Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(24)
Her features softened, and she reached out her hand. “I do.”
He took her small hand and held it. “Good.”
The door opened all the way and the nurse returned with a tray. Roth released Vera and stepped aside. Once they were alone again, Vera’s nose wrinkled. “Great. Nutri paste that they watered down a bit and put in a bowl.”
He moved closer, feeling disgust as he stared at the white runny mush inside the bowl. It did not look appealing. He sniffed, not picking up any scent coming from it.
Vera adjusted the tray on her lap and picked up a spoon. “I hate this stuff. It doesn’t really have a taste but I know it’s good for me. I’ve probably lost fifteen pounds since things turned sideways. These are high in calories.” She began to lift the spoon to her mouth. “Have you had something to eat?”
She froze, staring at him. “They haven’t fed you?”
“How often do you normally eat?”
“Four times a day, but we can go days without food if we must.”
“That’s total crap!” Vera reached for the side of the bed and pushed the red button.
Seconds later, the nurse rushed in. “Are you having trouble swallowing?”
“No one has fed Roth since I was brought here. Like, at all. Look at him! He needs lots of food, and not the stuff you’re giving me. Please get him a tray. Heck, a few trays.”
The nurse met Roth’s gaze. “They haven’t been bringing you meals?”
“I’m so sorry! Someone should have thought to do that. I’ll contact the main kitchen and have them begin food services for you immediately, Mr. Roth. You have our apologies. Do you have any dietary restrictions? Allergies? We have no chart on you since you’re not a patient.”
“I eat cooked meat.”
“Of course. I’ll be back in about ten minutes.” The nurse rushed out.
Roth turned to Vera. “Thank you.”
She smiled. “You’ve done so much for me. Besides, don’t think it’s completely selfless. I’m probably going to steal a few bites off your plate.” She shoved the spoon into her mouth and wrinkled her nose. She pulled it free. “It’s like eating unflavored toothpaste that was put in a blender with some water.”
He approached the bed and took a seat at the end. “Your emotions seem to be stable at the moment.”
“No. I’m just controlling it better. I totally wanted to storm out there to raise hell over them not bringing you food. I just don’t have the energy to get out of this bed again. Standing in the shower was exhausting.” She frowned. “Have you showered since we came here?”
“No. I promised to hold you. I didn’t let you go.”
She sighed. “I’m so sorry, Roth. I’m okay right now. Go shower. That woman said she’d be back soon.”
He wasn’t certain if he should leave her alone. Maith had warned him that she could attack someone. Vera had just admitted to wanting to raise hell. It was a human term he knew from their tactical teams. “I will wait until all the drug has left your system.”
Vera stopped eating. “Have you…”
“Peed? I assume you do that?”
“I can hold it, especially since I’m not eating or drinking fluids.”
Her eyes widened yet again—and then tears filled them.
“Vera.” He inched closer and put his hand over her blanket-covered knee, gently holding it. “Do not cry. It is fine.”
“No, it’s not. I feel so guilty! You’ve been with me this entire time and you’re suffering for it. I didn’t once think about what you might need. I just wanted you to hold me because I felt safe. I’m so sorry!”
“I am not suffering. I’m an adult male in control of my body.”
“Please go pee and take a shower. I won’t get out of this bed. I know you’ll be right there, and I’m better.” She sniffed, big tears still rolling down her cheeks. “I won’t forgive myself if you don’t.”
She seemed highly emotional to Roth. “I will shower. Please calm. I swear I did not suffer. It would have been more difficult if I were moving around, but I wasn’t. I slept while you did. I can’t remember the last time I was this well rested.”
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“It is true that I am well rested.”
She sniffed again and wiped her tears. “Go shower right now. Please? It will make me feel a thousand times better. You’ve done so much for me, Roth. I’ve been super selfish.”
“Do not feel that way.”
“I can’t help it.”
“I will tend to my needs.” He released her and stood, heading toward the bathroom. He entered but hesitated, peering back at Vera. She had lifted the blanket, using part of it to wipe at her face. Sniffles came from her. He didn’t want to let her out of his sight with her still unstable, but she’d just cry more if he refused, feeling guilty.
He left the door open, walked to the toilet, and pulled the borrowed human clothing down. It had an elastic waist. He quickly emptied his bladder and then walked to the door. Vera remained on the bed. She was eating the contents of the bowl again and staring at the tray.