No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(28)

Aylee stood and winked quickly before grabbing her purse and leaving the room with him. If anything happened to her, I was never going to forgive myself.

“You have a beautiful home,” I told Drake. The paintings on the hallway walls were absolutely breathtaking, no doubt the taste of his wife or an interior designer. It made me wonder where his wife was this evening.

“Thank you. The years have been good to me,” he replied with pride. He was actually a good looking man with his coiffed brown hair and hazel eyes, dressed in his expensive suits. On the inside was where he was a disgusting rat bastard.

I turned my head, rolling my eyes. “I see that.” At least my purse was ten pounds heavier—compensation for risking my life. “Where are you taking me?” I followed him up the steps to another hallway, where he opened one of the doors and ushered me inside.

“My bedroom, beautiful. You must keep Avery a happy man for him to keep you around for as long as he has.”

“We work well together, Mr. Blackwell. I can’t say I’ve had that chemistry with any other man.” I walked into the room and as soon as he shut the door behind me, I reached into my purse and pulled out one of the tiny syringes. “I would love to have a glass of wine,” I said sweetly.

Drake loosened his tie and tossed it onto the floor. “Any preference?”

“A Riesling would be great if you have it.”

He winked. “Coming right up. Don’t go anywhere.” As soon as he left, I walked around the room. It was obviously the bedroom he shared with his wife. There were pictures of her and him everywhere, including their son who was the same age as me. Grabbing my phone, I sent Jason a quick text.

Me: I’m fine. About to slip him the meds.

Jason: Be careful. I’ll be close.

I put my phone away and waited for about twenty minutes before Drake entered the room. He sure took his precious time. “You were in luck, I had one bottle left. Not many of my guests prefer the Riesling.” He set the glasses down and opened the wine.

“What can I say? It’s been my favorite for years. Has everyone left?”

“Yep, and now we’re locked in tight for the evening.”

“Do you have security guards like Mr. Randall?”

He snorted and poured us both a glass of wine. “No. Personally, I think the putz has them to garner attention. Nobody ever threatens his life.”

I shrugged, accepting the glass he held out for me. “You never know.” His bedroom was enormous with a huge king size bed and sitting room. I ventured to the other side where there were pictures displayed over the fireplace mantle. Why the hell would anyone in Vegas want a fireplace in their bedroom? It was an inferno compared to Maine’s weather. I could lay out in the sun at fifty degrees and not break a chill.

Drake sidled up behind me and rubbed his hands down my arms. Instead of moving away like I wanted to, I pointed to the pictures.

“Where’s your wife?”

He cleared his throat. “She left this morning to go on one of her shopping binges in California.”

“And she doesn’t mind you sleeping around? Or is this our little secret?”

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, she’s never here. Her and my son don’t get along.”

“Oh, I was assuming it was her son too.”

“No, he’s from my first marriage. I married Georgia about three years ago.”

“And you’re already cheating on her. How many times have you been married?”

Turning me around, he regarded me curiously. “You sure do ask a lot of questions. Are you nervous?”

Amused, I snorted and took a sip of wine. “On the contrary, Mr. Blackwell. I’m just not the type of girl to spread my legs without making you work for it.”

Licking his lips, his eyes turned dark. “Mmm, I like this game.” He unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor. “What do you want me to do first?”

His full wine glass was across the room on his dresser along with my purse. With the syringe in the palm of my hand, I side-stepped him and strutted over to his glass, swaying my hips the whole way. As fast as I could, I squirted the liquid into his wine, hiding the syringe behind my purse. I swished it around and carried it over to him.

“What I want you to do first is start off with a toast.” I handed him the wine, holding up my glass. “To a fun filled night we won’t forget.” Tapping my glass with his, he kept his eyes on me as he drank the full glass of wine. In the lab, it took five minutes for the sedative to work. Unfortunately, I had to get him on the bed before he passed out. He swayed on his feet and I quickly took his glass before he could shatter it on the floor. “I think someone had a little too much to drink tonight,” I teased.

Lifting his hand, he ran his fingers through my hair. “I’m just ready to get the party started. Ever since that first night I saw you, I’ve been dying to get your legs wrapped around me.”

I had four minutes left. I could see the numbers counting down in my mind. “Now’s your chance, big boy. Why don’t you get on the bed and let me do the rest of the work?” He fell down on the bed and chuckled as I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off. His cock was rigid and pulsating just as I expected. All it would take is a simple touch and I’d have him ejaculating all over the place. If the world knew what I had concocted, it’d be a dangerous drug. I crawled up on the bed and laid beside him, running my fingers up and down his chest. His eyes started to roll back in his head and I smiled; it was almost time.

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