Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(68)

"The Sluagh?" Kalen asked.

Nick nodded and pointed the remote at the new flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. "Let's take a look."

The screen came on and showed a video of the front of the cabin, a nice midsized retreat nestled back in the towering pines. It boasted a wide, covered porch that wrapped around the side of the house, and large windows with the curtains drawn. A stone chimney stood on one side, and Aric had no doubt the interior was just as attractive as the outside. Then again, he wouldn't have expected Beryl to stay in a dump, on the run or not.

Nick paused the video. "Okay, see these dark spots in the footage?" He pointed to several shapes that appeared to be shadows or perhaps bad reception in the feed, located on opposite corners of the porch, several along the edge of the trees. "There are more of these shadows on the porch as the camera pans to the side and back. I believe those are the Sluagh being used as sentries, only their true forms don't show on film. I showed this to Sariel and he agrees. Now watch as the video travels to the back of the cabin."

The transition wasn't smooth. Whoever had risked his neck to obtain the vid pointed the lens in the general direction of the cabin as he obviously sneaked around the building, making the view bounce up and down. Then it smoothed out as he reached his destination, giving a nice shot of the rear of the cabin at a forty-five-degree angle.

More shadows dotted the back porch and surrounding area. Nick paused the video, pointing to a window on the left side. "Right here. Look closely and you'll see two figures, a male and a female. The male on the left is taller, white-haired, heavyset. He's been identified as Orson Chappell. The female with the long auburn hair is Beryl. The military believes they're the only two inside."

Aric let out a curse. He and Jax locked eyes, and he knew his friend was both anticipating and dreading the coming confrontation, because he felt the same.

"Nicky, I counted somewhere in the neighborhood of thirty of Malik's ugly-assed pets," Zan said, frowning. "That's just the ones we can see in the vid. How the hell will we destroy them all to even have a prayer of getting inside that cabin?"

"Because we have some points on our side that we haven't before-the element of surprise and the knowledge of what they are, and that they can be killed. Our resident faery prince also gave me a very important tidbit that we'll use to our advantage."

Their commander stopped the vid and then pushed another button. A slide appeared on the screen, a hand-drawn illustration of a Sluagh. The rendering was quite good, done in dark pencil, with all of the minute details, right down to the warts. A red circle was drawn on the beast's upper left side, just above the ribs at the spot where the top of a lung would be, if it were human.

"What is this? Sluagh Anatomy 101?" Ryon joked. The tension was broken and the others chuckled. Even Nick managed to lighten up some.

"Exactly. And this is probably the most relevant fact you'll learn about them." He pointed to the center of the red circle. "When the Seelie transform into their evil counterparts, the transition is physically tough on their bodies, as you can see. Their hearts are displaced, which is kind of appropriate when you think about it." More snickers, and Nick's lips curved in a half smile. He tapped the picture. "The heart ends up right here, far to the left of where human and Seelie hearts are located. Like most sentient supernatural creatures, a Sluagh can't survive if this organ is destroyed. He is, for all his strength and nastiness, simply flesh and blood. Take out his heart, and he's dead."

"But that means we have to get close enough to the damned thing to get at it," Aric observed.

"Not true. Shoot it if you can. Stab it if you must. But one way or the other, kill the f**kers," Nick ordered. "Then take Chappell and Beryl alive if at all possible."

A.J. spoke up. "So, Rowan and I get to go? Are you sure you trust humans along on this op, especially green ones?"

"Fair question. A.J., the rest of the Pack should know that you're more than just a former security guard for one of Chappell's buildings." At the newest man's reluctant nod of assent, Nick addressed the group. "A.J. is a former Dallas police detective and was also part of the SWAT team... as a sniper. Of everyone in this room, he's the man most likely to pick off a dozen of those bastards before they even realize what's hit them."

All eyes swung toward the good-looking sandy-haired man. His lips pursed and he looked down at the tabletop.

"Dude, that's awesome," Ryon said.

"No, it's not," A.J. snapped, and Ryon blinked in surprise.

Aric wondered what the guy's story could be, why he'd left the force to become a rent-a-cop, but that was a tale for another day.

Nick quickly took the floor again, steering them away from the uncomfortable exchange. "A.J. has agreed to be the Pack's sniper, an area where he can really excel without having to go hand to hand with our nonhuman opponents. He's been practicing at my request and has accepted the position. Does anyone have an objection?"

It was a moot point if the job already belonged to A.J., but Aric knew Nick would listen. As it turned out, the Pack was supportive, agreeing that having a sniper on the team was a good plan. He'd be loaded with silver bullets for added protection.

"Good. This will also help Kalen, letting him save his magic for bigger problems, and believe me, there will be some. As for Rowan," Nick went on, "she's an officer, trained in firearms and apprehending criminals, even if she's used to human ones. She can fight, and she's proven herself in battle as far as I'm concerned-and we need every able-bodied soldier we can get. This is of course up to her, and the Pack has to agree."

J.D. Tyler's Books