A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(34)

“Yeah, we’ll pick up the slack, no problem. I just wanted to let you know. She probably just flaked or fell asleep. I know she picked up an extra class this semester and it’s been stressing her out.”

Tessa wasn’t the type to flake out, but . . . she was in college and young. Amelia would give her a break. “Thanks. I’ll try to call her tomorrow. Text me with any more issues, but I’m turning my phone to silent after this.”

“Okay, and sorry for bothering you tonight.”

As soon as they disconnected, Amelia smiled apologetically at Mercado. “I’m so sorry. I got a work call right as you arrived, but the phone is off for the evening, so I’m all yours.”

His smile was charming and just a little heated. “I like the sound of that.” That was heat in his voice too. “Is everything okay at work?”

“Oh yeah, just employee stuff. When you hire teenagers or college-age kids, you have to expect certain things.” She gave a light laugh, thankful it didn’t sound forced. If she treated this as a normal date, she’d be fine. “Did you want a drink before we leave?”

He shook his head. “No, but I have a small change of plans.”

She picked up her purse on the foyer table and slid her phone into it. If Mercado planned to kidnap someone, she didn’t fit the bill of the type of women being taken. She had roots and people had seen her out with him before. No, she wouldn’t be a target. “Oh?”

“If it’s all right, I’d like to cook for you tonight. I don’t want to seem presumptuous or for you to assume I’m inviting you to my home for anything else other than dinner, but I did promise I’d cook last time we went out. I’m not as good as you no doubt are, but . . .” He smiled that easy smile again, lifting his shoulders. “My daughter tells me I’m decent.”

Holy hell. She’d gotten an invite to his house without even having to try. Blood rushed in her ears for a moment, but she found her voice and nodded. “That sounds great. I’m ready. Just let me set the alarm.” She set it to away mode and as the beeping countdown started, she opened the front door for them.

After she locked up, she turned to find him waiting on the doorstep, his arm slightly bent for her, so she linked hers through his. A twinge of guilt threaded through her, but she squashed it immediately. It wasn’t as if she and Nathan were in a relationship or anything and this date wasn’t real.

As they strode down her walkway to his waiting car, she realized someone was holding the back door open for them. She almost jerked in surprise but caught herself. Of course he would have a driver. She’d met him at the auction, so she hadn’t known, but she shouldn’t be surprised. If she had to guess, this guy was his security more than a driver. Nerves started to dance along her spine. Not because her inner voice told her that something was off, but because she knew he was a suspect in mass kidnappings and likely slave trade. Her gut told her differently, but . . . she’d been wrong before.

“I have a confession to make,” she said once they were in the backseat. The leather was smooth against her legs. She was so damn thankful Nathan was listening in right now. It made this easier to do—made her feel less vulnerable.

His lips quirked slightly. “Oh?”

“When I told you I Googled you, I read an article about your home on one of those architectural sites. I think it was a reference to the previous owner?” She phrased it as a question even though she knew the answer. Cade and Nathan had told her she needed to sprinkle lies and truths to make things believable and turn things in the direction she wanted them to go. She hoped he picked up her thread of conversation.

He nodded, relaxing against the seat and turning his body toward her so she had his full attention. She still couldn’t see him as a kidnapper. “It’s one of the reasons I bought it. I like the privacy of Star Island, but the customizations made it move-in ready for me.”

Star Island was a private, very exclusive neighborhood in Miami Beach. “If you’ll indulge me with a tour before you cook, I’d be in heaven.” It would be the perfect way for her to get access to all the rooms, or at least close enough to the one that Nathan’s team needed. They’d shown her a floor plan so she knew where she needed to be. And if he gave her a tour when they first arrived, it wouldn’t seem weird if she had her purse with her. If he gave her one after dinner, it might seem odd if she picked up her purse and carried it around.

“I’ll indulge anything you want.” His voice dropped an octave as he tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear, his thumb grazing her cheek, lingering a little longer than necessary.

She froze for a moment, wondering if he planned to kiss her, and had to fight back a sigh of relief when he let his hand drop. She definitely wasn’t cut out for this undercover business. It was too nerve-racking.

She hoped that Elliott got whatever it was he needed from Iker’s computer, because she didn’t want to have to go through another date again.

“She’s doing great.” Elliott gave a nod of approval as his fingers flew over the keyboard. “And, as we suspected, Mercado has a guy scoping out your ‘home’ right now. Check it out.” He pulled up another screen showing images of video feeds from the place the NSA had set up as Miguel Ortiz’s Miami home base.

Mercado had already done one search after Nathan had reached out to him, which made sense, considering “Miguel” wanted to do business with him—but that was before Nathan had made a move on Amelia. Now it appeared the man had decided to do another check. Mercado had already run the financials of Nathan’s alias, along with reaching out to people Miguel had worked with in the past. He came up exactly as he was supposed to. A businessman interested in real estate and smuggling on the side. All hidden well enough under respectable businesses. Similar to Mercado.

Katie Reus's Books