Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(24)

I’d never met a guy who could carry on a conversation so well during sex. No one had ever said anything like that to me before either. I didn’t want to like it, but I usually got bumbling idiots that were way too excited about the size of my boobs or they were done by now. Jaxon’s words were refreshing to hear but deeply terrifying at the same time.

“Shut up,” I said as I pushed up against him to meet his strokes and smashed my lips against his. He pushed my legs up closer to my head as I shouted his name again.

His movements came quicker and shorter and he buried his face in my neck. I loved the sound of his groan as he pushed into me one more time. Then I felt the full weight of his body on top of me. When he rolled off, he pulled me with him so I was laying my head on his shoulder and our legs were tangled.

“I’m going to have to get up; I have practice in like fifteen minutes. But I want you to nap in my bed, anytime you want. Seriously. Just don’t go get in Cole’s bed, please or Jace’s, for that matter. That’s my rule.” He winked at me.

“You do understand we’re not dating, right?” I sounded like such a bitch saying that right now, but his possessive tone was scaring me. I didn’t need another Micah.

“Oh, I understand. Crystal clear.”

He scooted out from under me and came down to brush his lips across mine. I closed my eyes to inhale his scent. I loved that his scent was mixed with mine in this bed. He finally pressed his lips down on mine and pushed his tongue inside. The kiss became more eager and I wanted him all over again. I couldn’t stop my fingers from sliding into his hair and holding his mouth to mine.

I heard him groan and say, “You’re revving me back up again. I wish I could, but Coach will bench me tomorrow if I’m late, and I have a bet to win.” He leaned down to kiss me again and then got up to grab clothes out of his dresser. “Are you and Quinn going to go to that house party with us tonight?”

“Yeah, Cole said we could all ride together after you guys get out of practice,” I replied while smiling at him.

I watched him pull on some running shorts as I moved underneath his comforter. He smiled over at me getting comfortable in his bed. He pulled a University football t-shirt over his rippling muscles, when he said, “Nice, I’ll catch ya later then, Beautiful.” He pulled the door closed behind him and I was already halfway asleep before he got out of the apartment.

After spending the next couple of hours lounging in Jaxon’s bed, I finally got up when I knew Quinn would be home. As I was walking out of Jaxon’s bedroom in one of his long t-shirts, Jace came out of his bedroom across the hall at the same time.

I froze and pointed behind me at the bedroom, “Jaxon… was here. Earlier. But he had… to leave,” I sounded like a child getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Why was I nervous about Jace seeing me leave his brother’s room, it’s not like I’d run into his mom?

He burst out laughing at my appearance. “You’re so cute, Em. Don’t worry, I’ve been waiting for this to happen. Maybe now he’ll shut up about you.”

“Alright, well thanks… I’ll see you tonight?” When he nodded his head, I said, “Tell him I’ll give him his shirt back later.”

When we walked into the house party that night we heard chanting coming from the kitchen in the back. The house was already packed bodies-to-bodies and they were all heavily intoxicated. The music was so loud that I could feel the beat in my chest to the rhythm of the music. Jaxon and Jace made a barrier to help us squeeze through the crowd while Cole stayed in the back to make sure no one pushed us from behind. I never hold hands with anybody, it’s just an unspoken rule of mine. But when Jaxon grabbed mine as we walked into the house and wouldn’t let me go, it didn’t take long for me to stop fighting him. For some reason, it felt nice to have his big strong hand wrapped around mine. These guys were way too protective of us though. Quinn and I had gone to plenty of parties on our own and survived.

Kimberly Lauren's Books