No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(36)

“My favorite, Texas Hold’em.”

He dealt out the first two cards and I was impressed. I had an ace of hearts and a two of hearts. By the time the dealer was ready to throw down the river card, the pot was already to eighty thousand and I was one card away from a flush.

The final card . . . a six of hearts. “All right, gentlemen, it’s time to place your bets,” the dealer instructed. Blowing out a frustrated sigh, Jason set in another five grand, knowing very well whatever the outcome I wasn’t going to pick him.

Mark glanced over at me and then at his cards, throwing in his five and raising fifteen grand. He was mysterious with his dark hair and dark eyes; a very handsome man. However, underneath all of that brooding sexiness he could be harboring a dangerous secret. None of the girls at the ranch had lived long enough to give me the story on their night with the allusive Mark Chamberlain. The rest of the men called, matching his raise.

They turned their cards over first and Jason actually had a straight; I was impressed. Mark had three kings, Chazz had three fours, and Drake had two pair. “It looks like I have you beat, gentlemen,” I announced happily, showing my cards.

Jason sat back in his chair. “Well done, firecracker.”

“Thank you,” I said, picking up the wads of money. “I think I seriously need to do this for a living.”

“No you don’t,” Drake blurted. I peered over at him, lifting my brows. “Only because you’re so good at what you do. I’d hate for you to waste your talent.”

“I have plenty of talents, Mr. Blackwell,” I said, wishing I could slap the smile off his face.

Chazz slid his chair back. “And some of us would like to see those talents. Which of us do you want to f*ck tonight?”

Forcing a smile, I batted my eyelashes and completely turned my back on him. I had three other options and I sure as hell wasn’t going to pick Drake again. Jason stared at me – his jaw tight – knowing very well I couldn’t choose him.

I walked by Chazz, putting my arm on his shoulder and leaning down to whisper, “I’m going to make you work a little harder for my goods, stud.” I nipped his ear and stood, making my way to Mark. Holding out my hand, I said, “Do you accept?”

Chazz slammed his glass on the table. “Dammit!”

I turned to Chazz and gave him a private smile before addressing Mark once again. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

Did I want to take the risk of getting killed or maimed? No, but I had no choice. He was the one I really needed answers on. “I’m giving you my hand, aren’t I?”

He took my hand and stood, glancing around the table. “Meet me out front. I’ll get the car.” Letting my hand go, he avoided my gaze and turned, stalking off toward the door.

What is his deal? Jason glared at his retreating form, looking just as clueless as I was. Before leaving, I put all of my money in my purse and intentionally dropped some by Jason’s feet. “Uh-oh,” I said, kneeling on the floor. “Stay close,” I whispered.

“I will.”

Getting to my feet, I focused on Drake. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Mr. Blackwell. Thank you for inviting me to join the game.”

Lifting his glass, he took a sip. “It’s been my pleasure. Be sure to come again next Saturday. I don’t think Davies is going to relax until he gets you out of his system.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I looked over at Jason one more time and then started toward the door. I didn’t like the unknown and Mark was definitely that. The only thing I could dig up on him was that he worked for William, his wife died two years ago in a car accident, and he spent his free time in casinos. Other than that, his life was a mystery; he wasn’t in any other activities.

Taking a deep breath, I reached inside my purse and made sure I had everything I needed. My gun was safely tucked away, along with my phone and the serum. I was ready to go. Mark stood by his black SUV, leaning against it with his arms crossed at the chest, with the passenger door wide open. Clutching my purse, I smiled and descended the stone stairs, my heart pounding out of control. I had no clue where he was going to take me, but I had to believe Jason would be right behind.

“Thank you,” I murmured, getting into the car. Mark slammed the door and then walked around the front, looking awfully uncomfortable. When he got in, I turned toward him. “Are you okay?”

He huffed. “I sure as hell hope so.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

I scoffed. “You’d be surprised, Mr. Chamberlain. Where exactly are you taking me?” We were headed back toward downtown.

“We’re going to my condo. I live a few blocks away from the strip.”

“I figured you’d live in a hoity-toity mansion like your friends.”

He chuckled. “I used to, but since I’m by myself I didn’t see the need anymore. I moved out to the strip about a year and a half ago.” We pulled into a parking deck attached to another building that was a smaller high rise compared to the other ones around. He pulled out a key card and pushed it inside the slot for the elevator door to open. “This will take us right up to my floor.”

“Nice.” I walked inside and he pressed the button for the fifth floor, his uneasiness making me nervous. When the elevator opened, he didn’t touch me as we made our way down the hall. Once inside, it reminded me of any normal bachelor pad. The furniture was black leather and everything was crisp, masculine. It wasn’t like the flowers you’d see all over the living room my uncle had back home at the B&B.

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