No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(26)

As Jason crawled up my body, I trembled in anticipation. I was glad he couldn’t hear the pounding in my chest. It almost felt like I was having sex for the first time. He buried his face in my neck and kissed his way up to my lips, opening me with his tongue. “Do I need to wear a condom?”

“I’m on the pill,” I moaned, arching my back as he massaged my breast.

Leaning down, he bit my nipple and growled, pushing the tip of his cock into my opening. I sucked in a breath and waited for him to slam into me, and when he did, I screamed out his name. His body slapped into mine and I countered by thrusting my hips up into his. Growling deep in his chest, he dug his fingers into my hips and bit down on my neck. “Holy, goddamn shit, you’re going to make me come so f*cking fast.”

I didn’t care because I was about to explode all around him. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I could feel my insides clench and my orgasm build. “Harder,” I begged.

He sat up and pulled me with him. With his knees spread he held me tight against his body and pounded into me so hard the bed slammed into the wall. “Fuck,” he shouted. Grabbing my ass, he held me tight, bouncing me hard on his cock.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my breasts in his face as I threw my head back. My clit was now rubbing against his skin, making my release come quick. It was so strong my eyes rolled into the back of my head and my toes curled. With my * and hips spasming uncontrollably, Jason sped up his thrusts.

Grunting loud, he jerked and twitched, his warmth spilling into me. Breathing hard, he pressed his forehead to mine and kissed me. “That felt so f*cking good.”

“That it did,” I said, smiling lazily.

Eyes sparkling, he lifted his brows. “Want to do it again?”

“I really don’t like this idea,” I growled, getting into my car. For the rest of the week, I tried to convince her to back out of this plan, that I could handle it on my own, but she fought me at every turn.

Huffing, Aylee rolled her eyes. “We’ve been through this. You have to let one of the other men win, Jason. I’m going to leave all of my playing to you.” The thought of intentionally losing a game so she could be thrown into the hands of another enraged me. It wasn’t in my blood to lose.

“I know,” I grumbled, gripping the steering wheel. “Keep your phone on you at all times. If I sense any trouble, I’m coming in after you.”

She laughed and grabbed my hand, locking her fingers through mine. I loved the sound of her laugh. “There’s not going to be any trouble, I promise.”

Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to get her to stay at the hotel. She was determined to do this and I’d come to realize there was nothing that was going to stop her. Even if I physically tried to apprehend her, she’d find a way out. She was that smart and determined.

We got to Drake’s house all too soon and already my blood was on fire. Now that Aylee was mine, I didn’t want any other man touching her. Out of all the cases I’d worked, this one was the hardest. I looked over at her in her emerald green dress and the way her tits moved up and down as she breathed. “Are you sure you don’t want my coat?”

“Trust me, I don’t like wearing this shit, but you know I can’t cover up.”

We got out of the car and headed for the door, passing only a handful of cars in the driveway. Drake’s house wasn’t nearly as big as Will’s, but it was down the street and in the same neighborhood. The door opened as soon as we got to it and there stood Drake, smiling wolfishly at Aylee.

“Welcome,” he announced, pulling her inside. “Would you care for a drink?”

She chuckled. “Already trying to get me drunk?”

“Not at all, darling.” Then he looked at me. “How about you? Whiskey? Bourbon?”


“Coming right up.” He sauntered off and motioned for us to follow him. The hallway opened up to a ballroom of sorts, where a man played the grand piano and there were gambling tables everywhere with dealers.

“He has his own little casino,” Aylee whispered.

“And how much you want to bet he pays the dealers to rip everyone off?” I held out my arm and she took it.

“Then I guess you don’t have to worry about trying to lose.”

Drake poured up a whiskey and handed it to me. “Got you a double. You look like you need it.”

“You think?”

He chuckled. “I figured you needed to get loosened up before the game. Are you playing tonight, beautiful?” he asked Aylee.

She shook her head. “I’m going to let Jason play on my behalf. I was afraid you all would clean me dry. Besides, I don’t have millions of dollars to hand over.”

Drake’s eyes went wide. “Well, aren’t you a feisty one. I like that.” He patted me on the shoulder. “Just don’t get sore if you lose tonight. Agreed?” He held out his hand and I shook it, wishing I could punch him right in the nose.

“Agreed.” Unfortunately, there were no other women in the room, so all eyes were focused on Aylee as he led her to a chair and helped her sit.

“Avery, right here,” Drake called, patting the seat beside his at the poker table. There were only four of us at the table even though there were other men in the room. Clearly, they weren’t invited to join. Across from me sat Chazz with an eat shit grin on his face. To my right was Drake who drank his Bourbon like it was water, and then to my left was Mark, his expression unreadable.

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