No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(31)

I glanced around the café, at the quaint doilies and the shimmering crystal glasses. It reminded me so much of the restaurant we had at the bed and breakfast. “You own this place?”

“I do.”

“Wow,” I uttered in amazement. “You and Will own a lot. How did you get started?”

“Basically, I had money and William had brains. Before his company even got started, I had the clothing line that’s now extended to other cities and this restaurant. My family gave him some money to invest and he just kept earning it back. It amazes me how resourceful he is.”

The hostess came back, smiling cheerfully. “Have you had a chance to look over the menu?” she asked.

“I haven’t, but I heard the broccoli and cheese quiche is to die for. I’ll have that and a glass of iced tea, please.”

Giggling, she took my menu. “I see Mrs. Randall’s turning you over to the dark side. Once you’ve had our quiche you’ll come back for more.”

She strolled off and Diane smiled. “If you work for me, we can come here every Monday.”

“I sense you’re not going to give up easy, are you?”

Averting her gaze, her smile faded slightly. “I just think you owe it to yourself to explore other talents . . . safe ones.”

“I’ll think about it.” It wasn’t exactly a lie because my real job was dangerous, but I had lots of other options to choose from in my field. With the way I was making money in Vegas, I could live off of that for a few years and not worry about a thing.

Once our food came, all talk ceased until we finished our lunch and headed out the door. I could tell Diane felt like she overstepped a boundary. If only she knew I wasn’t really a prostitute. “Do you still want to see my shop?” she asked.

“Of course. Let’s go. It’s fun hanging out with a woman. I’m so used to men.”

“Do you . . . um, do you ever sleep with women?” The thought alone made me burst out in laughter. I laughed so hard a tear slid down my cheek. “I take that as a no?” she said meekly.

“Not just no, but hell no. I don’t swing that way. Why do you ask?”

She shrugged. “Just curious. I know my sister’s girls get contracted out to both men and women, sometimes both of them at the same time. They have to be willing to sleep with whoever is presented to them.”

I shook my head. “Not me. I’m a one man kind of gal.”

“All the more reason for you to work for me. You wouldn’t have to worry about all of that. I’m sure Mr. Avery would love to keep you for himself.”

At least for now he wanted me all to himself, but as soon as the case was over we’d go our separate ways. I really didn’t want to think about that. “Jason and I live two separate lives. There’s no way it could work.”

“Will that bother you?”

We drove back down to the strip where a whole line of shops sat with hundreds of tourists walking around. I wanted to leave this place, but I couldn’t imagine not ever seeing Jason again. “Yes,” I answered truthfully, turning to look at her, “I’ll miss him.”

Smiling sadly, she parked her car and we got out. “Things always work out one way or another. It wasn’t easy at first with William, but we managed to get through.”

We started down the street and I looked up at the buildings. “Which one’s yours?” I asked. And as soon as I asked it, she pointed to a place up ahead. There was a store with her name on it in big bold letters. “Never mind, I see it now. I guess I should’ve looked harder.” She snickered. “So what kind of clothes do you design?” I already knew since I had researched her thoroughly along with her husband.

“Anything and everything basically. I don’t like to stick with just one style. I design from casual on up to elegant, winter and summer. Even if you don’t care much about fashion, I’m sure we’ll find you something you like.”

As soon as she opened the door to her shop, the ladies all brightened and stood straighter. The place was two stories high, filled top to bottom with clothes. “Wow,” was all I could say.

A tall, blonde with a huge smile stepped forward. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Randall.”

“Thanks, Emily. This is Aylee McFadden,” she said, turning to me. “Aylee, this is Emily. She’s the manager of this branch. I’m sure if you decide to work with me, you two will be spending a lot of time together.”

I held out my hand and Emily took it. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. Whatever job she’s offering, take it. She’s really good to her employees. I’ve been here for fifteen years.”

Diane put her arm around my shoulders. “See? I make a good boss. Now, let me show you around.” We walked around her store and I had to admit, some of her clothes I’d consider wearing. She kept grabbing things left and right, folding them over her arm. Was she getting them for me? Surely not, but they did happen to be in my size. When she was done, she opened up one of the dressing rooms and pushed me inside. “Here you go,” she said, handing me the bundle of clothes. “Try them on and whatever you like you can keep.”

Eyes wide, I gaped at her incredulously. “You can’t be serious. There’s probably about eight hundred dollars worth of clothes here.”

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