Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(31)
“It’s done, and I messed up,” she muttered.
Regret was a terrible thing. She missed the big alien more than she wanted to admit. She might have still been a little drugged when she’d thrown herself at Roth…but she’d honestly felt a powerful connection to him.
Her stomach fluttered and she clenched her teeth. Okay, she’d been super attracted to Roth. Still felt aroused just thinking about him. He had the best bod and smelled like someone she’d wanted to lick.
She had, in fact. And he’d tasted good. So damn good.
Her nipples beaded just at the memory, and she hated herself for it. I’m a terrible person.
“Miss Wade?”
She startled and placed the device on the table, staring up at a woman wearing a security uniform. “That’s me.”
“I’m Investigator Clord. Can you please step out from the booth?” The tall woman backed up.
“Sure.” Vera slid out of the booth and stood. “Is that man going to okay?”
“They’re still working on him.”
That meant he wasn’t dead. Which was good news. The security office pulled out a scanner and ordered her to hold still, which Vera did. Then Investigator Clord scowled. “Step away from the table and move right there.” She pointed to an open spot near the center of the room.
Vera went to reach for her data device on the table.
“No! Leave it.”
Vera jerked at the sharp order but backed off, going to where she was told to stand.
Clord scanned the entire booth, from the tabletop, to the benches, even the floor. Another security officer joined her, climbing into the booth and manually searching it.
“Miss Wade?”
She turned at the new voice. This security officer was about sixty, a man with short white hair…and he had a mean-looking face. “Yes. That’s me.”
“Why did you poison Zackary Mule?”
She blinked, gawking at him. “What?”
“The poison he drank came from the beer you gave him from your table. We have it all on surveillance. The doctor confirmed he drank the poison. The glass from his table has traces of the poison. Why did you attempt to kill him? How do you know the victim?”
Shock muted her. Vera shook her head and swallowed hard, getting her wits back. “I was reading messages and the server set it down. I had ordered wine and an appetizer plate. That wasn’t it. The man…um, you said his name is Zackary? He asked if he could have it because I don’t drink beer. I said yes. I never touched it. I swear.”
The mean-faced officer’s scowl deepened. “You need to come with me to security.”
“I didn’t do anything but tell him he could have the beer I didn’t order.”
“Are you going to come peacefully?”
Pure fear filled Vera. “I’m innocent! Are you arresting me? Look at surveillance. I didn’t touch it. Hell, track down my server. She can tell you that I didn’t order a beer. I hate that stuff. It tastes like cold pee. It was just left at the wrong table. The guy asked if he could have it, and I said sure. That’s all I did. Let him have a beer I’d never drink.”
His jaw clenched. “You did touch it.”
She remembered reaching for her wine, only to realize the glass felt wrong. Her hand had only brushed the side, though. Oh shit. I’m being framed… No.
Her mind worked fast. “That beer…it was meant for me.” She gasped. “I think someone tried to poison me. You need to question the server! She’s the one who brought it to me.”
“It was a man. You can’t even keep your falsified stories straight. You will come with me to security now, Miss Wade.”
Two more security guards approached. One of them withdrew his shock stick, glaring as he advanced.
Terror swamped her. They were going to arrest her.
“Don’t resist,” the older jerk in front of her ordered. “Put your hands behind your back.”
Vera was either being framed or someone had tried to kill her. It made her even more terrified. “I want Roth. He’s a Veslor. I demand you call him!”
“You need an attorney. Not someone from the tactical team.”
She frantically looked around the bar. At least twenty customers were still being held with her. “Someone, please call Roth. Tell him that Vera is in trouble. Please! I didn’t do this! Roth is a Veslor—”
“Miss Wade, stop shouting and put your hands behind your back.”
“I didn’t do this! Call Roth. He knows me!”
The security guard in front of her gave a sharp nod, and she started to relax. Roth would believe her. He might be mad that she’d involved him in her life again, but she knew he was a good man. He’d help her sort everything out with the fleet.
A sudden bolt of electricity hit her back. One of the officers had zapped her! She tried to scream from the pain as her muscles locked up. The sound that came out was more like a whimper before everything went black.
Roth tackled the male in front of him, taking the human down to the mat. He lifted off, climbed to his feet, and then bent to offer a hand. “You flinched and looked away from me. It’s imperative that you keep eye contact with the enemy. That way you know which way to twist and tuck your body to avoid being snagged by their front paws.”