Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(72)

Ryon frowned. "That doesn't sound good. What does it mean?"

"It means when Malik calls, he'll expect me to answer. And if I refuse, there will be hell to pay."

Chapter Fourteen

The morning Rowan was scheduled to depart for L.A., Nick called her into his office.

He rose to greet her and then gestured to the chair she'd occupied... was it only a week ago? The very place where she'd sat and listened to the most astounding things coming out of his sexy mouth and hadn't believed an asinine word. Until she'd witnessed it for herself, again and again.

When they were situated, he got right to the point. "I wanted to give you this," he said. Reaching into his desk drawer, he pulled out a heavy object and slid it across the surface to her. "I should've let you use it during our shootout at the OK Corral."

"My gun." She smiled. "I figured maybe you planned to keep it."

"Nah. I actually meant to return it before now."

"Thanks." She gave him a thoughtful look. "Somehow I don't think getting my weapon back is the only reason I'm here. You could've just passed it to one of the guys if that's all you wanted."

As always, his smile transformed his hardened countenance into a breathtaking one. "I'd say you didn't need to be a psychic to know that."

She laughed, delighted that he had recalled their sparring that day and tossed her words back at her. "Touche. So, what gives, O Great One?"

"You're the only one I'd let get away with calling me that," he said, only half teasing.

"Why did you?"

"Damned if I know. Anyway, I have something sort of serious to discuss."

"Sounds ominous."

"Not really, unless you count battling nasty supernatural creatures as ominous," he quipped.

"I'm not following."

Leaning back in his rolling chair, he tapped a pen on his desk top. "I want you to think about joining the Alpha Pack team when you return."

After that bombshell, she gaped at him, trying to assimilate what he'd said. "You want me on the team? Are you serious?"

"I don't make offers like that lightly. So, yes, I do."

"But you don't have any women in the ranks, as Hammer pointed out before. How will the guys feel about that?"

"What is this, the Dark Ages? And don't forget, you've already proven yourself in battle, twice. The team would be lucky to have you."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"That's a first."


"Just tell me you'll give it serious thought."

The import of his offer slowly seeped in, and she nodded. "I will. No matter what I decide, I'm truly honored that you'd ask. How soon do you want an answer?"

"It's an open-ended offer, but maybe you shouldn't take too long."

A sense of dread skittered in, like a spider under the bed. "Why's that?"

"Just listen to what this tells you." He placed a fist over his heart, gave his chest a tap, and laid his arm on the desk again.

"So, you're saying there's a reason I should take the job? Is that what you're saying?"

"I can't interfere with your decision, you know that. All I can do is present the options. You have to follow your heart's desire. No one can do it for you."

"And what if that's in L.A.?"

"Then it is." His eyes gave away nothing.

She sighed. "I'll think about it. I promise."

"That's all I can ask." He stood, signaling the end of their meeting. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a business card and handed it over. "Call me anytime, day or night."

She studied it, saw that it read only NICK WESTFALL and listed his cell phone number. Nothing more. "Thank you." Taking the card and her weapon, she tucked both into her purse and rose, slinging the strap over her shoulder. "I appreciate all you and everyone else are doing to help Micah recover."

"We'll get him there. It'll just take time."

"I know." She took her leave before this got any harder. "So long, for now."

"I'll see you."

She let herself out and walked to her room to collect her duffel bag, which was already packed and waiting on the bed. How had this place come to seem like home in such a short amount of time? How had the people here come to mean so much?

Especially one man in particular.

In her borrowed quarters, she walked to the bedroom. Every fiber of her being ached at the thought of driving away, leaving him behind. She'd never felt this way, like her guts were being twisted in a giant fist. Like for the first time in her life, she was about to royally f**k up perhaps beyond her ability to repair.

Why should she be tormented over saying good-bye to a casual fling?

Because you know he's more than that, and you're scared. Everyone you've ever cared about has disappeared-Mama, Papa. Even Micah. Yes, he was found alive. But he still left you behind years ago to follow his own dream. You've had no one but yourself to rely on for so long, you don't remember what it's like to just let go. To love without fear.

"Do I love him?"

She thought of how he'd made love to her last, with such tenderness. As though she was priceless to him and he wanted to hold her forever. He'd been hot to the touch, too, more so than ever, and she was worried about him. The idea of anything bad happening to Aric filled her with sick dread.

J.D. Tyler's Books