Mission: Planet Biter (Veslor Mates #4)(25)
He spun, stripped bare, and turned on the shower. He entered the small space, glancing over his shoulder. He could view Vera from where he stood. He turned his head and pushed his face under the spray, soaking his hair.
He’d clean fast as he could, then return to her.
Chapter Seven
Vera felt like a horrible person. She’d been so hung up on what she was going through that she hadn’t thought about poor Roth. He hadn’t eaten or gone to the bathroom since he’d rescued her.
She finished the bowl of slush they had served her and twisted on the bed to put the tray on the bedside table.
She froze as she stared through the open bathroom doorway, her eyes widening.
She was staring at the backside of a very naked Roth. Water sluiced down his broad back, to his narrower waist, to a beefy ass and a set of dense thighs. He had one impressive body—and tons of muscles.
He pulled his head out of the water and reached for shampoo, dumped some in his big hand, and rubbed the top of his head. He even cleaned his pointed ears with the foamy substance.
He wasn’t human, but his body shape was humanoid. Only bigger and thickly built. His dark skin appeared to be just that, from the distance between them. Up close, she remembered the short, velvety fur that covered it. She wondered if he sheared it that close to his skin or if it was natural. For all she knew, it could grow inches long and completely cover his body.
“Like a bigfoot,” she blurted.
Fear swamped her. Was Roth the bigfoot from the pods? He could have cut off all that shaggy hair and put on a spacesuit.
If so, she needed to get away from him!
She grabbed hold of the edge of the bed and wiggled to the side, ready to climb off.
Then she stopped, panting.
“No.” She closed her eyes, remembering the horrifying creature her mind had come up with. Her bigfoot had been tall like Roth, but its fur was medium-brown in color. Not like Roth’s dark peach fuzz. Bigfoot also didn’t have pointed ears. She would have seen those. They were very noticeable on Roth.
Maybe the fur hid them, part of her mind whispered.
She reached up and cupped her face. “No. Stop. This is bullshit. Roth is not bigfoot. I’m getting better. Not worse. I’m being paranoid.” She lowered her hands a few inches and opened her eyes to stare at him in the shower.
Roth twisted his upper body as he used his hand to scrub at his back with a soapy sponge. She caught a glimpse of his muscled chest. The one that she’d pressed her face against countless times to find comfort. That was her alien who’d rescued her; he’d held her and kept her safe. Roth would never try to terrorize her. She was being suspicious and freaking out over her wild imagination.
“Still drugged. Remember that. Run it through your head and be reasonable. Roth is a Veslor. Not a bigfoot,” she softly said aloud. “He is my hero, and he would never screw with me while I was super crazy.” Some of her fear eased. “There is zero motive.”
Roth shut off the water and she covered her face again. He’d have to expose the front of his body entirely when he got out. It would be rude to look at his dick. She wasn’t even sure if he had one. He was an alien. Maybe he had tentacles or something equally weird.
What if Veslor women were super masculine aliens without breasts? Was Roth a girl?
Roth had carried her around and held her. They’d slept cuddled together. She’d always been attracted to men. But Roth was hot-looking either way, even if he turned out to be a she.
She started to giggle. It was just funny.
“Vera? I’ll be right there. Why are your legs dangling off the bed?”
“I was going to run away from you. You’re not a bigfoot though. I just had a moment but I’m over it now,” she admitted.
“Is your vision giving you issues? Why are you covering your face?”
“No. I just didn’t want to see if you have a slit or a dick. It’s rude to look.”
She startled when his big hands cupped her shoulders, not having heard him come toward her. She spread her fingers and peeked at him. His chest was bare but he wore the medical pants. She lowered her hands away from her face and stared at his nipples. They were two dark, flat disks.
“You’re a man, right?”
Roth’s hold on her tightened, and she lifted her chin, staring into his eyes. He looked worried.
“Yes. I am a male. I will get a medic for you.” He leaned in, putting their faces closer together. “Your eye centers aren’t doing bad things. They appear normal.”
“I can see fine.” She raised her hands and curled her fingers around his lower arms. They were so wide that she couldn’t touch her fingers with her thumb. His skin was a little damp but warm. “Sorry. I’m having some random brain glitches.” She rubbed the velvety texture of his skin. “Does this grow longer?”
“I don’t understand your question.”
She released his arms and put her hands on his chest, rubbing the fine fur there. “This. Does it grow longer? Do you have to shave it down?”
His golden eyes narrowed as he watched her. “No. This is my skin. I’ve noticed humans have body hair, too. Males more than females. Some of the members of the tactical team have coarse hair patches on their chests and bellies.”
“I like your peach-fuzz fur. I just needed you to tell me that it doesn’t grow all shaggy.” She stared into his eyes.