Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(73)

She longed to stay, keep him safe from harm. Hold him when he was ill, when he was happy. Make him smile, even hear him bitch when he was in a pissy mood.

Was that love?

She blinked several times, realized she'd been staring at her duffel for a minute or two. That wasn't a question she could answer now, when she had a dozen details to settle regarding her life in L.A.

You're running.

"So what?"

She could come back, whenever she wanted.

What if he's not waiting when you do? What if there's someone else?

"Shut up."

Slinging the duffel over her shoulder, she made her way out. Her brother was the first stop, and she discovered him barely awake.

"Hey," he said with a sleepy smile. "Why are ya leaving so early?"

"Long drive, bro." Smiling, she sat and took his hand. "I'll have to stop overnight and make the rest of the trip tomorrow."

"Oh. That's right." He frowned. "I wish you didn't have to go all that way alone."

"I'm a cop, remember? Besides, I made it out here fine, worrywart. I'll call you when I get home if that'll make you feel better."

"It will. But I don't have a cell phone anymore. God knows what happened to my old one."

"I'll just call Nick or Aric. I've got their cell numbers."

Too observant for her comfort, Micah eyed her in speculation. "Ro, I don't want to butt in where it's not my biz-"

"Then don't."

"I have to. You're the only sister I have, and if Aric's playing with your feelings I want to know," he said in a cool voice.

"No, he's not," she said quietly. "That's not it." Fresh pain stabbed her middle, but she pushed it down.

"You have feelings for him." A statement, not a question.

"Yeah. But I'm not sure those feelings are love. How am I supposed to know if it's the real thing or just a few great nights f**king each other's brains out?"

Her brother grimaced. "Whoa, TMI. I'm gonna need an extra month of therapy for that image alone, thanks so much."

"You're welcome." It was nice to see he still could joke about some things. "So how do I know?"

"By doing exactly what you are-put some distance between you and temptation. If these feelings quickly become nothing more than a fond memory, you move on. Easy."

"And if my guts still feel like they're being turned inside out a week or a month from now?"

He studied her for a long moment. "Has anyone told you about wolf shifters and mates?"

"Yes." She paused. "Jax and Kira are mates. Aric told me more about the subject, too, like how a wolf shifter needs to bite his intended Bondmate, and then they can't live without each other."

He fell silent. Anxiety formed a knot in her chest.

"Micah, Aric and I are not mates. He hasn't made any move whatsoever to claim me . And he's letting me go without a single protest."

"That doesn't sound like the Aric I know, to let something just go that he really wants." He blew out a breath. "But maybe you're right. Ask him, okay? Just put it out there, point-blank, and ask him if he's sensed a bond between you, if he's felt the need to claim you. If so, that would explain part of the intense pull between you."

"I'm not sure I should. What if he thinks I'm trying to trap him or something? I don't want to be a clinging vine."

"Just do it. He'll be straight with you, if he's the same guy I've known for years."

"All right. Thanks, little bro." She gazed at him, reluctant to go. "I wish I could stay longer."

"Get going. I don't want you driving after dark."

The order sounded paternal, and coming from him it was funny. Rising, she gave him a fierce hug, and then kissed his scarred cheek. "I love you."

"And I love you. Now get before you make me all mushy."

"See you soon."

"Not if I see you first."

Lifting her purse and duffel, she blew him a kiss and left, trying not to cry. For the most part she succeeded, except for a couple of stray tears that she swiped fast, before anyone saw. She found the guys in the rec room, Ryon and Zan playing Wii games, the others shooting the shit and watching TV. Kalen noticed her immediately, and looked over his shoulder at her from his spot on the sofa.

"Hey, you going already?"

"Afraid so." Her gaze went to Aric and her smile trembled on her lips. He rose from his spot next to Kalen and walked over slowly. This was going to be much harder than she'd believed. "Hi."

"Can I help you to your car with that?"


He took her duffel and the guys hugged her good-bye one by one. Even A.J., whom she was sorry she hadn't gotten to know better. There would be time, though, to foster those relationships. Her brother worked there.

And Nick had given her an opportunity to consider. A great one.

They headed outside and walked around the building to her car. Someone had pulled it up to the front and left the keys in the ignition. Some cop she was-she hadn't even realized the keys were missing in the first place.

Aric tossed the bag into the backseat, shut the door, and then opened the driver's door for her. "I'm going to miss you. Until you come back, that is," he said.

J.D. Tyler's Books