Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(39)

I glare at him, hating that he’s right and that he’s able to read my mind. Hating that we shouldn’t stay together no matter how much I want it to. Hating more that he feels the same way. The desperation overwhelms me, pushing me to be daring, to ask him for what I really want, no matter how hard it’s going to be to actually say it. “Give me one more time then,” I say.

He frowns, looking confused. “One more time, what?”

I roll my eyes, trying to let go of my embarrassment. We’ve been together before. He’s seen me naked. I’ve bared my very soul to him. “I want to be with you, Nick.” I touch his chest, my palm pressed against the center where I can feel his rapidly beating heart.

The sexy little smile that curls his lips makes my heart beat even faster than his. “Yeah?”

“Yes. The two of us. Together.” I move into him, pressing my body close to his, not above using his attraction for me to get what I want. Because he wants it too, no matter how much he’s protesting. “Give us that for the next couple of hours at least.”

His breathing picks up and he parts his lips, staring down at me. “We shouldn’t.”

I stand on tiptoe and kiss his neck, just behind his ear, exactly where he likes it. A little shiver moves through him and I smile, pleased that I can make him react so easily. “You know you want to,” I whisper.

The shuddering breath that escapes him when I slip my hands beneath his shirt and touch his stomach tells me that I’ve won this battle.

Now all I need is to win the war.

I’m dozing off in Nick’s arms, our bodies entwined, my head nestled in that comfortable spot between his neck and shoulder when my cell phone dings, indicating I have a text.

“I should get that,” I murmur, my eyes still closed. I don’t ever want to leave this spot.

“No, you shouldn’t.” Nick’s drifting his fingers up and down the length of my arm, drawing a circle on my shoulder, and his touch makes me smile. “Whoever it is, they can wait.”

“What if it’s Evan?” He’s the only one who would text me, beyond Vanessa or Valerie and on extremely rare occasions, Tally. Up to a few weeks ago she was still interested in getting me to come and party with her, not that I ever did.

“He’ll call you if it’s important.” Nick taps my shoulder twice, his touch firm. Opening my eyes, I glance up at him to find him watching me. “What happened to your phone anyway?”

I frown. “What are you talking about?”

“After you left town, I tried to text you but I never heard back. I thought you were ignoring me.”

I had no idea. Why this excites me when that was months ago, I’m not sure. I guess the admission proves he still cared when I’d always believed he gave up on us. “I never got them. Our phones were taken away from us because they were funded through The Flock of the Lambs. When the assets were frozen, they took everything. We had to start over.” I look away, resuming my position on Nick’s shoulder. “Evan got phones for the both of us and I have a new number. Of course, you already know that since I gave it to you.” I’d sent him a text for that intent last night and he’d updated me in his contacts list.

“You don’t plan on getting rid of that phone anytime soon, do you?” he asks.

I slowly shake my head, nuzzling closer, my mouth right at his neck. I love to kiss him there. I love to kiss him everywhere. His skin is so smooth and warm. His entire body is perfect. I wish I could explore it for hours, not just these few stolen moments before he has to take me to the bus station. “Evan and I are in a two-year contract so we’re stuck.”

Nick chuckles, holding me closer. “Good. Because I don’t want to lose contact with you again like that.” He presses his lips against my forehead, giving me a lingering kiss, and warmth spreads through me, making me languid. Sleepy. I’ve never felt so happy.


I’m almost asleep, I can tell Nick already is, when my cell starts to ring, the sound sharp in the otherwise quiet of the room. With a frustrated growl I withdraw from his arms and grab my phone off the bedside table, seeing that it is indeed my brother calling.

I so don’t want to talk to him.

“What?” I mumble into the phone as I crawl out of bed and hide myself away in Nick’s bathroom, where I catch my reflection when I switch on the light. I’m wearing one of his oversized T-shirts, my hair is a disaster and my lips are swollen. I look like a mess. More like I look like I’ve just had sex.

“Nice greeting,” Evan says, sounding put out. “Are you already at the bus station?”

“Um, not yet.” I comb my fingers through my hair, trying to straighten it but it’s an absolute mess. I should just throw it into a ponytail or a topknot and forget about it.

“Where the hell are you then?”

“Nick’s apartment.” I bite my lip, waiting for his reply.

As expected, he explodes. “That is the last place you should be. Damn it, Rev, stop wasting your time and go catch that damn bus. The weather is bad, travel everywhere is delayed and the freeways are a mess. I just caught the news while I was on break and had to call you.”

“We’re leaving in a few minutes for the station,” I reassure him.

“You need to be on that bus in less than an hour,” he points out.

Monica Murphy's Books