Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(43)

“Long enough to hear some of your conversation with Krista’s father,” she says as she starts to approach me. She’s still clad in my T-shirt, her hair in a knot on top of her head, thick pink socks on her feet. “You were very nice to him.”

I shrug, uncomfortable. “He’s had a tough time.”

“But he’s treated you so terribly since she died,” Reverie points out.

I told her all about our confrontation earlier at the police department, my conversation with David, how close I came to beating his ass. She offered her unconditional support as usual but she also warned me that I needed to watch out. I don’t need to push too far and end up with real criminal charges brought against me.

“He’s hurting. When I first opened the door he started yelling at me but after a while I think…I really think I got through to him. He knows in his heart I didn’t kill Krista. He’s just looking for someone to blame.”

She stares at me so quietly for so long I start to get uncomfortable. Maybe I did the wrong thing. Is she mad at me for talking to Hal? I might’ve given him ammunition to use against me later, not that I said anything incriminating. You never know what’s going to set people off.

“You have such a big heart,” she finally says, her voice scratchy. She comes to me and wraps her arms around my waist, pressing her cheek against my chest. “You should’ve turned him away. Instead, you tried to make him feel better.”

“I’ve known him since I was a kid. He’s not a great guy but he’s still human.” I rest my cheek against the top of her head, breathing in her sweet scent. “You’re right. I do need to get out of here,” I admit quietly.

She pulls away so quick she almost knocks against my chin. Her eyes wide, she stares up at me. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. I can’t stay here, Reverie. This place will suck me dry if I don’t leave.” I send her a stern look when she starts to open her mouth, cutting her off. “But I’m not coming to live with you or anything like that. Evan would shit.”

She bursts out laughing. “He would not.” Her laughter dies. “Well, maybe he would, but it doesn’t matter. I want you to come and at least live by us. Evan could help you find a job and so could I. We have a few connections now. And maybe you could find your own apartment or get a roommate. Rent is a lot more expensive where I’m at.”

Nerves buzz in my veins, settle in my gut. How am I ever going to afford this? I’m taking a chance here. Moving from the only town I’ve ever known to a new place, all for what? A girl?

For a girl and a chance at a new life. You’re not really living if you’re stuck here.

“You’ll be fine.” Reverie reaches out and cups my cheek, her fingers stroking lightly over my skin. “We’ll help you. I want you there. I need you there, Nick.”

I don’t answer her, just pull her into my arms and hold her tight, overwhelmed with emotion for this girl, for this entire day. I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster from the moment we arrived in town and I’m ready to get back to normal.

If I even know what normal really is.

Chapter Twenty-Three

November 15th

I sit on my knees on the couch that backs up against the front window and stare out at the parking lot, my gaze fixed on Nick’s truck sitting nearby. I left my travel bag out there, the one I brought just in case something happened and I couldn’t get back home. There’s a change of clothes inside of it, my toiletries, a small makeup bag.

The rain has tapered down to a light but steady drizzle and the sky is still dark despite it being past eight in the morning. I woke up almost an hour ago, unable to fall back to sleep, hating the uneasiness that slipped over me after Krista’s dad stopped by and spoke to Nick. I keep telling myself everything will be fine. Everything will work out the minute we get out of here.

But I’m not so sure. I have to go back home alone, on the bus. Nick has to take care of a few personal things first before he can even attempt to leave. He has to give notice on his apartment, quit his job, pack up his things. What if after I’m gone, he changes his mind? It could happen. Our idea is crazy. I know people will tell us we’re too young to fall in love. Time will change everything and we’ll eventually grow apart, blah, blah, blah.

Those were pretty much Evan’s words to me and I get what he’s saying, I really do. He’s probably right. We are too young to get so serious so fast. But I’m not ready to give up on us now. I can’t. Being away from Nick, even for a little bit…

Makes me nervous.

What else is making me nervous is running out to that parking lot and grabbing my bag. I cracked open the blinds only a few minutes ago, contemplating whether I should attempt going outside or not. Nick’s keys rest on the kitchen counter. It would be easy enough to grab them, go out to his truck and unlock his door so I can grab my stuff. He’s still asleep, I can hear him breathing deeply all the way in the living room and I don’t want to disturb him.

It was so hard leaving the bed too. He’s so warm and cozy and with us locked away in his bedroom, no one disturbing us, it feels like we’re in our own little world. He wouldn’t wake up and I didn’t want to disturb him since he seemed so tired, falling into such a deep sleep he hardly moved.

Eventually, I got too antsy laying there, my mind filled with possibilities, many of them unpleasant. I finally crawled out of bed, unable to take it any longer. And now I’m dying to take a shower. I need to get ready so we can leave for the bus station. Evan has already texted me twice, asking what’s going on, and I gave him noncommittal answers both times because really, I have no idea what’s happening.

Monica Murphy's Books