Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(27)
“I’m sorry that you lost her.”
“Me too. She was a great mom. What about your parents?”
He backed away. “We weren’t close once I reached adulthood. They didn’t approve of my choice to leave our home planet to fight for others.”
“I’m sorry. My mom hated me leaving Earth on survey jobs, but she was proud of what I did. I miss her. Do you ever see your parents?”
Roth shook his head. “A visit would be unpleasant if we returned to the grouping of our births. Most feel resentment that we left. We were four strong males who would have made their lives easier by sharing the workload.”
“Would you have been unhappy if you’d stayed?”
“Very much so. I am not a farmer.”
“They should have understood that. I don’t have any children, but I know that if I ever do, I don’t want to stand in the way of them growing up to do what they love. I’d support their decisions.”
“I will do the same if I ever have cubs.”
She smiled. “Cubs?”
“It’s what we call our young. Our children are born in our battle forms, but within a year, they learn how to shift.”
“Do your women give birth to more than one cub at a time?”
“Sometimes there can be two or three, but one is most common.”
She studied his body. “I bet they’re big babies.”
He chuckled. “Our cubs are smaller at birth than human babies. That was a relief to hear for Gnaw’s mate, Darla, while she was pregnant.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Gnaw is one of the males in my grouping. He and Darla recently had two cubs. Darla is human.”
That information clicked in Vera’s head. Someone like her had mated—and had two babies—with a Veslor. She gently rubbed her hands on his chest again, thinking of the possibilities. He could become the father of her children.
He was physically attractive. He was certainly one of the best men she’d ever met. He was nothing like any of her jerk exes. She wanted a future with him. It didn’t matter that he was an alien. He could be the one man to make her happy and who would stick by her no matter what the future held. She needed to keep him.
She met his gaze. His golden eyes were also captivating. She could stare into them forever. The sight of him while taking a shower flashed through her head. Now she regretted not peeking when he’d been naked. Whatever kind of sexual equipment he had, it would obviously be compatible with her, if Gnaw had not only convinced a human to become his mate, but they’d had babies together.
She instinctually knew Roth would make an amazing father. He’d been so great with her while she’d been heavily drugged and confused. She’d been a stranger to him, and he’d still stuck with her, held her…hadn’t abandoned her.
I want to keep him. I’m never going to find anyone better than Roth.
She lifted her hand off his chest and reached up, scooting her butt toward the edge of the bed. “I need you closer.”
As she suspected he would, Roth immediately did as she asked. She slid her hand behind his neck, gently steering him until he stepped between her thighs, which she parted wide to make room for him.
“Closer,” she urged, lowering her voice.
He leaned in a little, and it brought his face very near her own. She slid her other hand up his chest to his broad shoulder, getting a better grip on him.
Then she went for his mouth.
Roth’s lips were softer than they appeared to be when she brushed his mouth with her own. He gasped, parting his lips. She took advantage by deepening the kiss. Her tongue met his, and he stilled, but that didn’t deter her. Maybe he’d never been French kissed before. She was willing to teach him.
Vera started to explore his mouth. He had fangs but they didn’t feel sharp.
He suddenly pulled back, and she opened her eyes, gazing up at him.
“Vera.” His voice came out gruff and soft. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you.” She tugged on him. “Give me your mouth again.”
A low groan came from him. “No, Vera. You are drugged and will regret this later.”
“I won’t.”
“You will. Release me.” He tried to twist his head to get her to let go of the back of his neck.
She ducked her chin, her face closer to his chest, which gave her an idea. She licked her lips and went for one of his nipples.
Her tongue licked at the flat disk, and it beaded. She wrapped her mouth around his nipple and sucked, gently using her teeth to nip him.
A deep growl came from Roth, and his hands suddenly gripped her hips and ass. He gave her a squeeze, but it didn’t hurt; instead it encouraged her. She sucked on him a little harder, lightly raking that beaded tip of his nipple with her lower teeth. He tasted good, and she loved how he smelled. Fresh soap, clean, and all masculine. She even liked how the velvety texture of his chest felt against her chin as her mouth worked him.
“Vera,” he groaned. “Stop.”
She hooked her heels around the backs of his legs to keep him from moving away when he tried. She released his shoulder and quickly slid her hand between them, to the front of his pants. The scrubs had an elastic waist, and it was easy for her to slip her fingers between his hot skin and the material. She wanted to find out exactly what he was like at the groin—