Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(37)

You were with him all night? Where exactly? In his bed?

Were the two of you having sex, Miss Hale?

Did he ever leave you alone in the middle of the night?

Do you think he killed Krista Benson?

How long have you two been involved?

Was he carrying on a relationship with you while also engaging in sexual activity with Krista?

Do you trust him, Miss Hale? Really?

Over and over, the same types of questions worded in different ways but I always answered the same. It felt like it went on forever and I was exhausted despite the giant cup of coffee he gave me to help keep me focused.

Finally he let me go, offering a gruff thank you as his goodbye, his expression full of disappointment as he escorted me out of the police station and practically pushed me into the lobby. He left me there without another word and I stood alone, checking my phone for a text from Nick since he was nowhere to be seen.

I’m waiting for you in my truck. Couldn’t take it in there anymore.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I push my way through the glass double doors and out into the rain, yanking my hood up as I make a run for Nick’s truck. It’s parked in the same spot. I see him sitting inside, the windows steamy from his breathing, his head leaning back against the seat like he’s trying to take a nap.

I’m so happy to see him I run through the puddles, splashing water and getting my jeans wet along with my shoes. But I don’t care. Without thought I open the passenger side door and leap into the truck, throwing myself at him.

“Hey, hey.” He springs up, sounding sleepy as his arms automatically go around me. I’m shaking as I bury my face against his warm neck, breathing deep his delicious, soapy clean scent. He brushes the hood from my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. “What’s wrong? You okay?”

“I’m just glad it’s over.” I kiss his neck, forgetting my earlier promise to myself that we wouldn’t do this. That I would walk away from him as soon I left the police station.

I don’t care what Evan says. The last thing I want is to walk away from Nick. “I felt like Jacoby was trying to trick me.”

“Because he probably was. You’re ruining his investigation in his eyes.” His fingers jerk in my hair when I kiss his neck again and his reaction fuels me. I rain a trail of kisses up the length of his throat, along his jaw, his chin…

“Hey.” He grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from him slightly so he can look at me. “Are you okay?”

I shake my head, desperation clawing at my insides, making my heart race, my head spin. “Take me back to your place.”

Nick frowns. “I thought I was supposed to take you to the bus station.”

He’s still trying to stick by his promise to my brother when I’ve just abandoned it. It’s like we can’t ever get on the same page. Should I take that as a sign? “My bus doesn’t leave for hours. Please, Nick. Don’t make me sit down there and wait around for it. Let’s go hang out at your place.”

He looks so unsure of my plan and I hate that. “Do you want to get something to eat first?”

I shake my head again, frustrated that he’s trying to deter me. “No. Don’t worry about what Evan’s going to think. He’s not here. He can’t tell me what to do.” I reach for him, my fingers curling in his sweatshirt. “Please, Nick. I’m begging you.”

He contemplates me for so long I’m afraid he’s going to tell me no. “Okay,” he finally says with a sigh. “We’ll go to my apartment, we’ll have something to eat and then I’m taking you to the bus station. I’ll wait with you until your bus comes, okay? I won’t leave you alone there, I swear. I promised Evan I would get you on that bus and get you home safely.”

“Okay.” I nod, my mind filling with all the possibilities. This feels like my last chance with him. I don’t know why but the uneasy sensation weighs heavy on my heart, my soul. I’m so afraid he’s going to do what my brother wants and walk away from me. I’m supposed to walk away from him too but being with him again like this makes me realize I don’t want to. I want another chance.

And I’m not going to give up until I can convince him we deserve another chance. The two of us together. We just need to get out of this crappy small town, away from where everything bad happened. It’s so strange, but I didn’t have this sense of foreboding back at my apartment like I do here. There’s a tension vibrating off of Nick’s body and I don’t understand it. All I can think is that he hates this town so much he can hardly stand being here.

We drive back to his place slowly, Nick cautious as he navigates the streets, doing his best to avoid the flooded spots that pop up here and there. I grip the handle on the inside of the passenger side door, my fingers so tight my knuckles are white. I don’t know why I feel so anxious, so apprehensive.

All I know is that I need Nick.

The second he parks the truck, we burst out of it, running to his apartment in the heavy rain. I chase after him, following him inside, and when he shuts and locks the door, I’m all over him like I can’t control myself. He buries his hands in my hair, gripping either side of my head and holding me firm, staring at me as if he can’t quite believe I’m there. And then he’s kissing me. His lips are hungry and persuasive, his tongue stroking against mine, wet and hot and tempting me to want more. I moan, a desperate, needy sound as I claw at his front, my hands diving beneath his sweatshirt, flipping under his T-shirt to touch bare, hot skin.

Monica Murphy's Books