A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(30)

“I need to use the restroom before we leave,” she murmured, standing.

Nathan stood with her and made a move as if he’d come with her, but the server had arrived with their check. Which was just as well; she didn’t need a freaking escort to the bathroom. And she wanted space from him. Being around him made her feel too many things, some welcome, some not. She hated the way her body simply flared to life around him, hated not being in control when she knew he didn’t return the sentiment. Sure, he was attracted to her, but she needed more than that.

On her way out of the restroom, she was surprised to find Mercado waiting for her. He leaned casually against the sparkly tiled wall that provided an extra enclosure for the restroom doors.

He straightened when he saw her, his expression unreadable. “I’m sorry to ambush you, but I wanted to speak to you in private.”

She didn’t have to feign surprise to see him. “Iker, I didn’t realize this was your place or I never would have come on a date here.”

His lips curved up slightly. “I know. Under other circumstances I would advise you to stay away from Miguel. He’s a dangerous man, Amelia.” Worry crept into his gaze as he continued. “But I know it would sound false coming from me now. So I’ll just say watch your step with him. And I would like to take you out again. Tonight, if you’re free.”

Wow, Nathan had been right about the male ego. She decided to ignore the first part of what he said. “I’m working tonight, but I’m free tomorrow.”

His smile was one of pure male satisfaction. Yep, this was definitely about Nathan/Miguel as much as it was about her. Men were such strange creatures. If she saw a guy she was dating out with someone else, she’d just move on—because she didn’t share. After setting a time for Mercado to pick her up, they stepped out of the enclosure to find Nathan striding their way.

He looked annoyed to see them together and she wasn’t sure if that was real or acting. Iker didn’t say anything, just headed in another direction as Nathan approached.

“You ready?” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her.

“Oh yeah.” Phase one of their mission had been accomplished. She’d managed to snag another date with Mercado. Now she just needed to get inside his house. From there, Nathan’s people would do all the work via her cell phone connection. They’d also be on standby so she didn’t get kidnapped too. That she knew Nathan would be part of the team listening in on her was the only reason she was willing to go through with everything.

Sid drove by his next target’s ranch-style home, a basic copy of the rest of the homes in the quiet neighborhood. No outside lights were on and no visible lights in the front of the house.

All the yards along the street were neatly mowed with garbage and recycle bins set at the curb for tomorrow’s pickup. Including hers. And her car was parked under the carport. Since it was close to midnight, it was a good time to make a move if he was going to take her now. He’d already gotten grief for not snagging her last night.

She was young, barely college-age. He’d followed her home last night and had driven by here a few times today while she was at work to see if there was any movement at her house. She’d seemed friendly with that guy the other night and she could have given him a key if they were fucking. Sid needed to cover all bases. He’d thought about moving on her last night, but there had been another car in the driveway. Maybe that guy had stayed over.

Today there hadn’t been any movement at her home from what he could tell, and just her car under the carport. Since this looked like the kind of neighborhood to have nosy neighbors with too much time on their hands, he’d switched vehicles during his drive-by checks.

According to his file she went to the University of Miami and didn’t have a roommate or parents. They’d died and left her this house. No security system listed. Still, he wanted more intel and his boss was getting not exactly sloppy, but anxious for him to take this girl. That was never a good sign. They had such a good operation going. It wouldn’t be smart to get impatient and start taking too many girls in a row. But she must fit a profile someone wanted. Like the others taken, she had no family. Though she did have friends.

But so had some of the other targets, and that was easily dealt with by shutting down their online accounts. Still, something about this kidnapping felt wrong to him, just too damn impatient. They’d been so smart, flying under the radar, running this operation right under everyone’s noses. It was brilliant. What the hell was he going to do, though? He couldn’t question the boss. Not when he was pulling in such good money. Besides, he knew his life would be worth nothing if he tried to back out. He’d just become a target himself. No way would he allow that to happen.

He rolled his neck once as he pulled up to a stop sign. Girls went missing every day. This bitch would be no different.

Turning left, he headed down a block before he turned around. He’d have to be fast. Hell, he’d done it before. Usually with a longer lead time to watch the girls’ movements, but this would work. If someone got in his way, it was just their bad luck.

When he pulled back down her street, he parked in front of her next-door neighbor’s house. He already had the materials he needed to take her, so after pulling on gloves and taking another quick scan of the street, he slipped from his SUV. The air had a fresh scent to it.

This was a good time of night to take someone, especially in a neighborhood like this, where old people went to bed early.

Katie Reus's Books