A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)(37)

His erection was unmistakable.

“It was barely a kiss and just part of the . . .” She struggled for the right word. She wasn’t an operative or even close, but she managed to finish with “job.”

“Don’t care,” he rasped out before he slanted his mouth over hers. His tongue slipped past her lips, completely demanding.

There was so much she needed to tell him, should probably tell him before things went any further, but when he shoved her dress up to her waist without warning, she stopped thinking.

The move was so primal, so Nathan. He’d always been like that, desperate to have her whenever they’d managed to sneak time alone together. Looking back, she’d wondered if it was teenage hormones, but as he ground his hips against her, his thick length pushing against her abdomen, she knew it was the chemistry between them.

Groaning into his kiss, she grasped his shoulders and lifted herself up so that she wrapped her legs around his waist. With her dress bunched up and so few barriers between them, it wouldn’t take much for him to be inside her.

Her inner walls tightened at the mere thought. Nathan Ortiz. She’d never thought she’d see him again, had been too much of a coward to even attempt to look him up.

Yet here he was, back in her life, kissing her like a man who’d been deprived of sex for a thousand years. And though he hadn’t said the actual words, she knew he wanted to wipe away Mercado’s kiss.

Her nipples tightened against the built-in cups of her dress as she arched against him. The friction primed her even more, the dampness between her legs growing by the second.

One of his hands moved to her hip while the other cupped her face. As his tongue danced against hers, she could feel the energy humming through him. If she let him, he’d consume her.

Suddenly he tore away from her mouth. His body and hand on her hip kept her pinned against the door. The way he looked at her had her entire body lit up with heat and hunger. There was no way he could be stopping now. Because this simply couldn’t end with a kiss. She needed him too badly.

“I still fucking jerk off to thoughts of you.” He said it so savagely, almost accusingly. As if he didn’t want to think of her when he touched himself. She didn’t blame him, not after the way she’d so coldly ended things. The statement took her so off guard, both because of the savageness and the admission.

Hell, she couldn’t believe he was standing in her foyer kissing her at all. She knew this had nothing to do with his mission. Maybe he wanted to get her out of his system? The thought should hurt her more, and though it stung, she still couldn’t blame him. God knew she’d never gotten him out of her system.

There was no rhyme or reason for it either. She’d had sex since him and knew he must have, but no one had ever made her feel the way he did. For a long time she’d wondered if it was because he’d been her first, but now she knew that had nothing to do with it. She wasn’t sure how to respond, couldn’t find her voice anyway.

When he slightly moved back, taking all that warmth away from her as he separated their bodies, she started to protest until she realized what he was doing. Hand still on her hip, he went down to his knees as her heeled shoes clicked against the wooden foyer floor. If he wasn’t still holding her hip, she wasn’t certain her legs would keep her up.

With her dress shoved up, she felt exposed but not vulnerable with him. Never that. At least not in the sexual sense. Nathan would never hurt her, not physically. It wasn’t in his DNA. If she wanted to stop this, he’d stop.

She didn’t want to. It didn’t matter that there were still issues between them; she needed him.

Keeping his gaze pinned to hers, he slowly tugged her panties off. His eyes seemed somehow darker tonight. He never looked away as he tossed them to the side and lifted one of her legs, spreading her wider for him. She propped her heeled shoe on his shoulder.

Everything about this moment was so intimate. Maybe too intimate. While she could never be physically vulnerable with him, emotionally was a whole other beast. Once they crossed this line—and they were definitely having sex tonight—it would rip her open if and when he walked out of her life. She couldn’t know for sure that he would, but Nathan was a black-and-white kind of guy. Or he had been. He’d never seen the world in shades of gray. Things were either right or wrong for him. She didn’t know how he’d react when she told him why she’d ended things.

Still looking at her, he trailed a finger up her inner calf, then thigh. She was already shaking with the need for more when he oh so slowly slid his thick finger along her wet folds.

He shuddered, his eyes going heavy-lidded for a moment. “This is for me.” A simple statement. No smugness, but a pure male satisfaction.

She nodded, mainly because she couldn’t force her vocal cords to work.

“I didn’t like you out with him,” he murmured, slipping a finger inside her.

That much was definitely clear. Her lower back arched. “I know,” she whispered, amazed she had the ability to talk as he pushed into her wetness. The feel of him inside her, even just his finger, had her nipples getting even harder. She wanted to strip her dress off and feel his body against hers, on top of her, as he took her. She’d always loved the feeling of being completely and utterly possessed by him. And she wanted it again. So much that it scared her.

“I don’t care if it was for part of the op.” Again with that possessiveness.

Katie Reus's Books