No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(30)

Jason crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s with the visit? Did you find the missing woman?”

Ryan took a seat and sighed. “We did, but I also wanted to hear your progress. You two seem to be too busy lately to give me an update.”

Jason and I sat down on the couch, facing him. The last thing I wanted to hear was that the woman who went missing was found dead and mutilated. Instead, Jason answered him, “We’ve gotten close enough to Blackwell to check him out. Everything seems good with him. We have the other two left, but they shouldn’t be a problem.”

Ryan nodded. “Good.”

I spoke up next. “What about the woman? You said you found her. What happened?”

Throwing his hands in the air, he shook his head, chuckling. “She went off and got f*cking married.”

Jason and I looked at each other and then back to him. “Married? So she’s alive?” I asked.

“Yep. Apparently, she met this guy at a casino and they tied the knot. Her fiancé back home found out and is on his way out here now. Big mess.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “At least she’s not dead.”

He chuckled. “Not yet, but her newfound husband might be once the fiancé comes into town.”

“But other than that, there’s no other missing women.”

“Right,” he said, nodding. “Not until someone tries to take you.”

“Are you sure you want to spend the day with Diane? You could stay here with me and we can . . .” Jason came up behind me and pressed his arousal into my back, making me giggle.

“I told her I’d see her today. I’ll be back this afternoon. Besides, maybe I can dig up more gossip. She’s been a big help without her even knowing.”

Tilting my head, he brushed my hair to the side and kissed my neck. “True. Just be careful. I might go downstairs and press my luck.”

Finishing the last touches of my makeup, I smiled at him through the mirror; his emerald green eyes stared back, making me shiver. I wanted to spend the day in bed with him, but our duties took precedence.

“Is it bad I feel guilty about taking everyone’s money the other night?”

He turned me to face him and I put my arms around his waist. “You shouldn’t. You deserve way more than what you got. You risk your life every day at work, I wouldn’t feel bad in the least. However, if you want to give me back what I put in that’s fine. I’m sure we can have ourselves a little bit of fun with it.”

“Oh yeah?” I said, lifting up on my toes. “It’s a date.” I looked down at my phone and realized I only had ten minutes before I needed to meet Diane in the lobby. “Yikes, gotta go.” He kissed me quickly and I slid on my sandals before heading to the door. It felt great to wear normal clothes for a change.

I looked back and he smiled. “Have fun, firecracker. Text me if you run into any problems. I’ll come save you.”

“What if you don’t know where I am?” I countered.

His grin grew wider and he winked. “I always know where you are.”

“Okay, stalker. Don’t make me have to get a restraining order.” I winked back and grabbed my purse. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Do you have your gun?”

I patted my purse. “It’s just like my Chapstick, I never leave home without it.”

Once out the door, I hurried to the elevator and checked my phone; I wasn’t late yet. When the doors opened, there Diane stood, dressed in a pair of khaki dress pants and a nice top. Even dressed like a normal person you could tell she was a woman of power. That was where I fooled people. Most wouldn’t believe I was an FBI agent or that I’d killed before. To them I was just an innocent looking redhead who wouldn’t harm a fly. Little did they know I’d squash any bug that came my way.

“Diane,” I called, waving.

She turned my way, her smile brightening. “Look at you! I like your top. I designed one almost similar. When we go to my shop I’ll let you pick one out. But I have to say, the green looks great with your hair.”

“Thanks. So what are we doing today?” I followed her outside to a shiny, silver Mercedes waiting by the door.

She put on her sunglasses and walked around to her side. “Get in and you’ll see.”

When I got in the car, it still smelled new. “New car?” I asked.

She laughed. “Not really. I just never drive it. William got it for me after I had my hysterectomy. He thought it would make me feel better.”

“And does it?”

“I don’t know yet. That’s what I’m going to figure out. You hungry?”

“Starved.” My stomach growled, proving my point.

“Great! There’s this small café I like to eat at. It’s nothing fancy, but on Mondays they make their broccoli and cheese quiche. It’s to die for.”

It only took about fifteen minutes to get there and when we walked in, the young hostess immediately sat us at a table in the back. “Do you and Mr. Randall always get special treatment everywhere you go?” I asked matter-of-factly.

She chuckled. “Only at the places we own, darling. I’m not one to like stomping on others just to get ahead. Sometimes we have to wait just like everyone else.”

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