Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(27)

It took me a long time to start running again after he died. Ellie noticed that I had stopped, and she tried numerous times to get me out. She even attempted to go with me. I adored her for it, but I just hadn’t been ready. Recently I’ve been able to get out a couple of times a week again.

After my second time, getting back out, Quinn went and bought me all new name brand running gear to celebrate. She got me tons of running boy shorts and matching sports bras. I told her it was unnecessary, but once again, she hated when I “slummed” it, and she wanted me to look good, even while profusely sweating apparently. I don’t try to argue with her, there’s no point. Once she bought all this for me, she went and threw away all my old sweats while I was in class.

I left the apartment and ran past the university and toward the beach. Running across sand was a lot harder than concrete. For me, dry sand is the hardest because my feet sink down into it with each stride, but it’s a good workout. By the time I ran all the way down to the water, I had gotten about four miles under my belt. I was way too tired to turn around and run back already, so I decided to lie down in the sand and soak in some Vitamin D.

I laid back and closed my eyes. I’m not sure how long I dozed there until I realized the sun wasn’t on me anymore and I’d lost my warmth. I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the light, and saw Cole standing over me looking down and blocking the rays.

“Hey, Ems, you should have told me you were running, we could have gone together,” he said while sitting down. He sat right down next to me and threw his sweaty arm around my shoulder. Good thing I was already sweaty myself or I would have been thoroughly grossed out.

“You know I don’t like running with you, Cole, you push too hard for me.” I nudged him while smiling. I think I’d gone running with Cole twice and both times he left me panting and heaving for air in the dust. We continued to stare out into the water, just sitting there together.

Eventually he sighed and said, “Why’d you sleep with him, Em?” he spoke in a whisper, almost like he didn’t want me to hear his question.

“He told you?” I gasped. I knew it wasn’t going to be a secret but I didn’t think he would go off telling the guys so soon. I shouldn’t have been surprised though; guys were all the same.

“No, don’t worry, he didn’t. He’s not the kiss and tell type. But he didn’t have to. I know him, Em; I’ve known him my whole life. I knew something was up with y’all last night when we were at the party. I didn’t ask him about it, but you just confirmed it for me.” He frustratingly ran his fingers through his sweaty brown hair. “Fuck, Em, you’re going to ruin everything. If y’all fight or he upsets you, Quinn will take your side, and she’ll leave if it upsets you too much. I know she will.”

I turned around and moved to kneel in between his outstretched legs, facing him. He had a sad look on his face. I was absolutely sure this had more to do with Quinn possibly not living next door to him and less to do with Jaxon and I potentially fighting. As one of his best friends, all I wanted to do was make him happy again.

“Jaxon and I are adults. He knows about me, and knows about my rules. He knew all of this, weeks before. He knows I don’t plan on being his or anyone else’s wife or girlfriend, for that matter. This is all for fun,” I said raising my hands in the air.

“Ems, do you truly believe that. Do you really think you’re never going to marry anybody?” he asked.


He sighed. “You really should let someone in some day.”

Kimberly Lauren's Books