Savage Awakening (Alpha Pack #2)(64)

"Hammer! I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She stepped back, not out of fear or discomfort due to the man's towering size, but simply so she could see him better. She could swear he'd been nowhere around just a second ago.

"That's okay."

His rare smile was blinding and she blinked. The huge bald man was truly stunning, the epitome of a beautiful, gentle giant. Especially with his usual reserve banished by a bright, welcoming smile. He sort of resembled Vin Diesel, only way hotter. And that was saying a lot.

"Did you... need something?"

"What?" He seemed startled from some deep thought. "Oh, not really. I spotted you through the window of the rec room and wanted to make sure you weren't alone. I'm not sure if Nick's rule applies this close to the building, but I wanted to, um, keep you company."

The way he said it, kind of shy, was so sweet. The typically reticent man didn't usually have much to say, but his quiet demeanor obviously hid a big heart.

"Thanks, Hammer."


"I'm sorry?"

"My name. It's John," he said softly.

"Oh, wow. That's a great name," she said, studying him. "Big John. I love it!"

"Thanks." He actually blushed, and suddenly seemed fascinated by his tennis shoes.

"You know, the guys are all betting your name is something really nerdy or embarrassing. And here you have a strong, solid name that suits you so well." She leaned forward. "But why'd you tell me?"

He shrugged. "You're a cop, and you're Micah's sister. I know I can trust you. I feel it here," he said, placing a plate-sized palm over his gut.

She was beyond touched. "Thank you. Your secret is safe with me. After all, we wouldn't want to upset the betting pool, would we?" He laughed quietly. As she watched him, gave the man some thought, the pieces began to fit together. "You joined the team with Nick six months ago."


"He said you were in the FBI together. You were undercover, weren't you?"


"You were deep inside and you got made, didn't you?" she asked, gauging his reaction to see if she was right. He tensed, looked into her eyes, and she knew before he spoke.

"They made me, the group of terrorists I helped take down. After the job was done and the lot of them were arrested, they figured out I was an agent, learned my real name. Mine got erased, and I didn't bother to pick a new one. If I don't exist, why do I need some name on paper?"

"True. So who coined the nickname Hammer? Or did you make it up?"

"No, Nicky did, by accident. When we first met, he said my fists were as big as the business end of a sledgehammer. The short version stuck."

"Well, that's true, too, but I still prefer John." She winked. "I won't spill it in front of anyone."

"Say, I was wondering..."

The big man faltered, and stared over her head into the forest. Not because he saw anything dangerous or interesting out there. He had that look on his face men sometimes did when they were about to-


He cleared his throat, and tried again. "I thought maybe, before you head back to Los Angeles, I could, um, take you to dinner sometime? If you wanted. I mean, nothing serious. I just think you're really cool and well, sexy and- Crap, I'm totally messing this up."

Oh, God. How sweet was that? There was just one problem. A big, snarky redheaded one.

"You're not messing anything up," she assured him. Lord, how to let him down without hurting his feelings? "It's just that I've already sort of been seeing someone. Not that it's serious, but I don't think-"

"Damn." He smiled ruefully. "Should've figured, considering how much time you've spent together. But I thought maybe there was an outside chance for me, since he won't claim- Never mind."

"Won't claim what?"

"Nothing. Forget I said anything." Now he seemed anxious to drop the subject.

Sweeping the man with her gaze from head to toe, she came very, very close to accepting his dinner invite. However, wonderful as he seemed, the temptation was fleeting. In fact, the idea of being with a man who wasn't Aric made her stomach hurt. It was an actual physical reaction that was troubling, how her entire being rejected the mere suggestion of getting close to another male.

Oh, God. I don't want any man but Aric.

"I don't really understand what's going on with me and him," she admitted. "I thought it was a simple out-of-town affair, as slutty as that sounds, but now? I don't know. It's more complicated than I thought if I can't go out with someone as great as you."

"It doesn't sound slutty to me. Being alone sucks, you know? Sometimes it's really nice to have someone, even if it's not forever." His expression grew wistful for a moment; then he shook himself. "Anyway, thanks for being honest. I'd thought maybe things were different with you two. At least I know it's not me, and I'd never poach off one of my friends."

"That's good to hear, 'cause I'd hate to rip out your heart and eat it for a snack."

Both of them faced Aric, who'd somehow come upon them without either of them noticing. He seemed mighty pissed, too. As she took in Hammer's smile, she wondered if the big man hadn't heard his friend approach.

J.D. Tyler's Books