Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(29)

He let me go and laid down onto the sand with his palms over his eyes and his fingers in his hair. “I think you know the answer to that.”

I sat there waiting to see if he would elaborate further.

Suddenly he removed his hands and rolled to his side to look right at me. “You like me, don’t you?” he asked and I froze with no way to respond to his candid query. “It’s a safe question, just answer it truthfully. I promise I won’t ask to date you. You like me, don’t you?” he repeated. I nodded my head and he smiled back at me.

I’d never admitted to liking anyone before. I don’t think I’d really ever liked anyone enough even to think about admitting it to them. I felt like everything was going to be ruined now; we were having so much fun I wasn’t ready for us to stop yet. How could we possibly keep this casual bond and someone not get hurt now?

Noticing my grim expression and panic, he quickly pulled me into his lap with my legs wrapped around his hips. “Hey, hey, stop thinking about what you’re thinking right now. All we’re doing is having fun. I just needed you to know that I like youtoo. I like hanging out with you and I certainly like kissing you. There’s nothing more going on here.” I nodded my head and laid it against his shoulder. I felt him lean down and kiss the top of my head.

“You do understand that you’re going to be with other people and I will be as well, right?”

With a heavy sigh, he replied, “Emerson, I think you’ve made that known loud and clear. I can handle it, okay? I’m a big boy.” I could tell he was getting aggravated with me, but I had to make sure he knew what was involved here. Just because we liked each other, that didn’t mean I was just going to be kissing only him. I’m such a bitch; I wish I weren’t this way.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t hurt you. I’ve never cared about that before with anyone, I just never wanted them getting attached to me. With you, it can’t happen, I can’t be responsible for that. But I also just can’t do relationships.” Without realizing it, I was tracing my finger around his lips, outlining the plump bottom one and running my finger directly over the top one. I really didn’t want to hurt him, but I think I will enjoy having the freedom to touch him.

“I hope one day you’ll tell me why that is,” he probed. I just continued my exploration of his lips not wanting to give him an answer.

His hands started rubbing circles on my back. Since I was only wearing a sports bra and running shorts, he was caressing a whole lot of skin.

“I’m still fuming that you sleeping were out here alone, practically naked.” He pulled me back to glare at me.

“Please, this is more coverage than a bikini and like I said before, I wasn’t sleeping.”

“You should never be set loose alone in a bikini either I can only imagine.” He shook his head.

I laid my head back down on his shoulder, enjoying the sound of his voice.

“Are you and Cole just friends or am I missing something there?” He was still wondering about what he saw when he came upon us sitting so close together on the beach. With my reputation, I couldn’t blame him that he would think that about me.

“We’re just close friends, nothing more. There’s never been anything more between us and there never will be. I was just reassuring him that nothing would change since you and I have slept together. I’m almost positive he’s worried Quinn will leave. Those two… are frustrating…”

“He’s in love with her, you know. He hasn’t said anything like that to me, but I can tell.” I don’t know if I should be shocked to hear it or relieved that someone else could see it too.

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