A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(36)

Tessa wondered what was worse, the lack of emotion or the hint of crazy she saw in the man with the gun. In the end, she didn’t care. She just wanted to be left alone so she could break down without an audience. Tears threatened, but she ruthlessly shoved them back. So she nodded and took the bottle from the man. He picked up the covered tray and set it on the desk before quietly exiting with the other man.

The door shut and was locked from the outside, the snicking sound making her nauseated. At least she was alone. But she had no idea what was going on, who these people were, or why they’d taken her. About a dozen horrific scenarios raced through her mind, all the horror movies she loved so much coming back to haunt her in vivid detail.

Terrified but exhausted, she dimmed the lights and made her way to the twin bed in the corner of the sterile room. She doubted she’d be able to sleep but got under the white sheet anyway and curled on her side. Though she tried to hold them back, she let her tears fall, hot and wet, against the pillow. She wondered what the hell those pills were. Maybe something to make her more compliant. God, she couldn’t even think about that right now. All she knew was that she wouldn’t simply go along with whatever they wanted.

Amelia tried not to fidget with her purse or act as if she couldn’t wait to get home while Mercado’s driver steered down her street. Mercado had given her a tour of his house—and it was amazing—before dinner. And dinner had been lovely, Mercado the perfect host. It was so hard to imagine that he was involved in kidnapping and selling women. She knew monsters could have all sorts of faces, but her gut didn’t tell her to run from him. Her survival instincts were strong too. They’d been honed at a young age. God, she’d been . . . six when one of her mother’s clients tried to touch her. From that moment on, she’d quickly learned to read people and situations. So it bothered her that she didn’t get a bad vibe from Mercado.

She wished she’d had a way to communicate with Nathan to find out if his team had managed to hack into Mercado’s computer system. Elliott hadn’t known how long it would take to use her cell phone as a gateway, so she had no idea if her being in Mercado’s house had even helped the operation.

When they pulled into her driveway, Mercado got out, not waiting for his driver—who wasn’t making a move to get out anyway. Instead Mercado held out a hand for Amelia as she slid from the vehicle. The fear she’d felt before dinner was gone, but nerves still skittered through her. She just wanted to get inside and be alone—and, okay, contact Nathan. Not just because she wanted to see how the operation had gone either; she wanted to hear his voice. That kiss he’d given her earlier made her heart rate kick up just thinking about it. And she didn’t want Mercado to try to kiss her.

“I had a very nice time tonight.” Mercado’s voice brought her back to the present, forcing thoughts of Nathan to the back burner.

“I did too.” She turned to face him as they reached her front door. She’d forgotten to leave her porch light on, but there was enough illumination from the moon and streetlights for her to see. She started to reach into her purse for her keys when Mercado stepped a fraction closer, completely invading her personal space.

Oh, crap. Did he plan a good night kiss? He seemed so traditional that maybe—he cupped her cheek gently, his thumb stroking over her skin. She didn’t want anyone touching her but Nathan.

Maybe something of her reaction showed, because he let his hand drop, his expression contemplative. “Why did you agree to go out with me again when you’re dating Miguel?”

She was surprised by the question but lifted her shoulders. “He and I have been on exactly one date. I wouldn’t call that dating.” In case Nathan needed her to get into Mercado’s house again, she wanted to keep things open with him.

He was silent for a long moment, his gaze falling to her mouth before he met her eyes again. “I would like to see you again.”

She must have been decent company for him to ask her out again. Unless maybe he suspected something? That tightness was back in her belly, but she smiled and nodded. “I would too. This week I’m pretty busy with work, but I can make time.”

“Good.” There was a sensual note in his voice as he stepped closer again, leaning down this time.

She had to order herself not to stiffen up as his mouth teased over hers. The kiss was barely a kiss, just a brief brushing of lips, but guilt still bloomed inside her. Which was absolutely ridiculous. She’d done nothing wrong.

Before he’d made it to his car, she’d unlocked her front door and stepped inside. By the time she locked it, she realized the beeping of her alarm hadn’t gone off. She knew she’d set it.

Panic bloomed inside her for all of a second until Nathan stepped from the shadows of her living room. She pushed out a short sigh and clicked on the small lamp on her foyer table. She hadn’t expected him to be waiting for her, but she couldn’t deny the burst of pleasure at seeing him. Pleasure and relief. Tonight had gone well, but Nathan’s presence smoothed out the edges of her nerves. She wasn’t afraid when he was around. “What are you doing here?” she asked quietly.

“That fucker kissed you.” His words were a growl and not even close to an answer. Her heart rate kicked up as he moved toward her with the lethal grace of a predator. His clothes were as dark as his expression.

But the look on his face . . . Before she could ask again what he was doing there, he had her backed up against the front door, his hands caging her in on either side. Gasping, she slid her hands slid over his chest, a shiver rippling through her at the feel of taut muscles.

Katie Reus's Books