No Limit (Armed & Dangerous #1)(39)

“Maybe you should show me then,” he insisted with a smirk.

“I think I will. You just won’t know when I’m going to strike.”

He winked. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

The waitress came by with our drinks and we ordered our food. I sipped on my wine, my mind reeling. Sooner or later, these fun evenings with him were going to end. “Jason,” I murmured.


“Have you thought about what you’re going to do when all of this is over?”

He shook his head. “Not really. You?”

“Probably go back to Maine and help out at the B&B when I’m not working in the lab. I just wanted to make sure we don’t cut off all ties. I know we’ll be thousands of miles away from each other, but I still want to keep in touch. I can’t imagine never talking to you again.”

I was hoping he’d say something to clarify what we were doing, but he didn’t get the chance. The waitress brought our food and set it down, just as we got company. “Well, hello, you two,” Chazz announced, sitting beside me. “I thought I saw you both walk in. At first, I didn’t recognize you,” he said to me.

“Why? Because I’m not dressed like a whore?”

He tilted his head back, bellowing. “That and you actually look like a normal woman without all that shit on your face. You look much sexier like this.”

Jason glared at him. “Do you have a point to all of this, Davies? If not, I’d like you to f*ck off. We’re in the middle of something here.”

He lifted his hands in the air. “No need for hostilities. I’m sure if my girl wanted to be f*cked by other men, I’d be that way too. Speaking of which, I have a proposition for you,” he stated, facing me.

“Let me guess, you want me to play another round this weekend in hopes that you win?”


I glanced quickly at Jason and then back to him. “Then what do you propose?”

“I’m a persistent man, Ms. McFadden. When I want something, I get it. Instead of gambling for you, I’d like to just offer you the money myself. But you’re a hard girl to find.”

“It’s all part of the allure. I’m sure you’d agree. So, how much are we talking?”

His eyes gleamed. “A hundred grand for you and twenty for Avery.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “And you think twenty would be enough for me to let her go with you? Have you lost your f*cking mind?”

“How much then?” he countered. “Name the price.”

Jason narrowed his gaze. “I want fifty. You give me that and you can have her for the night.”

“Done,” he said happily. “You’ll have your fifty grand when I pick her up Friday night.” He laughed and ran a finger down my bare arm. “I’m looking forward to it.” Jason clutched his steak knife. I had no doubt he’d use it on some part of Chazz’s body if I didn’t get him out. Thankfully, Chazz got up on his own. “Until then. Enjoy your dinner.”

As soon as he left, I breathed a sigh of relief. “What a prick.”

Jason let go of his knife and clenched his hand into a fist. “Whether innocent or guilty, no matter what I do, before I leave Vegas I will f*ck him up.”

“Not unless I do it first.”

“Doesn’t matter. I will break his f*cking face.”

“I have no doubt.”

Leave it to that douchenozzle to ruin what started out being an amazing date. We ate in silence, Jason seething the entire time. “I never would’ve thought I’d be this helpless in the goddamned case. You’re the one doing everything and there’s nothing I can do to help.”

“You are helping, Jason. I couldn’t have done all of this without you. You needed me, but now I need you.”

“It’s getting harder and harder each time to keep my cool. What would you do if the situation was turned and you had to watch me leave with beautiful women who could possibly kill me?”

I ate the last bite of mashed potatoes and set my fork down. “I’d be furious. But it is what it is. These men want me and I have to find out who’s killing these girls. We’re lucky nobody else has gone missing.”

He scoffed. “That’s because they all want you.”

Taking his hand, I held it tight. “Can we please not talk about this tonight? I want to spend time with you and get to know you, not talk about the case.”

“Would you like for me to take your plates out of the way?” the waitress asked.

I let go of Jason’s hand and sat back. “You can take mine.”


Jason nodded and handed her his plate. “I’m done. Thank you, it was delicious.”

“Would either of you like dessert?”

My eyes lit up and Jason laughed. It was good seeing a smile on his face again. “What do you want, firecracker?”

I looked up at our server. “I would love to have one of the lava cakes. But is there any way to order it for us to pick up later? I want to go out for a walk and then come back. How about two hours from now?”

“Of course. Would you like one too?” she asked Jason.

His smile grew wider. “Why not? Whatever I don’t eat, I’m sure she will finish.”

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