Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(33)

With the cheer of the crowd, the teams came running out and lined up in front of their field-side benches. We spotted Cole first who was already looking into the stands for us; he knew where we always sat. When he looked in our usual spots, he made a disgusted face. Quinn and I both started giggling at his expression. The girls in our spot noticed him looking at them, so they started waving and smiling at him. He quickly started walking down the line scanning the stadium seats. Quinn finally put him out of his misery and whistled at him. The second he heard it, he whipped his head toward us and I swear I saw the relief flash across his face. Yeah, there was no denying that boy’s feelings for my sister.

“You’re only torturing him the longer you guys don’t get together.”

“Emmy, it’s not just me, he hasn’t done anything either,” she said frustratingly.

Jace interrupted us, “The feelings are mutual, Quinn. He’s just afraid of messing up your friendship.”

I saw her jaw hit the floor as she stared at Jace. I beamed, reached up, grabbed his face and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. This was exactly what she needed to hear. I could never convince her when it was only coming from me. All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang that made me jump back. I looked right at Jace, who was shaking his head back and forth with a little smirk on his face.

I looked toward the field and Jaxon was right on the other side of the barrier separating the stands from the sidelines. “Hey!” he shouted. “You do realize you’re doing that to the wrong twin, right?” He turned and glared at Jace, who only started laughing. Oh my God, he looked so damn sexy in his uniform. It was tight in all the amazingly right places. I was almost jealous that every other girl here could see how well defined his muscles were, but I don’t get jealous.

“Oh, I knew exactly which twin I had between my hands,” I cracked.

“Emerson, I’ll pull you over these railings and make you sit down here with me.” He still looked a little angry. I realized that maybe this whole him not-wanting-me-to-like-his-brother-or-best-friend thing, was more serious than I thought. I got up, walked to the railing, and crouched down so I could be face-to-face with him through the bars.

“I only kissed his cheek, and I only did that because he just helped me out with Quinn in a big way.” I felt like I needed to sweet-talk him.

“I’m being an *, I know. I’m trying real hard to not be possessive over you, but please, just not my brother, okay?”

“You’re right, you are being an *. You’re also not allowed to be possessive over me, but I promised no brother or best friend.” I leaned in and gave him a loud smack on the lips.

A mega-watt smile was plastered across his face as he backed up toward his team looking at me. He turned around and listened to what the coach was telling the rest of them. He stood right next to Cole who had a big grin on his face. They both smiled and then punched each other in the arms. I could tell they were thrilled to be playing together again; it was amusing to watch their interactions.

I turned to Jace to see his reaction to his brother and best friend in uniform together again. “Do you miss it?” I asked him.

“Not really. It was fun to play with those two, but I never took it as serious as they did.” He looked happy to be watching them as well.

“You’re a great brother, you know that. I wish I had a brother like you. Jaxon told me how you helped him stay in shape to come back and play again.”

He shrugged, like I predicted he would. “He’s my brother, that’s what brothers do.”

We watched the guys take the field and they huddled around each other. Jace put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed.

Kimberly Lauren's Books