No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(29)

“You feel so good,” he mumbled, slurring the words.

Once his eyes fully closed, it was time for action. Taking his own hand, I placed it over his cock and he unknowingly gripped onto it, jacking himself off. Thank God for hallucinogens. “That’s right, baby. Do you feel me riding your cock? Am I tight enough for you?”

Drake mumbled something unintelligent and grunted when he ejaculated all over his stomach and chest. What would’ve been funny is if it shot up on his face. Deserves the f*cker right. He was out for the count and there was nothing that was going to wake him up for at least five hours.

“When you wake up, you’re going to remember this night as the best sex you’ve ever had. I made you come no less than three times and I won’t walk right for a week.” Covering him up, I slid off the bed and tiptoed to my purse, making sure to tuck the syringe safely inside before leaving.

By the time I straightened my dress and turned out the light, Drake had begun to snore. Slipping out of the room, I took off down the hall, pulling the small flashlight out of my purse. I knew very well a killer wouldn’t just murder someone out in the open. They’d do it in a room with limited access.

However, everything about Drake didn’t scream ‘whore murderer’ to me. To be such an aggressive businessmen, he was actually passive, even before being drugged. Sometimes the killer could be someone you least expected, but I couldn’t see Drake being it at all. Pulling out my phone, I updated Jason.

Me: Blackwell is out. Searching his house.

Jason: How long?

Me: Out front in 15.

The house was quiet with no sound coming from anywhere as I descended the stairs. The lights were still on so I shut off my flashlight, hoping like hell there wasn’t anyone around. I checked the rooms, one by one, and nothing peculiar jumped out at me; at least, until I got to the kitchen. There was a door that had a set of wooden stairs, leading into the darkness.

Every time I watched scary movies, I would always scream at the people to stay away from the f*cking basements. Unfortunately, I couldn’t. At least there was a light switch on the wall that illuminated everything. The walls were made of stone and by the smell of earth and dirt I knew I was going underground. The floor below was made of stone so when I got to the bottom, I took off my heels to keep them from clanking.

There were no light switches for the darkened hallway but when I took a step, the light above shone bright. Lights were aligned down the hallway and as I walked the rest of the way, they lit up ahead and turned off behind me. At the end, the room opened up to reveal ceiling to floor shelves filled with champagne, wine, and beer. My uncle would be in heaven if he could see the exuberant amounts of expensive wines. There were bottles that cost over five grand a piece. With the amount of money I made I could buy him any wine he wanted for the bed and breakfast.

Taking one last glance around, I walked back down the hall. There was nothing that made me believe anyone had been tortured or killed down there. I grabbed my heels and carried them up the steps, lightly shutting the door when I got out. My time was up and I knew it because my phone was buzzing incessantly in my purse. Rushing to the door, I quietly snuck out and saw Jason on the other side of the gate, leaning against his car. Thankfully, there was a button on my side of the gate that opened it.

“Find anything?”

We both got in the car and sped away. “Nothing except over a million dollars in champagne and wine in his cellar. It was a dream come true.”

“Is that the way to your heart?” he teased.

“Maybe my uncle’s, but you don’t swing that way. I’m sure if you ever met him he’d think you were the cutest thing.” He smiled, but I could tell he was on edge. “And no, I really didn’t find anything. I don’t think Drake’s our man. So now I have to find a way to get with Chazz and Mark.”

He growled low. “And those two are the ones I’m worried about.”

“What are we going to do now?”

Reaching for my hand, he clasped it tight. “Right now, we wait for the next game.”

“What about the woman who’s still missing? How are we going to find her?”

He glanced over at me, his eyes weary. “I honestly don’t know.”

A loud knock on the door woke us from our deep sleep. Jason grumbled under his breath and tightened his hold. “Whoever it is can go the f*ck away. It’s not even morning yet.”

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. “It’s ten o’clock,” I laughed. Then Jason’s phone started to ring, and when he didn’t pick up, mine started to howl. “I’m thinking I need to answer that.” I evidently didn’t get to it in time, as a text came through.

Ryan: Answer the f*cking door!

“Holy shit balls, it’s the chief,” I grumbled. I didn’t have any clothes in Jason’s room so I jumped out of bed and grabbed a bathrobe. Jason threw on a pair of shorts and started for the door before I could join him. I tied the robe as fast as I could and rushed out, but Jason had already let Ryan in. His eyes went wide, glancing back and forth at us.

“Well . . . it seems like you two are getting along.”

Cheeks burning, I ran a hand through my hair, hoping I didn’t look like I stuck my finger in a light socket. “It took a while, but we worked everything out.”

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