Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(70)

Not far from him, Kalen was doing a good job of protecting himself and Rowan from the onslaught, using his magic to dry them to husks. Hammer used his gift as a Tracer, teleporting from one place to another in an instant, barely avoiding decapitation. Aric was so distracted seeing him do that in battle, he nearly got himself gutted.

He collided with one of the creatures, causing him to drop his gun. Shit. In desperation, he pushed his body into the other's massive bulk, then forced a rapid half shift, his fingernails becoming razor-sharp claws. Then he drove them through rancid flesh into the beast's heart. It gave a grunt and fell as he yanked them free again.

Another beast rushed him from the side and he threw out a hand, using his gift of telekinesis to stop it cold, lift it. Then he sent it flying backward with the speed of a runaway train. He gave a shout of triumph as it slammed into a tree with a crunch, slid to the ground, and fell still.

Hammer and Kalen were easily dispatching the last of the Sluagh, though the bigger man was bleeding. Seeing that the path to the front door was now clear, Aric ran, vaguely aware of Rowan racing behind him. He paused long enough to give the front door a couple of hard kicks, and it crashed inward.

Sprinting inside, he searched for the witch. The one he longed to see burn for her crimes. He spotted the white-haired man who must be Chappell running for the back of the cabin, and Rowan shouted.

"I'll get him!" She took off, weapon in hand.

"Be careful!" He scanned the room; it appeared to be empty. Until she spoke.

"Did you miss me so much you had to come back for more?"

Right in front of him, Beryl appeared out of thin air. She hadn't changed. Long hair flowed around a face that should have been beautiful, if not for the ever-present coldness in her eyes and the cruel twist to her mouth.

"I'm here to toast your skanky ass," he snarled, taking a step forward.

She laughed huskily. "Good luck with that."

Aric released his fire again, throwing out a hand. But Beryl was just as fast, uttering a word in Latin and raising a palm toward him. His flames were deflected with a roar as crimson light drove them back, the power of the clash tossing him backward. He landed hard, the hit jarring his spine, and lost his hold on the flames.

The red light enveloped him, entering his body like a million volts of electricity. He screamed, couldn't help himself, the pain was so great. Writhed on the floor like a cockroach that had been sprayed, waiting to die and helpless to do a f**king thing about it.

Then a loud boom sounded and he was released from the light's power. Raising his head, he saw Beryl go flying, crash into a wood-and-glass case, the kind that held little knickknacks. Wood crunched and glass showered everywhere. In the entryway, Kalen stood, staff in hand, whispering another chant and sending a second bolt at the witch.

Aric didn't think he'd ever been so happy to see any of his brothers. No doubt, Kalen was one of them.

Beryl shrieked in pain and rage, flying up into the air with superhuman strength and speed. She flew at Kalen, firing a return blast that lifted him off his feet, propelled him back to smash into a wall. He slid to the floor, and the two of them returned blows.

Aric pushed to his feet, moving around behind the witch. He had to help Kalen while her attention was focused on him. Aric tore off his shirt, let loose his wolf. Shifted, kicked free of his pants and shoes, and ran. He leapt, hitting her between the shoulder blades, taking her to the floor. She twisted and he went for her throat, clamped down, fully intending to tear it out.

"Aric!" Nick's voice shouted. "Don't kill her!"

Damn it! He held his position, kept her pinned. Somehow he managed to suppress the need to tear the head off the bitch who'd caused him such pain. Several sets of footsteps approached, his team joining them. Where the f**k was Rowan?

"Aric, let her up," Nick ordered. "And you, witch. Get to your knees, nice and slow."

Aric moved aside, growling, hackles raised. Ready to go against his leader's command and tear her to shreds if she tried anything. "Now, on your feet. Slowly."

The men surrounded her. Kalen was the closest, keeping a wary eye on her. But even he wasn't prepared when she raised a bloodied finger and pressed it to the center of his forehead.

"Abyssus abyssum invocat," she hissed. Then she withdrew her hand and licked her own blood from her finger, looking quite pleased with herself.

Kalen's eyes drooped for a moment, and he staggered as though about to pass out. Hammer steadied him and the Sorcerer seemed to shake off whatever she'd done. Immediately, he mouthed his own incantation and the witch went rigid, arms going behind her back.

"She's bound," Kalen said in a tired voice. "We can transport her now."

Aric shifted back to human form and went for his pants. Yanking them on, he looked around for Rowan and spotted her emerging from the hallway. "Thank God," he said, striding toward her. Grabbing her, he pulled her against his chest. "I was way past worried about you."

"I'm good. Chappell, though? Not so much." She sighed, pulling back. "Sorry, guys, but he turned and pulled a gun. I returned fire and shot him in the stomach. He's bleeding out in the master bedroom, and he's not gonna make it. If Nick wants to question him, he'd better get back there."

"Shit," Nick spat. Then he glanced at Rowan, shaking his head. "Not your fault, though. I just wish we could've brought him in. Kalen, Hammer, Ryon, watch the witch. The rest of you can come with me."

J.D. Tyler's Books