A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(33)

The need in her voice punched through his senses. After their date yesterday he’d dropped her off at one of her restaurants and then hadn’t seen her again until just an hour ago. He was working different angles on the op, and on the off chance Mercado had been watching her at work, Nathan couldn’t just hang around her. Things had to appear normal. “We’ll be tracking you tonight through your phone and I’ll check in once you’ve made it home safely. I’m part of the surveillance team, so I’ll be nearby at all times.” He wasn’t letting anything happen to her.

“I know. I just mean, when will I see you again? Not for this op.” Her words were still low, as if she didn’t want the others to hear.

“I’ll call you.” When her face fell, he continued. “Tomorrow.” Hell, he didn’t know if he could make that happen, not with everything they were doing, but he’d try. “And remember—if you can’t get an invite to his house, don’t push it. Let it come naturally.”

“Okay, I will.” She seemed more at ease now and for that he was grateful. She nodded toward the kitchen. “I’ll walk you out.”

He didn’t want to leave, but it was time. Dax, a new member of this op, was parked in her garage in a white SUV. They’d parked there and entered through her kitchen so her neighbors wouldn’t get a peek at any of them. Sure, someone might ask about the SUV, but Amelia was going to say she’d been test-driving one if it ever came up. An easy lie that she could back up with an alibi his team had created at a local dealership. So far it didn’t appear as if Mercado was following Amelia’s movements, but if for some reason he got nosy and started questioning her neighbors, they were covering all their bases. Because Amelia’s safety came first on this op.

In the kitchen just Cade was waiting. Maria and Elliott must have already got in the SUV.

He nodded once at Amelia. “You’re ready for this.” A statement, full of authority.

“You know it.” Her voice was strong now.

Thank God. Nathan squeezed her shoulder once. “We’ve got your back.” He needed to remind her just one more time, more for himself than for her.

She smiled, the relief in her eyes the last thing he saw before he and Cade exited as quietly as they’d come. Now they just had to wait to see how her date went. If she got the invite, it would be time for the next stage. If Mercado invited her over to his place tonight, they were ready for that too. Though Nathan hated the idea of her going over there after a date. He hated the idea of her going there at all.

Shaking himself, he put all that away. It was game time. Amelia was depending on his team to have her back. That meant he had to be completely focused.

Amelia glanced at her phone for the tenth time in as many minutes. Mercado would be here soon, so she needed to stop fidgeting. It was hard, though, when all she could think about was this stupid date. Well, that and the way Nathan had kissed her.

And how she’d kissed him back. It had felt too natural being in his arms again, flicking her tongue against his. Her body was primed for him, her nipples hard against her bra cups. Not the best timing, she chastised herself. And not the best idea. Once she confessed everything to him, things would be different between them. He probably wouldn’t even want to be in her life again, let alone kiss her.

Her cell rang in her hand, making her heart rate kick up ten notches. She cursed herself for the jumpy reaction. When she saw the number for Plátanos Maduros, her stomach rumbled. She’d been too nervous to eat much, and right now she could definitely go for some comfort food. Her second restaurant was known for the various ways they cooked plantains, hence the name. She wanted more of those empanadas. “Hello?”

“Hey, Amelia, it’s Sylvia.” One of her managers, and her tone was stressed.

The busy sound of the restaurant filled the background, so Amelia knew she was likely using the phone behind the bar or near the hostess stand. And Sylvia didn’t call unless it was necessary. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. . . .” She sighed. “I know you’re going on a date tonight, but I just wanted to let you know that Tessa didn’t show up this afternoon. I’ve been trying to get a hold of her the past couple hours, but she’s not picking up. Her phone rings but no answer.”

Amelia’s doorbell rang, making her cringe. Talk about timing. She headed for the living room, her heels softly clicking against the wooden floor as she crossed the foyer. Nerves danced in her stomach. “Have any of the girls said anything?” she asked as she opened the door to find Mercado standing there.

Dressed in casual slacks and a blue button-down shirt, he looked handsome and put together as usual. She was just thankful Nathan and his team were listening; it eased the knot inside her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, stepping back and motioning him inside as Sylvia continued.

“Yeah, no one knows anything.”

“Did you talk to Jonas?” She shut the door behind Mercado, not sure if he’d want a drink before they left or not. The only good thing about getting a work call was that she didn’t have time to be stressed about Mercado anymore.

“No, why would I?”

Jonas was one of her guys who worked in the back. “I caught them making out in the parking lot a few days ago. I think they might be an item so check with him. Can you cover for her tonight?”

Katie Reus's Books