Beautiful Broken Rules (Broken, Series #1)(25)

When we walked in, there were guys lining up shots in front of Garrett. Apparently, it was his birthday and he needed to finish off his celebratory birthday shots. When he was done, I reached in-between the guys and grabbed five shot glasses and the bottle of tequila.

“Come on, Garrett, do another birthday shot with us!” I shouted.

Quinn and I were both leaning up against the bar while the guys stood behind us. I felt Jaxon’s fingertips touch the skin under my shirt around my waist. I moved just an inch backward to lean into him a little bit more. When he didn’t move forward any, I leaned over the counter so my backside would move up against his groin. The instant I touched him, he shot forward over me and groaned. Quinn shot him a dirty look thinking that he had just crashed into me.

“Someone shoved me,” he said pointing behind him.

He sat up a little straighter, not moving away from touching me though. I tried holding it in, but I couldn’t stop laughing at the scared expression he gave Quinn, and he pinched me in the side. It only made me laugh harder. By this point, Garrett had lined up a row of shots for everyone around him.

“I’m only doing this for you, Em, because I’m already f*cking hammered! Also because I owe you one for throwing your clothes in a tree, although I heard some guys got a pretty good wakeup call that morning.” He winked and my mouth dropped open.

“YOU DID THAT?” I yelled.

When he nodded his head, Jaxon reached past me, and high-fived Garrett in the air. “Thanks man, that was the best damn morning of my life!” he boomed over the crowd.

Everyone around us starting laughing and I elbowed Jaxon in the ribs behind me, with a “oomph” he leaned forward into my ear, “What? I can’t help but thank the guy.”

“Okay, get ready boys!” Micah interrupted by yelling. “And ladies.” He smiled at Quinn and me.

“Hold up, I think Jax needs to do the toast, he was always good at those in high school,” Cole shouted above the noise. Jace started laughing like he knew exactly what Cole was talking about.

“Alright, hold’em up high!” Jaxon shouted in a heavier southern accent than he normally had. I melted against him further when I heard that. Suddenly, I felt him lean forward across me. His solid chest smashed up against my back. For a second, I remembered what it felt like to run my hands across that wide bare chest and I lost my breath. He was damn sexy and now that I knew what he was capable of, I was seconds away from pulling him across this bar top and making a scene for everyone around us. I felt his mouth next to my ear.

“Don’t get offended at me for this,” he whispered, then his warmth disappeared and I whimpered at the loss. The hand not holding the shot glass came around my hips and squeezed me in close to let me know he heard that.

“Here’s to honor. Get on her. Stay on her. If you fall off. Get back on her. If you can’t cum in her. Cum on her! Happy Birthday Man!” Jaxon shouted in his deep voice.

Everyone was laughing so hard they couldn’t take their shots at first. When they finally calmed down enough, I watched as all of their heads rocked backward and they poured the tequila down. Cole pulled Quinn to the dance floor immediately afterward and Jace found a small pretty brunette that he could dance with.

“You didn’t take yours. You didn’t like the toast?”

I spun around to face Jaxon. He was still right up against me so we were almost touching when I turned. He had a sexy smirk at the corner of lips. How is it fair to all other men in the world for Jaxon to have so many sexy qualities? I didn’t even want to start thinking about the fact that he had an identical version of him twenty feet away from us.

Kimberly Lauren's Books