sleeping bottoms for men.

“I was hungry and, um, talking to Abby.”

“Hi, Roth. I’m just keeping Vera here company.”

Roth stalked toward the kitchen. “I will get you food.”

“Thank you.” Vera started to follow but Abby grabbed her arm.

Vera glanced back at her.

“Oh yeah—and they like to take care of women.” She winked, then released her. “What are you making, Roth? Mind if I join? I’m hungry too. I assumed we wouldn’t be going to eat in the cafeteria after what happened to Vera. I’m afraid the gossip about what happened in the bar is spreading fast amongst the crew and civilian workers.”

Vera and Abby entered the kitchen area but stayed out of Roth’s way as he removed some packaged meals from a cooling drawer.

Roth turned to scowl at Abby. “Humans talk too much. We aren’t going into public places on the ship. I won’t put Vera at risk.”

“I didn’t doubt that for a second.” Abby pulled out drinks, carrying them to the long table.

Roth heated the packaged meals and brought them to the table. Abby also grabbed silverware and cloth napkins. Roth took the seat at the head of the table once more, with Vera sitting next to him and Abby across from her.

Vera studied her dinner. It was a huge steak, including mashed potatoes with chives, bacon, and cheese mixed in. Very Earth-like meals. “These aren’t standard-issue dinners.”

Abby chuckled. “No. I’m afraid I’m a little spoiled. Nothing against the fleet, but I’m used to better-quality food. The D Corp building I used to work in had chefs serving meals to all our employees. I called in a favor to my parents, and now they have these prepared and shipped to us. Veslors love meat, so that’s why you’re getting a two-pound rib eye. Don’t feel the need to eat it all, if you can’t. I had them proportioned for Veslors. Tomorrow night, we should try the prime rib. Delicious!”

“Large crates of them are delivered, taking up significant space,” Roth muttered.

Abby chuckled again. “Don’t get grumpy. You know you love these more than the small steaks they serve in the cafeteria. And you hate having to go to the restaurants to get meat served in larger portions.” Abby glanced at Vera. “Some humans gawk when they see how much food one of these guys can put away at dinner.”

Vera picked up her knife and fork, cutting a piece of the steak and popping it into her mouth. She moaned. It was the best one she’d ever tasted.

Laurann Dohner's Books