Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(38)

He flinches at my touch, his answering groan spurring me on, and we fall onto the couch, tangled up in each other, his knee firm between my legs, pressing against the ache that’s building fast. I want him so bad and I want him to want me too. It’s been too long since I’ve been with him like this and I’ve missed him so much.

Does he know what he does to me? How out of control he makes me feel?

“Reverie.” His voice breaks through my lust-clouded thoughts but he doesn’t stop me. I’m on top of him, tugging on his clothes, trying to undo his jeans. He clamps his hands on my shoulders, giving me a little shake, and I look into his eyes, blinking him into focus. “Revi. Slow down, baby.”

The sweet nickname he has for me stops me and I lift away from him slightly, feeling dizzy. I remember when he used to called me Daydream but I think I like Revi better. “It’s just…it’s been so long,” I whisper. “And I’m…” My voice drifts and I let my head fall forward, feeling stupid for getting so carried away.

He brushes the wayward strands of hair from my face and I lift my head to find him watching me, his expression gentle, his touch even more so. I want to melt into him. Become one with him and never leave his side. It’s so crazy, my feelings for Nick. We’ve known each other for only a short time but that doesn’t seem to matter.

All I know is that I care for him and want to be with him in every way possible.

“You’re what?” he asks, tracing my face with his fingertips. I close my eyes as he touches my eyebrows, the slope of my nose, the curve of my lips.

“I’m scared,” I say, my voice trembling, and I open my eyes. He drops his hand away from my face. “I don’t like it here, Nick. And I don’t like that you’re here all alone, with no one to help you or protect you. In the summer, everything was different. It was bright and full of promise and sweet and fun. But now it’s just…it’s ugly. Dark and cold and depressing. Everyone acts like they’re out to get you and I don’t understand why.” I cling to him, grabbing hold of his wrist, stopping him from touching me because I can’t think when he touches me.

“It’s not that bad,” he starts but I shake my head, silencing him.

“It’s awful and you know it. I don’t know how you can stay here with them always following you, waiting for you to slip up,” I say, resting my hands on his cheeks, cradling his face. I stare into his eyes, overwhelmed with my feelings for him. He’s so precious to me and I don’t think he even knows it. “You need to come back home with me.”

“I can’t. You know I can’t,” he whispers, his voice harsh, his eyes as dark as the storm outside. “Your brother doesn’t want me there. He doesn’t even want us together. And I have my job, my apartment. Mom’s stuff is still in her room. I haven’t even been able to go through it all yet. It’ll take time. I need to plan. And I just…I have ties here, Reverie. I can’t just pack up and leave.”

“What about your ties to me? Do those exist?” I’m asking too much, I’m sure of it, but I have to know how he feels. If I’m important enough to him that he’ll leave everything just for me.

You’re being totally unfair.

I know it but I can’t help myself.

He blows out a harsh breath and closes his eyes briefly. His agonized expression cracks my heart. “You know they do. I fell for you so fast, Reverie. It’s f**king crazy, how much I feel for you. But it’s just…it’s not that easy for me to leave this place. I have nothing. No one who can help me and I don’t want to burden you with that. Besides, you have your own life to live. You haven’t even graduated high school yet. We can’t expect this to work out between us. We’re being totally unrealistic.”

“I don’t think we’re being unrealistic.” I’m also in complete denial. That I’m even aware of it is almost laughable.

“Give me a break,” he says with a little frustrated laugh, shaking his head. “We need to be real with each other. I want this to work. You mean everything to me. But…I just, I don’t know. Maybe we should wait.”

I withdraw from his arms, a cold, dark pit forming in my stomach. “You think we should wait? Why?”

“You know exactly why. Our circumstances aren’t ideal. And your brother thinks it’s a bad idea.”

“I really don’t care what Evan thinks.” I pause. Amazing how the words are true when I say them out loud. “Do you think it’s a bad idea? Us together?”

Nick says nothing but I guess that’s answer enough.

Lifting my chin, I climb off the couch and grab my purse, then make my way to the front door. “I should go.”

He leaps from the couch and runs after me, slamming his hand flat against the door to prevent me from opening it. “You’re not going anywhere,” he says, his voice firm, allowing me no argument. I’ve never seen him act so bossy. “Don’t be stupid.”

“Are you saying you think I’m stupid?” I turn on him, furious.

“If you’re referring to you leaving this apartment in the rain with no form of transportation to get home then yes, I think you’re being stupid.” He grabs hold of my shoulders and turns me fully toward him, giving me a little shake. “Don’t act like this. You know what I’m saying makes sense. You’re just in denial.”

Monica Murphy's Books