No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(23)

His eyes grew dark and heated as I walked toward the room, giving him my backside. I loved that I could get a reaction out of him. But what did it really matter? Any girl would turn his head.

Once in my room, I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, making sure to put on my sexy bra since I couldn’t wear it with my dress. When I got out of the room, Jason was in the living room with a deck of cards laid out in front of him on the coffee table. His button down shirt was halfway undone, showing the tattoos on his chest, tie hanging loosely around his neck. Diane was right when she called him sex on a stick. “What are you doing?”

“We are going to play cards, after you tell me about your conversation with Diane.”

“Cards, huh?”

He glanced up, smirking. “It’s a game I just invented. What I’m going to do is lay down a card in front of you and one in front of me. Whoever has the highest card gets to ask the other a question. It’s called Draw of Truth.”

“And you came up with this just now?”

“Yep, now have a seat so we can play. Unless you’re scared.”

Rolling my eyes, I sat down across from him. “Please,” I scoffed. He set the cards on the table and gave me his full, undivided attention. “I think Diane knows something. She basically warned me not to go to Drake’s this weekend. She even said I could work for her if I needed money.”

He rubbed his chin. “Interesting. Anything else?”

“She also confessed to her sister being Madame Chatfield.”

“Holy shit.”

“That’s what I thought too. She obviously doesn’t have anything to hide, but there’s still something I’m missing. She’s really worried about me.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t go. I can always say you’re sick, or with another client. We’re getting too far in and I don’t know how I’m going to be able to protect you if you run off with one of those f*ckers. They’re going to gamble for you. You do know that, right?”

Sighing, I leaned over on my elbows. “I figured as much. I’m prepared to handle that.”

He growled low. “How? If I have to watch any of them put their f*cking hands on you I’ll rip them off.”

My head snapped up. “Jason, what’s wrong with you? What makes you think I’m going to let them touch me? Reading your file, I had no clue you had such a volatile temper.” I glared at him, but he averted his gaze.

“I’m sorry. For years, I’ve worked on my own and haven’t had to worry about anyone other than myself. You keep saying you’re prepared, but you haven’t included me on any plans.”

It was true, I hadn’t. I wasn’t planning on telling him what I was going to do, but I had no choice. I trusted him enough to know he wouldn’t disclose secret government projects to just anyone. Getting to my feet, I rushed to my bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to show you something, so you know I’m covered.” In my suitcase, there was a secret compartment holding the case I needed. There were six vials inside, all filled with a special clear liquid. Holding the case, I took a deep breath and carried it straight to Jason, setting it down in front of him. “This is it.”

He looked down at it, pursing his lips. Carefully opening the case, he picked up one of the vials. “What’s in it?”

I sat down beside him and pulled another one out. “You know I work for the FBI, but you never asked what I did for them other than undercover work. This,” I said, holding up the vial, “is what I work with. Not only did I study Criminal Investigation, but I was a whiz in Chemistry. For the past year, I’ve been working with a chemist in one of our labs. In this liquid, there’s a sedative, a hallucinogen, and a new substance we found in Brazil that’s like a form of ecstasy; it also increases your sexual responses.” Clearing my throat, I set both vials back.

“Isn’t that what we don’t want?” he countered angrily. “These men are already ready to f*ck your brains out.”

I put my hand on his leg and moved closer. “I know, but in this exact combination, it has the ability to incapacitate the victim enough to where you can basically say anything to them and they’ll believe it’s true. I can make them believe we had sex even though we didn’t take our clothes off or touch.”

“What if you can’t get it into their system?”

“I will. I can’t think otherwise. I’ll carry it in a syringe so I can either squirt it into their drink or drive it through a vein. Either way, I have to get it done.”

“I still don’t like this. Something could go wrong.”

“You have to trust me, Jason. Trust I can do this without fail. Can you do that, please?”

“And where am I supposed to be while you’re off pretending to f*ck these asswipes?”

“Hopefully, close. When the men are passed out, I’m going to search their houses, or wherever the hell they take me, for clues. The women had to have been killed somewhere, right?”

“True, so I just need to follow you to the location.”

I nodded. “That way, after I search you can get me the hell out of there. Think you can keep up with us?”

A smirk splayed across his face. “I’ve already got it covered.”

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